Lmao - I hadn't thought of that, soooo true :)
I don't agree with what the pope said - he might have been quoting someone else, but let's face it, if he thought there wasn't any truth in the statement he wouldn't have quoted it.
2006-09-18 04:50:20
answer #1
answered by Fredlet 2
Apparently there are no moderate muslims to be embarrassed. Or at least none that are not afraid to say as much! Fear IS a motivator! My heart is gladdened by most of the responses I've read on this subject today. Maybe, if enough ppl get fed up with all the violent bs going on, we'll actually DO something about it! In keeping within the framework of violence, we could launch an all out, devil be damned, attack that will make every person on this planet take notice. Some won't like us, some will say we over-reacted, others will care less, some might even applaud. Fact is, we would be talking about rebuilding, rather than vanishing liberties and long lines at our airports.
If someone threatens me with his sword, al a Indiana Jones, I doubt I'll be considering entering into a dialog, I'd just as soon shoot them.
2006-09-18 12:59:40
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I think the Pope is correct in what he said. History has many examples of wars in the name of religion and G-d. However its only the Muslims who take the umbrage, get upset and start declaring "Jihad" at even the first bad comment that someone makes. For now their easy target is the Jews and Israel. Now see how they move on to Christianity. Especially for the extremists they want the whole world "Islamified" - a mosque on every hill. Its time for people to wake up and realise that the next world war will be due to religion and the more tolerant world has to say enough is enough. Its totally unacceptable for people like this to start declaring war and to threaten the religious freedom of others. Everyone remembers Sept 11 and the UK equivalent in the not to distant past. Countries like Iran, Syria and all the others extremists out there take note - join the modern democratic world, be tolerant of the people who live in your country or face the consequences. Are the Muslims embarrassed. I think not as if they were they would march in the name of peace against those who would bring yet more death and destruction to the rest of us.
2006-09-18 14:06:04
answer #3
answered by badpoogaly 1
Some of them are overreacting to what the Pope said .about their religion.Vow to kill Christians for calling them violent is proving the observation.Moderate Muslims are sorry for Islam being blasted for past.Also for the way some Muslims are reacting.It is a sensitive issue and be handled with care instead of making all Muslims our enemy.
2006-09-18 12:12:15
answer #4
answered by Bipin mishra 3
*The group said Muslims would be victorious and addressed the pope as "the worshipper of the cross" saying "you and the West are doomed as you can see from the defeat in Iraq, Afghanistan, Chechnya and elsewhere. ... We will break up the cross, spill the liquor and impose head tax, then the only thing acceptable is a conversion (to Islam) or (killed by) the sword."
Islam forbids drinking alcohol and requires non-Muslims to pay a head tax to safeguard their lives if conquered by Muslims. They are exempt if they convert to Islam......So much for their peaceful religion. It must be sad to be afraid of your own religion. Fail to follow the company line and risk you and your families lives. Eat pork and die you worthless goat humpers!!!.....You can call a Jew a christ killer. Chances are the Jews would not riot in the streets and start burning down mosques. Draw a cartoon of Jesus and the Christians wouldn't like it but you don't have to worry about them killing the cartoonist. Muslims are a intolerant religion and over react to the slightest percieved slight. I say screw each and every one of them and their Mohammad eats pork. So bite me and go burn or blow up something.
2006-09-18 12:05:40
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
The real irony is the people on this site (some answering this question) who attack Muslims for their alleged violence and intolerance when these same people use such intolerant, racist, prejudiced language that by any measure it is a blatant incitement to violence.
Then there is the irony of people who whinge about so-called 'political incorrectness' while the racists on this site blithely spout lies and delusions that demonstrate their own addiction to 'factual incorrectness', a far greater fault by any measure.
Many people also admonish non-extremist Muslims for allegedly not condemning intolerance and incitement to violence ... but shouldn't these people realise the irony that they speak not one single word against the intolerance and incitement to violence of the extremist non-Muslims who rant and rave their racist hatred on this site?
2006-09-19 07:07:40
answer #6
answered by neilcam2001 3
No they don't!, because Irony is lost on such people because they are blinkered within their faith most of those who are kicking off about what the pope said are miss informed or simply don't understand - don't want to understand - will use any excuse to vent their anger and simply cannot see any ones Else's point of view about secular freedom !.
Their lives revolve round what they see has the one undeniable truth has written in the Koran!.. Any affront to their holy book /faith is an like a slap in the face to one and all!..
2006-09-18 12:02:37
answer #7
answered by robert x 7
As a Christian I would have to say I am ashamed of the Muslim bashing comments that come from some of the individuals on this site and from the pope who truly does not represent the Christian community but only a sad margin of people who chose to follow an aging ignorant fool. The irony is in the fact that there is two sides to this fight and neither are willing to give up, we are both blinded in out own “righteousness ” and fail to see that the people causing the turmoil is ourselves. If we accepted the Muslims rights and they accept ours then there would be no turmoil. The fact is there are extremist Muslims as much as there is extremist Christians ex. President Bush. Everyone believes that they are right and no one takes time to step back and look at it from another angle. I’ll give you an example, if you had planes flying across your neighbourhood right now and people bombing you non stop and all of your family members died, all the people you cared about dead, not only that, you now have no shelter, and the only way you can provide for yourself because of your country’s diminished economic system is to join an insurgency? This seems very familiar. Citing a Michael Moore film, in the suburbs where he grew up the only way to support your self was via military involvement. Times like these I wish I could take the joint out of the mouths of the hate whispering narrow minded individuals who believe it is only their nation that is right and everyone else should obey. Narrow mindedness will only get you so far, and then when the light hits your eyes you will wake up and realize how foolish you truly are. To the people who believe whatever their Television tells them and will continue to do so, there is no hope; you will continue to be hate mongering fearful individuals. I tell you I am a Christian and I walk among Muslims every day. None of them have ever talked about harming me or my family; we all get along, and even listen to the same kind of music. To the people who cite CNN for quotes on hateful Muslims who take their words out of context, try picking up a book instead or get an education. It will serve you better than to sling words of hate and ignorance about a subject you know nothing about. The irony is that people who think highly about their own religion and then slander another because they think they are better. There is as many problems with Christians as there are Muslims. To quote the bible, why do we see the splinter in another’s eye but fail to see the log in our own. The people on CNN and other television reporters are not credible people, don’t have any high education degrees and are pretty faces for you to watch and enjoy, how can you even take them seriously? To those who are open-minded and chose to expand their mind beyond what Television tells them to listen to I hope I’ve reached you on another level than the other ignorant uneducated answers that have already been posted on this site. Virtue to the ones who can see past religion and moronic rhetoric, the meek shall inherit the earth.
2006-09-18 12:25:53
answer #8
answered by Mr.Quads 2
The Muslims can insult all or us and they think that fine. The moderate ones do not say much but cheer if people have died in a terrorist attack. Islam is being misinterpreted by the Muslim race, how can they think their religion is peaceful?
2006-09-18 16:58:53
answer #9
answered by AndyPandy 4
I am so tired of hearing Muslims say they have a religion of peace and to prove it they riot in the streets killing nuns. There are no moderate Muslims there cannot be any because no one ever comes forward condemning the words or actions of other Muslims.
2006-09-18 11:52:04
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
I thought the same thing. If your fighting for the world to be on your side, why threaten to kill the pope because your upset that he called your religion violent. Instead, find a way to make a point without using violence.
2006-09-18 11:47:33
answer #11
answered by crazy 1