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This guy im talking to is reall stress out because he got in this huge fight with his best friend and i wanted to do something nice for him to make him feel better...give me some suggestions (and nothing sexual please)

2006-09-18 09:35:59 · 49 answers · asked by Lek 6 in Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

49 answers

Just keep talking to him and be supportive. Suggest to him to talk things out with his friend...

2006-09-18 09:38:18 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I agree, doing something nice is not going to make him feel any better about the fight with his friend. If he wants to talk about it, be there to listen...careful on the advice you offer. If you want to do something nice, maybe cook him dinner...something simple. Clean his house....if he doesn't mind. Take him out for drinks. Why not ask him what would make him feel better. If I had an argument with a girlfriend and felt bad about it, I would actually be annoyed if someone was trying to get me to forget about it like it was no big deal.

2006-09-18 09:42:53 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It really depends on the kinda of guy he is. Some guys might just appreciate the space. You can let him know that if he needs a friend you are there for him and see what he does.
If you want to make his day, get him somthing that'll make him happy. Since I don't know him and you do, you have to decide.Most guys like games, electronics, good food. You can grab some food and drop it off for him or may be chill and eat with him and hear him out if he wants to speak his mind if not watch a movie that can take his mind off things too.
Good luck and I think its sweet that you care, just make sure you are not stepping into his space.

2006-09-18 09:40:28 · answer #3 · answered by Pudge_Monsta 3 · 0 0

Hi there! I can understand your situation and here is the best solution I can think of........ Be nice to him, make him feel that you are helpful, and at the same time, give him space so that he can feel free at the times you are with him, choose topics to talk that are of his interests and very politely ask for his views on them. And now the main thing, remember make him feel comfortable in your company and try to make him trust you, so after achieving this stage it would be easier to try and make him spit all the bitterness out of him in front of you, thats the only way you can help him feel better. Be a good and patient listener to him so that he can share all his feelings with you. Be neutral, don't give your remarks on anything, but at the same time, show him that you are really concerned.
Hope that will help you in helping him.
Good Luck!

God Bless ^__^

2006-09-18 10:08:07 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well it's so hard without knowing the situation. I'm a person to where if it is out of my hands I don't like people reminding me of what I'm upset about. I'd just not change the way u are with him. Sometimes a person just needs to solve things on their own. Or maybe time will fix it. I'd just continue being his friend just as normal. When he's ready to talk, you'll be there!

2006-09-18 09:50:10 · answer #5 · answered by Tiffany A 2 · 0 0

What kind of whimp is he? So he had a fight with his best friend. If the other guy truly is a best friend they will get over it. If not, nothing lost. As for you doing something nice for him, aside from sex there is little you can do. You could suggest dinner together but he will think its a come-on for sex. You could suggest a picnic or a walk by the lake but once again he will read something else into it. Best wish him the best of luck and forget the whole thing.

2006-09-18 09:42:16 · answer #6 · answered by 2hot 3 · 0 2

I guess it depends on how well you know each other and how much you want to spend.

Make a 'movie night' basket: Buy a couple DVD's, and some microwave popcorn, plus "movie" candy like twislers, plus 2 sodas.

Buy "wine for dummies" and put it in a basket with 3 bottles of inexpensive wine.

Buy him a video game, or a book with the "cheats" to a game he already plays

Buy a couple cartoon books, like dilbert or calvin & hobbes.

Get him a gift card to a coffee spot like starbucks.

Take him bowling or to play pool.

Thats just what I can think of off the top of my head.

2006-09-18 09:44:47 · answer #7 · answered by Crystal Violet 6 · 0 0

Take him out to a quiet place and let him vent his frustrations about the difficulties with his former best friend. Don't be too judgemental, just let him talk. This might be tougher than it sounds, men aren't in the habit of discussing 'feeling' like women. Therefore, be prepared to be very patient.

2006-09-18 09:40:24 · answer #8 · answered by jack w 6 · 0 0

Just take him out to do something he likes, be goofy, playful in a friendly way and just show him a good time without talking at all about the fight

2006-09-18 09:38:40 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Sometimes something as small as putting aside time to talk to him will help! Let him blow off some steam about the situation...you want to let him know that you care about his feelings too.

Maybe go to a movie or something with him...something to let him know that even though he might be hurting, you care about him!

2006-09-18 09:39:33 · answer #10 · answered by everfair 3 · 0 0

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