useless to try..avoid this person, they will pull you down, steal from you,
2006-09-18 07:01:54
answer #1
answered by churchonthewayseniors 6
Can you give any more details? I have experience in this area; several of my friends have used in the past. Some kicked the habit, and two died. What I can tell you is that it depends greatly on the situation. If this is your friend, encourage that person to get help immediately. Be there for that person no matter what, no matter how many times it takes to kick the habit. If this is your spouse, if kids are involved, get the hell out of there - and then be there for the person, if even from afar. The sad truth is that the person will either pick themselves up and detox or they won't. If they won't they will probably die a young and tragic death. This is a BAD drug, nothing to mess around with and nothing to take lightly. In short, make smart decisions for yourself, and try to be there for the person - but don't put yourself or the kids at risk to try to "save" someone. They have to save themselves.
2006-09-18 14:14:15
answer #2
answered by M K 2
pray for them, you can't save them. They have got to want to change. They need to seek treatment, rehab, detox, Narcotics Anonymous meetings. You can take him to court and have him committed to a treatment center if you want, but still he isn't going to change until he hits a bottom! He has to get to the point where he is sick and tired of being sick and tired! I am not sure of the situation, if you need better answers you can email me on my yahoo 360 page. I am a recovering addict with 2 1/2 years clean! I used for 13 years, so I might be able to give you some answers!
2006-09-18 14:12:33
answer #3
answered by faith 5
Don't give them money!!!!!!!!
2006-09-18 14:14:36
answer #4
answered by heaven o 4