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I am in love with a totally beautiful woman. She is super hot, a head turner, and is madly in love with me I'm pretty confident. Problem is that she wants more sex than I can give her. And she wants it at hours that intetrfere with my work.
She is artist and sleeps till noon - 3pm whatever time she wants. I work a job and must be there by 8am. She will keep me up until 1:30 am - 2:30am or later 3 or 4 nights a week in bed and I am physically exhausted and my work is suffering. She needs intercourse every single night, I love sex with her and am way into it, but there have been times I am simply not able to perform, I explain that its normal for a man to need a break once in a while and she gets terribly upset and insists that if I were turned on by her i would never ever have a problem like that.
I know that this seems like an insane thing to have an issue with (hot chick loves sex every single night and twice most nights) but we have been together 9 months now - Help! Advice

2006-09-18 06:44:00 · 20 answers · asked by hipmc 1 in Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

20 answers

While it is a man's dream come true, it really is difficult to be doing it twice nightly for 9 months!!
If she was really into you, she would know your body, know that you are tired and understand the work pressure.
Sounds like she just on the sex trip.
Talk to her.

2006-09-18 06:55:15 · answer #1 · answered by needanewman 2 · 0 0

It is hard to take when a guy doesn't want to be intimate with you for WHATEVER reason when you damn well know you are a hot, young woman! So for her to hear this, you have to be very careful not to hurt her feelings.

First, sit down with her, and make sure she's in a good mood. If she's already upset about something, this will not help. Next, ramble ON and ON about how gorgeous and intelligent and sexy she is....pile it on thick. Tell her that making love to her is better than anything you have ever known and you want nothing more than to enjoy her every second, but realistically you have to get some shut eye in order to perform at your best! Make the issue all about you and not her.

Hopefully you catch my drift....cushion the blow (blow being you NOT wanting her all over your stuff every second).

2006-09-18 07:00:34 · answer #2 · answered by Rachael 3 · 0 0

I keep my man up sometimes when I know he's tired ... but the sex is just sooo good I want more and more ... !

He works early ... very early ... and gets off around 2pm ... I work 8-5 Mon-Fri ... so my schedule is a little different than his ... !

She sounds like she wants everything her way ... which is wrong ... if she loves you or truly wants you to be happy ... then she should know you need time to rest .. nobody works well when they're not getting enough sleep ... !

If I'm not getting enough during the week .. that's fine with me .. I know the weekend is just around the corner and we'll make up for the lost time ... !

2006-09-18 06:54:34 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Dude, you sound like you need to seat down with your girl and setup a sex schedule. Start drinking more vitamins and protein., excercise. STOP saying NO to her dawg.. she might look for what she needs else where. Try to get involve in sports activities that would get you both exhausted, sex after that can be very rewarding and will get BOTH of you tire quick. STOP whining man.. keep that to yourself. ooohhh and try to surprise her this week, why don't you get on her case when she is working or doing something she really likes, BE THE AGGRESSOR.

2006-09-18 06:55:44 · answer #4 · answered by Ordinary man 2 · 0 0

Tell her to get a job and help with the rent (assuming she lives with you). You shouldn't have let her move in. If she doesn't get a job, I'd kick her out even if it risks her breaking up with you. I don't have a job right now, but I'm not living with my boyfriend. I'm living with his parents. But she needs a schedule too. So she understands what you're going through. I'm kind of the same way expecting that from my boyfriend. We stopped having sex so we can wait til we are married. Either you cut down on sex or she gets a job or you kick her out. Those are some of the options. Good Luck!

2006-09-18 06:51:59 · answer #5 · answered by Mel 3 · 0 1

Just tell her when sleep time will normally be for you and you won't be having sex during that time. And that you are done by a certain time so you can sleep.

If she can't respect that so you can be rested for work and your work doesn't suffer then you may have to consider living apart( I assume you are). If your not living together that leave for home in time to sleep and make her leave at a certain time so you can sleep

2006-09-18 07:05:30 · answer #6 · answered by Carp 5 · 0 0

If only every guy had your problem. I'm guessing that you are a fairly young guy.... Work out regularly, and eat right (no fast food or junk food). Take lots of vitamin B12. Keep your body in top shape to keep up with that hottie....... Is she Bisexual. Tht would be the best. Then you could bring another hot girl home, and when you get tired, she can take over.......every problem has a solution.... Another idea is , if you can't satisfy her, bring another guy in to help you out.....Threesome action. when you get tired, let him hit it....

2006-09-18 06:54:08 · answer #7 · answered by whidd2003 4 · 0 0

She's selfish. My boyfriend is the same way. He thinks I don't want him. I'd rather get rest so the job that pays my house, car, etc. still exists the next day. I too have a morning job (he works second shift). I don't understand why it always has to be about him. I'm tired. I'm going to bed. Leave me alone. Don't like it, too bad.

2006-09-18 06:54:16 · answer #8 · answered by Pimp E 3 · 1 0

Explain to her that exhausted men can only go so far in bed; tell her that you need some sleep before you can perform - get her toys or even consider an open relationship.

2006-09-18 06:48:05 · answer #9 · answered by drumrb0y 5 · 0 1

permit me throw this available: she grew to become into probable hoping that shifting in jointly would equivalent engaged and married no longer long thereafter. to a woman, shifting in with a guy is like testing for the functionality of Mrs. X. She does no longer choose psychological help. She --you the two--choose wedding ceremony bands.

2016-10-01 02:49:19 · answer #10 · answered by kroner 4 · 0 0

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