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"We shall break the cross and spill the wine. ... God will (help) Muslims to conquer Rome. ... God enable us to slit their throats, and make their money and descendants the bounty of the mujahideen," said the statement.

2006-09-18 05:18:26 · 11 answers · asked by nobody 5 in News & Events Other - News & Events

11 answers

Such statements are made onlyy by terrorist groups which do not want th epoeple of th eworld to live inpeace, they take advantge of the command of mohammed in para 9 of chapter 29 of the Kuran for for syuch violent actions and damage the image of the muslims and Islam.Just as in kuran there may be references in almost all scriptures of all religons in theworld askin gpeople to slay the demons etc who do not believe in the particular God and religion. These such comments were the offshoot of the conditions under which teh proponants of the religon lived and would be toally irrelevetn to th epresent times. In th medieval periods when might was right , the arbs and other Muslims went on a rampage to conquer the conutries in Europe and Asia and forcibley converted a large numvgber of people to Islam under the threat of execution. That was possible at a time when might was right. Now no nation however might y it is , is not =able to have its way in all matters in th world . Really speaking and honestly speaking , in th eprsent world , no nation is strong enoung to defend itself against the US if it decides to destroy any nation. Truely no nation can survive its wrath if it deides to punish any country. But , it is not doin git as a cultured country it knows that it will be good for none and it isshameful incur the aversion of all the world . iraq, afgahnistan or any country would have ceased to exist if America also starts to go on a rmpage . That counrty , since it is relly mighty , is quite and not resorting to any serious punitive action against counrtry as the nation does really care for the civilians of all country however inimical theadminsitration of that country is towards the US. So the rhetoric of the terrorists deserves no conidertion and they are only trying to provoke the Muslims against the non -muslim countries by imparting a religous colour to their acts of destruction. The probelm now is for the muslim countries as a whole . Those who resent and protest against the reference of the Pope to the vilolent nature of the religon , only PROVE HOW CORRECT THE POPE WAS IN REFERING TO IT . Tha ti sthe funny part of it . what do these people protest for ? Do they mean that they have the right to perpetuate violence and force the conversion of the poeple of the world to I slam or kill those who do not accept ? or do they mean tha the reference was wrong and there is no room for violence in thereligon? Just think about the funny behaviour of the protesters . they are confirming that the religon is a violent one exactly in accordance to what is provided in its verses in parragraph 9 of chapter 29 . If it is not a violent religon , the nature of protest CAN NOT AND NEVER HAVE BEEN VIOLENT .If there are any intelligent people in the religon let them consider and decide what the reaction of the muslims all over the world shows about the Muslims and Islam.Tjhey are unfortunately getting themselves isolated and the sensible and non-violent muslims only lament the discrimination resulting from the acts of violence by the islamic terrorists , not doing naything to stop the people who are damaging the image of the Muslims and Islam with determination.Such people are there in every religon and people of the othere religon are able to control the offenders within thir religons and teh muslims are not able to do it .The terrorists will realize that the present century is different from the by-gone days and that everybody will be reaping only what he sowed.for sure..
The Muslim community is alsoo slowly coming to realize the real dimension of the problem and are now rising agaihnst the violators . This is seen from the protest organized by the Muslims against Paksitani terrorists in the wake of the bombing of the mosque in gujarqat . the calculation of the muslim terrorists did not materialise there. The Inidan muslims can not be taken for granted and fooled by the Islamic terrorists .The muslims all over the world will rise against the Islamic terrorists one day and all acts of terrorism will come to an end .Despite the fact that what the Pope said was njot anything false or wrong , the Pope has magnonimously as a civilized person , has apologized to the Muslim community which flet hurt at the reference by a religous leader of high status .Their feelin g of hurt was br orn of the fact that the top religous leder of another religons has mentioned some thing that will create of n impressio that the religon is a violent one in the minds of the people that religon all ver the world . But that feeling would not be justified by any violent reaction or protest which would only confirm the fact . If the community is offended at a spoken word of the Pope, how should it feel anf behave at the ACTUAL ACTION /BEHAVIOUR OF CERTAIN PEOPLE OF THAT COMMUNITY THAT ONLUY GOES TO CONFIRM THE BEHAVIOUR THAT THEY PROTEST AGAINST?
Does it mean that the violence should not be mentioned or spoken of , but can be preactised and done exactly in the way that the pope mentioned ?

2006-09-18 05:56:11 · answer #1 · answered by Infinity 7 · 1 0

Not just the Pope, They want to slit the throats of all who do not convert to Islam (the peaceful religion)

2006-09-18 12:24:03 · answer #2 · answered by » mickdotcom « 5 · 3 0

Yes. The Jihadists wish to kill everyone who isn't a 'true' muslims. That even includes other muslims who aren't jihadists.

Just so you know, a jihadists is the equivalent of David Koresh. They are crazy and will do anything to preach their false message.

2006-09-18 12:31:56 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

To all the crazy people out there who think a good God to follow is one who would have you kill people because they don't follow what you do:

I believe in Christ the savior, Son of God Almighty, the God of Abraham. Slit my throat because I will NEVER renounce His name.

2006-09-18 12:27:55 · answer #4 · answered by boz4425 4 · 0 1

Here is a link to the English translation of the Pope's controversial speech: http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/benedict_xvi/speeches/2006/september/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20060912_university-regensburg_en.html

With love in Christ.

2006-09-18 15:27:19 · answer #5 · answered by imacatholic2 7 · 0 0

You know the funny thing is that they basically reaffirm what the pope said when they talk trash like that.

2006-09-18 12:31:18 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You are reading it correctly .
Doesn`t the practice of Islam just make you all warm and fuzzy inside ?
And they wonder why they`re hated .

2006-09-18 12:27:39 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

those extrmist are making the muslim religion look really bad, but so are the catholic priest that molest kids. this is all a plot to destroy religion. and take peoples faith away.

2006-09-18 12:28:12 · answer #8 · answered by Pussycat 4 · 0 0

Agree with above

Pope should be more careful about what he says

he may be pope and a "man of god" but a knife will kill you all the same

2006-09-18 12:25:59 · answer #9 · answered by devinthedragon 5 · 0 2

Well it does sound that way, but I am not an expert on interpreting this type of thing.

2006-09-18 12:24:10 · answer #10 · answered by starting over 6 · 0 0

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