I really don't know where people are getting their facts about daddy longlegs being the most venomous spiders or venomous insect.
First of all the first daddy longlegs which is also known as the harvestman is not a spider at all, although it is an arachnid. Plus they have no venom glands, which means no venom. Even if some of the larger tropical species are able to bite a human, there would be no effect on a human for their are no venom. They are decomposers by feeding on dead matter as well as on small insects. They are completely harmless.
The second daddy longlegs which is actually spider has very mild venom. Studies have shown that the venom has even a weak effect on insects. So it highly doubtful that the venom has any serious effect on humans. So no they are not the most venomous spider in the world. If you want the most venomous spider, then check out the Sydney funnel-web. Now these spiders can kill a human being if the bite is not treated. Again the daddy longleg spider is NOT the most venomous spider. It is completely harmless. And they are beneficial by preying on harmful insects, such as flies,gnats, mosquitos, etc.
The third daddly longleg is also known as the crane fly, which is an insect, not an arachnid. And they don't have any venom or fangs. The adults mostly mate and then die. In fact they are a food source for many species of birds.
In fact all creatures have a meaning life. All three types of daddy longlegs have a purpose in the ecosystem either as predator, prey or scavenger. Whether you like them or hate them, they're here on earth.
And if you want to know more about them, do some research on them. And find the real facts. Before anybody judge about the purpose of any animal, do some research and find the information for yourself. And it really doesn't matter if you like them or hate them, the fact is all animals and other living things have a purpose and they do pretty good job in keeping the earth healthy. Alot better job than we can.
2006-09-18 08:34:43
answer #1
answered by megatron 4
"Daddy longlegs" actually refers to a number of unrelated species. Among them, harvestmen are scavengers that help consume decomposing carrion and other waste, and Pholcidae are predators of other spider species and keep their numbers in check. The crane fly, on the other hand, is generally considered a crop pest.
The myth that any of these species is highly venomous (but supposedly unable to bite a human) is just that, a myth. The harvestman almost never bites anything despite its biological ability to, and is not venomous at all. The Pholcidae are only very mildly venomous. The crane fly consumes nectar though sucking, and has neither venom nor fangs.
2006-09-18 13:14:38
answer #2
answered by DavidK93 7
Yep, you got it. It is either one of the most unbelievable jokes ever played on a human by the Divine Creator, or is the strangest pathway of evolution to provide a living being just to land in your beer. Either way, there is no other meaning to having Daddy Long Legs around.
Actually, they are very good at keeping other insect pests in control, including, but not limited to mosquitoes, flies, fishmoths, ants and moths.
Would you rather have a fly in your beer?
2006-09-18 13:08:39
answer #3
answered by Richard 7
It seems their purpose is to fool people, though why one wanted to take a swim in your perfectly good beer I have no idea.
People, "Daddy Longlegs" are NOT deadly poisonous, okay? That's just an urban myth. Here, see what the curator of arachnids (that's spiders) at Burke Museum, Washington has to say about it:
If you want a really nasty, venomous spider that CAN kill you, try the Funnel Web. It lives in Australia, fortunately...
PS: Enjoy your beer...
2006-09-18 13:23:05
answer #4
answered by Lenky 4
"Daddy longlegs or, as they are also known, harvestmen, are to me among the most fascinating of animals. Science fiction could not come up with more remarkable beasts"
apparently they are very interesting little creatures...
check out this website for more information:
2006-09-18 13:10:51
answer #5
answered by Flower 4
The common Daddy Longlegs has enough venom in it's bite to kill a full grown man. The problem is it doesn't have the teeth needed to bite you and inject it.
Damm damm dammmmmmmmmmmmmm
2006-09-18 13:12:54
answer #6
answered by Henry 5
do humans have a pupose in life?...
or are we just here to do our laundry?..
or something like that.
oh yea, and heres an interesting fact:
daddy long legses are very very poisonous but cannot bite you because there mouthses are to small. its tru.
my teach tought me that in the 5th grade =D
2006-09-18 13:12:58
answer #7
answered by blahhblahhhblahahh 4
They do have a meaning of life but, sorry, you are not scheduled to know it yet.
2006-09-18 13:15:49
answer #8
answered by yahoohoo 6
they have one of the most posionas venom in themn if the had fangs they could kill you but they dnt so there just here to get on people nerves
2006-09-18 13:10:55
answer #9
answered by devil child 1
They eat bugs caught in their webs. I always relocate them outside so they can get them before they come in!
I hear they are lucky too...I should be very lucky!
2006-09-18 13:21:52
answer #10
answered by fairly smart 7