YES I do I am a woman and I personally think that a lot of what is wrong with society now is due to women not understanding their proper role as a wife... a WIFE should take care of her children and her husband an do it with love and gratitude. My husband and I have a wonderful marriage and i strongly believe that it is because I play the role of the wife and he the husband. My husband makes all the decisions of our house and family and I never question him because they are his decisions to make, it is my job to appreciate his choices, and encourage him. When my husband wakes in the morning it is to a smiling wife that loves him. I make sure my husband goes to work with a nice breakfast and a cup of coffee, when he returns in the evening his house is clean his dinner is on the table and his wife and children are waiting to greet him -all with smiles on their faces. I might not have a career but I have the most rewarding job a woman could ever ask for... children whom are well behaved, happy, and they know that I am going to be there in the morning to wake them and bathe them and dress them and feed them and spend the day with them.. and a husband who appreciates what I do for him and his children and tells me every night as we lay in bed that I make his life worth living. I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. I wish that women would stop trying to play the role of the husband, there would be a lot fewer divorces and a lot happier husbands.
2006-09-19 06:58:41
answer #1
answered by mrs_frootloops 1
So actually their are two questions here. I will say that when women started going to work and no one was at home taking care of the kids then it messed up society. But their are other reasons that the divorce rate is so high. You also need to make sure that the information you are getting is accurate. Most of the time when we look at statistics of divorce rates the study doesn't just look at first time marriages. It also includes the people who have been married 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 times or more. Maybe it's all those guys going through a midlife crisis that has made the divorce rate go up. You know the old, I'll just trade her in for a newer model......LOL! I believe that it is society as a whole that has digressed. I'm pretty sure that FFP is kind of harsh, but that may just be because I don't call guys MCP.
2006-09-18 13:53:01
answer #2
answered by Kellybug 4
The feminist movement di have dire consequences for the family unit. It made women think about living on their own. But more dramatic was WWII. This really started it all. When women had to go to work to win the war it proved to them that they could do the work of the men. When they came home again some of them didn't quit. The second home, the newer car and the vacations validated the women in the work place.
During the 70s - 80s this created a great demand that siad "women come to work....the benefits are great"! SO women we experience the secondary and teritery effects of that "economic movement".
The down side is that now it is acceptable for women to live and work on their own. They can have children out of wedlock and noone really cares.
So in answer to your question yes the feminist movement had an effect...but not as profound as the "economic feminist movement" and the change in the sexual mores.
Check out the following website. It specifically addresses your question and other related questions.
Good luck
2006-09-18 15:35:09
answer #3
answered by hoyhoydc 3
If that's what you want to believe then go ahead. However, the reason there are so many unhappy marriages in society is because people get married for the wrong reasons. Also, when people marry they don't realize that marriage is not a fairy tale. It's a lot of work for both individuals involved and it should be taken seriously. Today so many people think that it's ok to get a divorce if the "marriage" doesn't work. It has nothing to do with women being feminists.
2006-09-18 14:24:39
answer #4
answered by valentinegirl 2
Male or female, it's never attractive to be authoritative or too sure of yourself. We can pin labels on each other and call each other names until the end of time, but it will never resolve anything.
I don't believe feminists have anything to do with the increasing divorce rate or unhappy marriages. Responsibility lands squarely on the shoulders of both partners in the marriage. If one is willing to make it work and the other not, then there is virtually little hope for a successful marriage.
2006-09-18 13:53:51
answer #5
answered by cdnponygirl 3
Yes, well, the unfortunate outcome is that the men have come to EXPECT the woman to continue in her previously labled roles AND do the feminist thing as well. No win situation and doesnt look like there's gonna be any change real soon. It'll take a couple of generations or two to realize the blunder but maybe more generations to fix it. If thats possible.
2006-09-18 13:49:10
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
it goes back further than that. WWII to be specific.
prior to WWII women stayed at home and the man went to work and that's the way it was. then during the war we had too many men out of the country and we had to put the women to work (remember hearing of "Rosie the riviter"). when women got a taste of going to the office or shop and having their own money it all started.
these women put ideas in their daughters heads that they could be anything they wanted to be and they have done just that. they are CEO's and Senators and they aren't being stopped.
