Well, I dunno. But please use protection........
2006-09-18 08:57:45
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
the "spot" his is talking about is the sometimes small hole that is darker than the rest of the hymn most girls have. When she has sex for the first time this is ripped and is no longer visible.
However.. why is it so important to him that he is your first? Why would you want to give up somethning so special to someone who doesn't trust you?
You should first tell him its none of his business who you have or haven't been with and that if he can't live with that then "see ya".
but... judging by your question I'm sure that what will happen will be that you will sleep with him anyway. so please be sure to use birth control because you can get knocked up the FIRST TIME you do it.
You should really think about it though.. this guy is a user.. and he's trying to bully you into somethning that it sounds like you are not ready for or want.
2006-09-18 09:02:30
answer #2
answered by .... 5
You need to stay in school and out of the bed.
my bf thinks has sex be4 him and i didnt and dont be-leave me what should i do?
he says it cuz he said there is a spot on ur virgnia that goes away after u have sex and he siad i didnt have it but i never heard of that but i need major help plz
2006-09-18 08:57:40
answer #3
answered by YAHOO SUCKS ASS 3
Your boyfriend must be referring to your hymen--a piece of skin that partially or completely obstructs the opening to the vagina. Your hymen can be broken during sex, but it also can be broken from other activity, too--such as horseback-riding, bicycle-riding, and using tampons. Having your hymen broken doesn't mean you have lost your virginity, unless you have actually had sex. The only way to lose your virginity is to have sexual intercourse--that's the bottom line. So tell that to your boyfriend,. and if he still doesn't believe you, why are you with someone who doesn't trust you anyways?
2006-09-18 09:04:31
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I think he's talking about the hymen? After you have sex it breaks and you bleed a little, some people a lot. You're young, he's not the last boy on earth, if he wants to believe differently, let him and move on to someone who will respect you enough not to call you a liar.
2006-09-18 09:00:13
answer #5
answered by Heather S 4
leave him and go with someone that shows some respect. insecure people are such a pain let him go so he can grow up
2006-09-18 09:01:45
answer #6
answered by concrete water 3
I would leave him and find someone who will believe you. If he doesn't trust in this how is it going to get any better.
2006-09-18 08:57:46
answer #7
answered by Anonymous