Be proud that a man of your age can attract younger girls. I too, married an older guy and the reason being was love (of course) and his maturity. Guys my age lacked maturity, respect, responsibility and over all manners. (Some but not all) and that's why I was always attracted to someone older than me. I think it's okay to be with anyone as long as their not minors and are compatible with your maturity level.
2006-09-18 06:57:43
answer #1
answered by Yahoo Anwers 5
looking back... what in the hell were all those guys hanging out with me for? i was 15 he was 19. that lasted a year then i was 17 he was 21. lasted another year. then in my 20's almost every guy i dated was 30+. at 21 i dated a 40 year old. at 22 i married a 38 year old. (divorced quickly) at 24 had a 42 year old for some reason i always liked men who where 35-42 age. oddly. that didn't change as i got older. when i turned 30 i married a 37 year old. kept that one. still think he is HOT! not sure why. most were not what i would call "gentlemen" wasn't a father figure either. just the thought that an older man was more established in life. while younger men still had no direction.
2016-03-17 22:32:28
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I myself am attracted to older men. I am know in my 30's and dating a man in his 50's. I pass for being in my 20's so to say my boyfriend and myself get alot of stares. The point is 19 I would not take it any where past hello. Late 20's they could be something. Alot of girls 19 etc.. are looking for someone to take care of them, emotionally, physically , and financially. So, be carefull. You should not be the father figure in their lives. By the way I make ALOT more money then my boyfriend but, I am looked at like I'm looking for a sugar daddy. Pleeease.
2006-09-18 06:54:32
answer #3
answered by umcntry 2
I think it depends on the people involved in the relationship not their ages. I have dated men 6 years younger than me and 18 years older than me. Right now I am in a great relationship with a man 7 years older. I have never been happier and it has nothing to do with age.
2006-09-18 06:51:45
answer #4
answered by Tiffany 2
Very simple answer. WOMEN like older MEN bc of maturity. Younger men have no experiences in life and are learning them at that age. We like to be with someone we don't have to teach how to be a man. We are looking for the ones that have already became a man!! Hope that helps!
2006-09-18 06:49:57
answer #5
answered by Pimp E 3
Females like older guys because older guys have a more mature look about them
2006-09-18 07:08:48
answer #6
answered by arie_hland 2
i like younger guys myself ,younger guys are always attracted to me guys like 23 or older and i'm 33,i guess i like them cause they are fresh and make u feel sexy.I guess maybe the girls think your hot maybe your an attractive sexy older guy and they can't resist ,if they are legal and willing u should go for it ,not a thing wrong with it,u should accept an invitation and see if she or they are for real.
2006-09-18 06:51:29
answer #7
answered by ocean currants 2
I hope your single. I know when I was that age I liked older guys too. Take care that you don't get burned...but have fun I guess.
2006-09-18 06:55:09
answer #8
answered by Barbiq 6
You're not picking them up from high school, then it's all good. As long as you two on the same wavelength, run it. I'm 32 and my wife is 25.
2006-09-18 06:49:59
answer #9
answered by Migity696 3
some are probly playin around. you should be able to tell.
But if you want to take them up on it, go ahead...they are old enough to make that choice.
2006-09-18 06:50:21
answer #10
answered by Ellyn 5