Now because of these women working a single person can't afford anything and most two income households barely get by.
blame it on Hitler and the Japanese Emperor who made this country fight two wars at the same time and made us put the women to work to support the fighting men.
2006-09-18 13:55:45
answer #7
answered by oldsoftee2001 6
Some feminists have lost there femininity. They think being a mom and a supportive spouse is being weak. They are man haters and only think money matters. They raise children with material items but teach them no human kindness. They are the most selfish of all people. If you go to the salon weekly, have only stylish clothes, wear the latest shoes, have a cell phone stuck in your ear. Only look at your children when you want to dress them up and show them off. Eat most meals out, never bake, never wash floors and your kids were put in day care when they were under the age of 4 (or were shipped out to grandma's for free child care) Then you are a feminist failure.
2006-09-18 13:52:01
answer #8
answered by lily 6
Sure, why not? It seems that some feminists are more interested in bashing men than they are in helping women (since every man is some woman's son, everyone who attacks men is also attacking their mothers -- a.k.a: women.). Making women un-necessarily paranoid, suspicious, and afraid of men certainly can not foster happy heterosexual relationships. One gets the impression that feminists actually want women to be isolated and unhappy -- that way they are more likely to vote for radical political candidates (people who are happy with their lives tend to vote for conservative issues, because happy people do not want their life to change -- by contrast, unhappy people are eager & desperate for ANY change).
I also get annoyed at the femi-nazis who attack every personality difference as a sign of male chauvinism (Why should it matter if he likes football instead of ballet? A difference in taste does not make one a wife-beater or rapist. Let people be individuals).
2006-09-18 13:56:03
answer #9
answered by Randy G 7
...hmm. interesting...way of wording the question...somewhere in there, i kind of hear what ur saying.....
what i see is that men, instead of being "sure of yourself and authoritative", which is actually good qualities, i think u are confusing with bossy, rude, and condescending. those are not good characterstics, whether male OR female. however, we all have misconception of what the feminist movement is; instead of focusing on trying to emulate the Positive roles and abilities that men have, women have confused the feminist movement as a Sexual movement; "i want to be free to have sex, be rude to people, no committment, not care about feelings, JUST LIKE MEN". ????! does that make sense to you? not really..but i feel that this is the cycle that we've come into....
originally men and women had set roles: men were the breadwinner, provider, Head of Household, made *GOOD* decisions for the family. women were the nurturers, the home maker, the supporter, take care of the children.
when men started taking advantage, not appreciating, not being responsible at home, not making it a priority to Earn Respect from the wife so that she would be free to "Obey" him, she walked. she started the feminist movement, where women have a right to an education, to the same jobs, to achieve higher status such as CEO, etc. along with that, though, came the movement where women felt the need to follow thru with the NEGATIVE characteristics males had, which was lack of committment, control of sexual impulse, being emotionally insensitive.....
so now, women are feeling "better than men", and putting men down. calling them pigs, obnoxious, chauvinistic. but instead of "fighting back" to show how manly, responsible, caring, respectable they are, and proving that they Deserve respect, they resort to trying to treat women like objects, and having less respect for them, OR worse, becoming effeminate, less manly, following their woman's directions, having no backbone.
long story short, i believe when man lost their BackBone, their ability to respect themselves for thier Roles, Demanding and deserving respect from women, that's where society went wrong. remember, a husband has to Earn a woman's respect, and that allows her to obey. a woman cannot obey or trust her husband if he doesn't know how to make good decisions for the family, or can't trust him cuz he cheats, etc!!! both man and woman NEED to take charge of their roles, embrace, respect, DO them to the best of their abilities, and respect each other for what they both bring to the family.... even in modern day society when roles and interchanged, it doesn't matter; RESPECT is still needed, and both parties need to earn it.
until then, until both women start respecting men, and men start deserving it, and in turn appreciating women, we are gonna go thru this cycle. good luck to us all! it starts w/ us.. i hope to teach my children all the positive things in life, regardless of if they are male or female; respect YOURSELF first, then respect OTHERS. do your best to earn people's respect and trust, and that's the only way u can expect it from your partner.
2006-09-18 13:51:55
answer #10
answered by sasmallworld 6