Try moving out of the center of your universe and think of someone else. Do some volunteer work ...find a cause ...besides yourself.
2006-09-18 13:49:22
answer #1
answered by Sam 7
Every relationship you have in your life helps to shape the person you become. The good and the bad are equally important to help us learn and grow.
You move past taking time to pay attention to yourself. Put some extra effort into your career or school, go out with your friends, volunteer for a cause that you believe in. Take up a new hobby, read all those books or watch all the movies you have been putting off because you haven't had the time. Don't become bitter and angry...those feelings are counter productive and a waste of energy.
Above all else don't be in a hurry to get into another relationship. When the time is right and your not looking for it love will come your way. Take care of yourself and remember that the sun always rises on a new day.
2006-09-18 20:40:18
answer #2
answered by Barbiq 6
It's not easy and it will take time. The only way to make sure the effects don't carry over to a future relationship is to understand what happened in the relationship. You need to know how and why the other person treated you, and you need to know how and why you treated the other person. Be willing to be hurt by what you discover and you'll be better prepared to pick the right partner and treat them with heartfelt love.
2006-09-18 20:27:37
answer #3
answered by S K 7
Have a good time, forget the past! Sometimes alcohal does the trick! Friends will help too.
2006-09-18 20:28:58
answer #4
answered by vaiosoft 4
time is the thing u least want to hear becasue u want to forget him ASAP, but its true. all i can say, is find alternatives. do what makes you happy.. spend more time with family and good friends. have fun.. laugh.. stay away from sappy songs, novels and movies. pampering yourself works as well. i got over mine by making myself feel better by improving my looks. i started working out more and i feel so much better now. but it does suck. i know. i loved what i had but had to get over it and it took time.. about a month
2006-09-18 20:45:40
answer #5
answered by _asHLey_ 2
One day at a time until the day turns to weeks, weeks to months, and months to years. There's no other way to do it.
2006-09-18 20:26:53
answer #6
answered by Mary Rose 2
Friends....and time. You'll feel better after a few months.
2006-09-18 20:25:06
answer #7
answered by Neophyte 3
Just do it!!
2006-09-18 20:24:05
answer #8
answered by Anonymous