That person becomes a part of you and you put your whole life and trust in their hands. After a break up you feel very vulnerable but it will pass. Try doing something that will take your mind off of it. When I'm in that situation I go help someone and my problems seems to take in a new light.
2006-09-18 11:20:26
answer #1
answered by Janet lw 6
I just recently went through that, and I can say it's because you gave them your heart and soul, you felt like they were your entire world, it seems almost as if your heart doesn't want to continue to beat because every time it does it aches a little more...
and when that world you built comes crumbling down you think you have nothing left, BUT the way to get around it is to focus on what you still have and that there are approximately 6 or 7 BILLION people on this planet and one of them will love you and you will love them and that you belong together and will spend the rest of your lives loving each other, Never give up hope, Sometimes it's all you have.
2006-09-18 18:20:45
answer #2
answered by hero_del_cielo 2
If only we knew why... In a relationship, so much is at stake; you win big, and you lose big. It hurts for a while, but it gets better with time. Try to stay busy, keep your mind and body occupied. Hang out with friends, run a mile a day, read a good book, get a new hobby. The feeling will fade away eventually, and you'll meet someone else. Don't let it consume you, just hang in there!
2006-09-18 18:21:00
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
My b/f and I were together 9 months and he broke up with me- but he doesn't really even know why. I ask him all the time and he says he feels like the biggest loser for letting me go! But, love is funny like that- you get so comfortable with someone and when the least little thing happens it throws everything out of wack. I'm sorry and I hope you're okay. I am still trying to get over my b/f- we just broke up last week.
2006-09-18 18:20:37
answer #4
answered by *Don't Bug Me* 4
It always hurts, you will learn to move on, you may never actually get over it and thats ok alot of people dont even finding someone new and better that person can still be on your mind from time to time, just give it time, you say you want to get back together but be carefull you broke up for a reason,right? You may only get hurt again. You will be fine, I promise! We are here for ya!
2006-09-18 18:21:45
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Because in your mind he is the love of your life. The trick is to convince yourself he is not the love of your life. First of all get rid of anything that reminds you of him. Second of all is avoid anything that reminds you of him, (places where you hung out togehter, movies you watched together, music you listen to together, ...etc) and third of all this is a good time to fill down time with a new hobby... a boyfriend or girlfriend takes up a lot of time... try jogging, painting, or doing something you haven't had time to do during that "down" time where your mind may wander and make you depressed. Surround yourself with friends and family... visit old acquaintances.... soon you will wonder why you even wanted the guy in the first place.... oh and remember not to contact him to see how he's doing and if he calls ignore him.....
2006-09-18 18:21:34
answer #6
answered by okchico 3
well why wouldnt you feel that way? look, I can only kind of relate to your situtation. no offense or anything, but you have it far worse. I'm so sorry. I'm an athlete. Did you know that when a muscle is stretched or pulled it grows back stronger? A heart is a muscle too. I believe that in order for it to grow, sometimes it needs to be broken. I understand if that doesn't help at all...but just wait it out a bit. someday you'll wake up and realize that its over. it happened. life happened. and now you're over him. and you'll be okay, you'll be OK.
2006-09-18 18:24:40
answer #7
answered by sugar4sandy 3
Not to diminish the value of true love...BUT, there is a chemical dependency at work. From a scientific point of view, love is a bonding that creates the release of endorphins when that bonding is active. When you are separated, you suffer withdrawls very similar to a chemical addiction.
You must treat your recovery as such - you are medically addicted to him as he is too you. Whichever of you is most ready to give up that addiction, will recover the quickest.
You gotta quite that addiction. there are a number of site on the net dedicated to recover steps.
hope this helps
2006-09-18 18:28:07
answer #8
answered by orangeontherocks 2
It sounds like this wasn't at all a waste of time, and that you loved (and still love) him very much!...When you're in love with someone, It's almost as if your whole world evolves around them, and they are your world...and then once that's gone, It's just the worst feeling in the world!
2006-09-18 18:18:56
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Because your hearts were evidently bound together, based on your description. If you really love this person (with Agape love)
he will return to you if it is God's will for him to do so. I would do my best to move forward in life (and have been here, personally) while you wait for the final results. If not, you'll drive yourself nuts by continuing to compulsively think of the one you have (temporarily?) lost.
Genesis 34:3
His heart was drawn to Dinah daughter of Jacob, and he loved the girl and spoke tenderly to her.
2006-09-18 18:17:25
answer #10
answered by Anonymous