I am tired, what's a woman supposed to do? I get up go to work, come home and go jogging, cook dinner, clean the house, take care of my daughter, wash clothes constantly pick up behind "Other People". I am just fed up. I don't want to do it anymore. What's a good woman? Why are so many women giving up so easily? Here's why, I am sick of his *** coming home getting on the ******* computer while I cook dinner, watch my daughter and referee his children who's momma don't want to raise them. I am tired of not having a break from them always sitting around making noise, begging for something, hogging the computer and television, and not picking up behind themselves (they don't even have chores 7&11 years old)! I am tired of having sex that is boring, the usual oral sex then intercourse (no orgasm intercourse wise) and then the roll over and go to sleep thing! I am ******* sick of the financial strain and the arguments that follow from all of these things. I have had enough, enough, enough! I want my own damn place away from "HIS" children, where he can come home and "Cook", and "Clean" up after them, and put up with their annoying asses! I want my own place so if we get in an argument there isn't the quote "This house **** thrown up". I want him to buy all the stuff for the house that I do, plus clothing for the children and him how he can (his paycheck is just covering the living expenses). Why do I stay because I love him but I am not too sure I am in love with him? What will be the determining factor? When I save and I am fully capable of being independent of him he'll definitely be a wreck or at least I hope so. He expects so much from me but when will he see that I can do better than him that sometimes he doesn't need to press that button to get me upset because I am one foot out the door, and that he's not all that he thinks he is (when your not great or good you need to remain humble a bit)! I need peace of mind and how will I get it in the type of situation if it is obtainable I don't know!!! Pray for me!!
26 answers
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Family & Relationships
➔ Marriage & Divorce
ALL your posts are the same.Tell the kid's mom to come pick them up!
2006-09-18 06:52:54
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I'm so sorry. You sound as if you are at the end of your rope. Have you tried family counseling? Even if your family does not agree to go, maybe it would be a good idea for you to get some help. Have you spoken to your husband and your daughter and stepchildren and tell them how you feel? The older kids need to do their own chores and help around the house and your husband needs to pull his own weight and share responsibilities at home. Maybe you should lay down some rules and back off doing everything for everyone.
If you ever leave, your husband will survive. He knows that when you are around he does not have to lift a finger. It's not that he cannot do things around the house and manage the kids, it's just that he does not want to or have to because you are doing it.
2006-09-18 07:07:42
answer #2
answered by G.V. 6
The strategies isn't at peace because of the fact it would not want to have peace, the strategies is administered with the aid of the ego and the two the strategies and the ego seek for themselves interior the destiny. The contradiction is that interior the destiny there is super subject and worry yet additionally salvation so this dualistic nature lives which you attempt to get there and yet you extremely do no longer want to the two. The strategies says that as quickly as you attain so and so or have so and so or stay there or have which you've gotten attained peace yet somewhat that may not in any respect ensue. So as a manner to realize the peace you want for your self you're able to be able to desire to look to the 2nd the place existence is actual and happens that's the present 2nd. however the strategies and the ego hate the present 2nd they the two want you to attempt forward to that shangrila on your strategies, that distinctive place interior the destiny in spite of if its in user-friendly terms a pint at 3pm down the pub you will pass over all the hours waiting to get to this afternoon once you are able to finally loosen up. you will spend your smart tens of millions and tens of millions attempting to earnings greater time to get to a place that somewhat would not exist. See the place you're good now in this 2nd and discover peace there, there is not any longer the rest.
2016-10-15 03:24:45
answer #3
answered by ? 4
Hi dear... I can gauge the depth of your frustration form the above text. I dunno what bothers u so much that made u go fuming so much against your own kids and husband..?!! Anyway, i'll try y best to be the balm for your bruise. :-)
Dear pal, plz remember, A house can only be a house but never a "HOME" if love is missing. A HOME is a place where u wanna be at the end of a gruelling day, amongst your loved ones, its a shelter from the outside world, a place to soothe your bruised mind, a place to soothe your swollen feet after the worldy rat race, a place to get back to yourself and your world. And your world is none other than your family.
Ask yourself, can u REALLY be happy being away from them? Can u afford the silence after u leave all of them, as a reason to get peace of mind? Will that make u happy? Think...!!!
Talk to your husband. Open up your worries and concerns. Infidelity can creep up during dissatisfactions and will ONLY add petrol to the fire inside. There is no other virtue than being true to loved ones, especially during trying times.
You told sex is boring. Try something different in the bedroom. Get a new sexy lingerie, flaming ed color. Tell him what u desire. Tell him how u wanna be felt in his arms. At last, he is not a mind reader. Talk to him... And let him know.
Kids are precious gifts from the Almighty. Care for them, Love them. U can find HIM in small children. HIS love flows thru their laughter, cos kids have nothing to fake. Get them chocolates, they aren't expensive. Watch them smile. This itself must make u feel better. :-)
Try these... Be completely free of all tension. Approach a day as if it was your next day of marriage. Make your family notice you. Grab their attention. Set down rules for all, including yourself.
