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I am a 30 year old woman who has 2 kids and one on the way, I have always wanted to know if what I am feeling during intercourse or just four play is an orgasm or some other complacation. So if you can be considerate & share what you are to beleive an orgasm feels like or maybe how your body reacts to it this will help me to really understand what might be happening to me. This is not for you to laugh at everyone has their doubts in the back of their mind. Please help uncertain in Oklahoma.

2006-09-18 09:00:52 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

6 answers

I suppose orgasm is the the same feeling as that in a man........
Its like flying high up in air in enjoyment same time caught tight in pleaure of unknown nature. That time you want to stop so as to prolong that pleasure and also want that it should not stop as the feeling is so nice.

2006-09-19 05:47:08 · answer #1 · answered by soofi 5 · 0 0

Everyone is different. Some women have orgasms and experience uncontrollable shaking until the feeling passes, some women get really wet, some women even squirt. If you have to ask you may not be experiencing one it could just be a rush from the intercourse. But it's just a very pleasurable feeling

2006-09-18 09:04:52 · answer #2 · answered by miss_lady6980 3 · 0 0

When you feel an orgasm trust me you know it! and is not like foreplay that's just a rush, an orgasm spasms your body, your mind goes a little blank, your toes curl and you think you can control it but you just burst with this feeling of passion and hotness andyour eyes dialate, your heart goes like 1000 beats for second and by the time it's over your mouth it's dry, your body feels heavy and sometimes you feel like snacking

2006-09-18 09:43:06 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

it is an intense six to ten seconds of vaginal contractions. some orgasms can be felt by the whole body, but the majority of orgasms are vaginal. i'll agree "if you have to ask, you probably have never had an orgasm." one word that comes to mind when describing an orgasm is "uncontrollable." i lose myself for the short duration of the orgasm, but it is worth every lost moment!

2006-09-18 09:15:33 · answer #4 · answered by barbsmonsta 3 · 0 0

i am also from oklahoma.
i studied this a little in a sex class.
it's an involuntary type of spasm.
kind of like a sneeze but much larger.
it's like once it's happening you could not stop it.
the blood pools in the genital area and the orgasm
releases the blood. i don't know how to describe what
it feels like. maybe different for other people, i only know
about me.

2006-09-18 09:05:09 · answer #5 · answered by Sufi 7 · 0 0

hm, well describe what you feel, if it is painful and nasty, kind of like childbirth might feel like, well that probably isnt what most people would consider an orgasm. I guess if you have to ask, you probably havent had one.

2006-09-18 09:03:56 · answer #6 · answered by rand a 5 · 0 0

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