Neither, because a chicken/hen (as we know it today) slowly evolved from previous life, and it's eggs follwed suit.
There is no first, because the line between Chickens and it's genetic ancestors is not that distinct, since species are defined by the ability to procreate. Also, today's chickens are very slightly genetically different then chicken's from 1000 years ago and future chickens, so you'd have to define more closely what you mean by chicken.
2006-09-18 04:26:54
answer #1
answered by QFL 24-7 6
i think it should be the hen becoz maybe a bird modified itself in the years to the changing enviornment and later became an animal which is known to us as a hen.
and the hen obviously reproduced and the baby (egg) was born with the new genetic features.
2006-09-22 08:19:25
answer #2
answered by Ekta K 2
Eggs developed in marine animals long before there were any terrestrial animals. Shelled eggs were a necessary adaptation for terrestrial life, and these developed in reptiles long before there were any birds - including hens. Birds inherited this trait from their pre-avian ancestors.
2006-09-18 15:24:32
answer #3
answered by barbara m 3
i cant tell this but i am sure that u were before them and you must get ur eye sight checked so that u dont disturb us with these useless questions, go and check it out urself that who was first hen, egg or you, because i am also a little confused so i cant be sure.
2006-09-18 12:44:01
answer #4
answered by jennifer 1
No, it is not confusing question. The Bible has all the answers. Hen 1st.
And God said, "Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the sky." So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living and moving thing with which the water teems, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. God blessed them and said, "Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the water in the seas, and let the birds increase on the earth." And there was evening, and there was morning—the fifth day. -- Genesis 1:20-23
2006-09-18 11:34:05
answer #5
answered by Wenice W 3
Hen, because if the egg came first, the egg would die, because it needs the hen to keep it warm.
2006-09-18 11:22:18
answer #6
answered by Fiona M 3
The first chicken came from an egg, so the egg came first.
The first chicken egg came from a bird that was very similar to a chicken, but sufficiently different that it was a different species.
2006-09-18 11:25:19
answer #7
answered by cosmo 7
First the egg only came that is first the dinocerous laid eggs.
2006-09-19 06:39:28
answer #8
answered by dimplesoft 3
the shell of the egg is basically those which are adaptable to watery condition... hence the egg should have come first from evolution of a different animal or fish and as time changed it adapted to give birth to chicken which continued to lay the eggs...
2006-09-18 13:31:41
answer #9
answered by simplesolo 2
The first WHAT?
2006-09-18 12:23:53
answer #10
answered by yahoohoo 6