so theres this girl that was a loser last year, and this year shes like popular, and she hangs out with my crush alot so i asked her if she liked him and she was like 'no hes just soooo much fun to hang out with, hes the coolest guy,i was just talking to him" and like im jelous! i DONT want them to go out and i really hate this girl...wat can i do to like bring her down or something or how can i make this guy like me?!
24 answers
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im not mean, the girl has done such mean things to me in the past which have to do with this guy, she stole him away from me, i need to get my revenge
06:48:10 ·
update #1
The girl answered your question, so take her out of the equation. There's no reason to hate her at this point. If she was trying to keep you from getting at him, she certainly would not have given you that info (that she's not going for him). The ball's in your court (and the girl you're jealous of, helped you get the ball!)
If you don't know her and/or trust her well enuf to get her to help you snag this man, you're gonna have to step your game up a little.
Keep your appearance flawless, keep making eye contact with him (if you're too shy to say hello), try to find out his traveling circles (where his fave spots are, and who he hangs with) and try to be at some of those place without looking like you're a stalker.
If you play this right, you could have him sooner than you know it, and look at the girl who offered you the information closely. If she's genuinely a good person, you could've just met a life long friend and if she's a skank, you'll know her well enuf to figure out how to toss her from the "club" without her or this guy knowing who and/or how it was done.
If you need anything else, just look me up. Hope this helps! Good Luck!
2006-09-18 07:01:32
answer #1
answered by dct1218 4
Realize that you can't make anyone like you. IF this girl was such a loser last year, why would you want to bring her down? Maybe you should have tried being her friend when she was a loser then you two wouldn't be competing for this guy's attention.
The best revenge you could get is to NOT stoop to her level. She's probably doing to you what you possibly did to her - snubbing you. First off, she knows that you are crushing on that guy. Mainly because you approached her and asked her if she likes him. She is hanging out with him because she knows that you like him and she knows that it's irritating you.
Second, the reason you don't want them to go out is because you are afraid that this crush will like that girl. Get over it he's just a guy. Find something and/or someone else to occupy your thoughts and your time.
This girl needs to see that you are not all that interested in this guy anymore. Then she will set her sights elsewhere. To her, it's a competition. She is probably not interested in him anyway but because she knows you are, she is going to milk it for all it's worth.
Trust me girlfriend, it's never a good thing to let another female see what you are thinking. Maybe you need to just talk to your crush and let him know you are interested. If you can't do that then move on. He isn't worth your time and she isn't worth the aggrevation. Good luck.
2006-09-18 07:40:20
answer #2
answered by NyteWing 5
If a person cares for you or loves you.. then no one can "Steal" him away from you.
Why get caught up in drama. You need to check yourself. If you communicate your feelings to your "crush" by telling him you feel uncomfortable about this person hanging around him... and he doesn't check her behavior... then you need to move on. If that happens it's a clear indication that he's not interested in you.
Now... assuming he has a "crush" on you too then there really shouldn't be a problem.
If he understands how you feel and takes action by staying away from this person or making sure this person is not hanging out where does then you'll never have to say a word to her.
Females need to learn not to be catty toward one another... it's not cute, productive or sensible. This whole concept about "her getting his attention" or possibly "stealing his affections away" is really ALL about what the Guy allows a female to do, or how close he'll allow her to get.
If he entertains her affections, conversation and attention then he's not for you and never was.
Move on, get it together and be a bit more mature because your statments are kinda boarderline crazy ugly.
2006-09-18 07:38:55
answer #3
answered by 247 4
Don't bash this girl to your crush or it will make you look bad. If this guy is your crush does he have any clue how you feel about him? Have you made any moves like to get him to help you with something or just come out and ask him out? She's fair game until you put the dibs on him and he knows it.
2006-09-18 06:51:12
answer #4
answered by Brianne 7
Well Jennifer,
I have been in a situation just like this. There was this guy who everyone, including me, thought was just the hottest guy on earth. Well at camp this year, the whole week he flirted and walked me to my dorm. After camp he stopped talking to me and started going out with this other girl. I thought I was gonna die. I liked her but when she started going out with him, I wanted to kill her. So, the bottom line is, I figured I would just wait it out and see what happens, meanwhile I found the perfect guy and it was not him. So just let things play out, and don't do anything to her, she probably dosn't even know you like him. Just flirt alot!!
2006-09-18 07:02:01
answer #5
That is not such a big problem! You'll realise one day how minor it is. You can't make someone like you and don't lower yourself to anyone elses level, go and find someone who likes you back and stop worrying about people who aren't bothered about you.
2006-09-18 06:56:03
answer #6
answered by Mary R 1
First off you can NOT make someone like you and bring her down for what purpose? They are friends and your are jealous of the time he spends with her. If not her, there is going to be someone else. You need to get a grip. If you like and want to be with this guy..YOU have to do something to get him to notice you OR go and talk to him....SHE has nothing to do with your feelings for him so back off of her.
2006-09-18 06:48:06
answer #7
answered by Mean Carleen 7
Why would you want to bring her down? You are being hateful and that is unnattractive to everyone. Your best course of action is to change your attitude and get to know her. Be her friend, which will bring you closer to your crush. Once he sees what a sweetheart you are, how could he not want to be with you?
Seriously! A change of attitude is definitely in order.
2006-09-18 06:47:18
answer #8
answered by Rachel M 4
You can't MAKE someone like you. I can guarantee that if you do something to "bring her down" you'll end up looking like an idiot. Go for gold - be yourself. If he doesn't like you, move on. It's not mature and doesn't look good when you try to manipulate someone into liking you.
2006-09-18 06:47:28
answer #9
answered by Pimp E 3
dont make a fool out of her...just try to improve your look to get him to notice you! she got him to notice her by changing...but dont change yourself just to impress him...change for yourself becuase you want to make a difference in your life...because being an outsider sucks trust me! or you can just gain the confidence to talk to him and become friends with him because guys like girls who arent shy around the popular guys. so just give it a try becuase if you dont try then you will never know if he likes you becuase he might like you but just scared cuz he dont know how you feel so just make the first move! good luck!
2006-09-18 06:49:17
answer #10
answered by crazybayb20 2