MOST IMPORTANTLY, pray on a regular basis. There is NO better teacher than JESUS!!! HE will show you the way. HE shed his blood for our good, then y cant u shed a few tears? :-)
Remember, make your house a HOME. You start the journey. Your family will follow. Jesus bless you. I will surely pray for your good.
From a dear firend... :-)
2006-09-18 07:22:34
answer #4
answered by Kev 1
I'm guessing that you will be pissed and angry even after you split from this guy. But, xonstructively, make some household rules. If the family, especially your husband, doesn't comply let it go. If his laundry isn't done, or his food not cooked.... tough for him. If that doesn't work go on a vacation for 10 days without him or the kids. Let him handle it all. You can't afford a vacation? Heck, even holing up in the nearest Motel 6 with a couple of loaves of bread, a jar of peanut butter and some bottles of water should be better than what you've described here.
God bless.
2006-09-18 07:11:01
answer #5
answered by Brent 6
You have it real bad. But the truth is you need to leave.If you don't leave you will end up going insane, and it sounds to me like you are not that far from there. A piece of mind is all where the question lies.It is all in the mind. What i think you should do i leave your daughter by one of your relatives a friday evening and leave him and his children in the house and go somewhere and relax for the weekend. Call him when you get there but don't tell him where you are. Telll him to put his wife in court so she can pay child support for the damn kids. Then leave him in the house after you save some money like you said.
2006-09-18 07:11:18
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
So, were you just releasing some pressure? Prayer is a very good start to get what you want out of the relationship. You can also, give him a test of his own medicine by going away for a couple of days on your own, (maybe during a weekend), and let him handle everything you are complaining about, especially the kids. He would gather a lot of appreciation for you if he actually knew what he's not having to do because of you & your love for him. Then you can sit and tell him about these things when he calls to ask you to hurry back home because he can't do what's needed. THINK about IT! Things may turn for the better.
2006-09-18 07:00:35
answer #7
answered by msthinkpositive 5
Ok I'll pray for you but thats soo mean you knew he had kids before you hooked up Right? And you accepted it..Right? I hope my kids don't go through this with there dads lady.. Girl maybe you should just leave if your so unhappy.. That really sucks..If the sex aint good and the money isn't there and you over working yourself and it's not your family, HELLO leave..Duh girl you should be happy or at least they should appreciate you more some how in some way. Yeah I'm gonna pray for you. Oh and good job keeping up the house and stuff I know how it feels but its my house my kids my work. It's hard.
2006-09-18 07:15:44
answer #8
answered by Sissy Girl 3
I'd have to say you are in a situation!! First of all... you can still love him and leave. You can still love him and hate him. If I were to be in your spot here is what I would do.. Lay down the law. come home make a list of all the things you do, then a list of all the things he does. I saw this on one of the nany shows.. Take a cookie sheet in each others hands (be sure do this all while the kids are in bed or away, they don'tneed to be apart of this yet.) use baggs of marbles, beans anything with some weight. for every "chore" you do put a bag on your tray and same for him. once he sees how heavy your tray is and how ful it is.. sit down and tell him its wearing you down. You need some help. Go thur the list and see hwat the older kids can do for chores, what he can do and wht you can do. If you are both working, then its a 50/50 with everything. I personally don't work and we agreed ahead of time that I would be the Suzy Homemaker of the tow of us. I have been in your spot before, we went to counciling and it took him being kicked out for a while to open his eyes. Luckly itworked. He was deployed to iraq for a year, and that reall,y opened his eyes up to see what life would be loike without me there cooking and cleaning up for him. Remind your spouse that you are his wife not hs mother. That you are the children's step mother not their real mother. And that he is a DAD! and with that title comes lots of responsibility. If he won't take time outa his day to listen to you.. tell him that its pushing you away and that you may have to walk out to get his attention. Before you threaten anything make sure you can follow thur with it. If it means getting a hotel for a night, then thats what you have to do. if you need any advice or wanna talk feel free to drop me a line... hope i helped?
2006-09-18 07:12:01
answer #9
answered by supermom31700 1
Girl, just leave. you can't wait to be financially stable else something will always come up that you'll have to dip into those funds. NEway, he may be wise to your plight and that's why he has you buy all the clothes for the children and house stuff ....to keep you from saving money to move out and away from him.
Call up friends and family and see if you can stay with them for a few months to get back on your feet....but you gotta get out of this situation. Sounds like he is totally using you because he doesn't want to have to deal with kids, finances ect.
2006-09-18 06:58:50
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
You're full of resentment. This man has gotten lazy and expects you to do everything. I don't think so. A reality check for him would be to leave him, even on a temporary basis. See what he does. See how he feels when he doesn't have you there doing everything for him and his kids. And why don't his kids have chores! My kids are 6 and 4 and they have little things around the house they have to do, but every little bit helps. Or, if you're not financially ready to be on your own, just stop doing for everyone one. That'll open his eyes real quick. When his belly is empty and his clothes are dirty...You're in my prayers girl. Keep in touch if you want. I'd be glad to hear from you.
2006-09-18 06:58:44
answer #11
answered by Anonymous