As a mother of 3, I can tell you with the utmost certainty that what you are experiencing is extreme pressure from your doctor. This type of fear mongering is why the USA has such a high "unnecessary" c-section rate. ~see link~
Before you choose to allow your doctor operate on you, please ask your doctor for concrete reasons, medically necessary reasons for induction and c-sections. Then ask yourself this- is your doctor becoming impatient? Being 8 days overdue is not a medical reason for induction or c-section.
"Induction of labor is a medical procedure. It should be done for those with a medical reason. In these cases, the benefits of the induction must outweigh the risks involved." quote from 3rd link below.
An ob is a surgeon. His or her profession is to operate. This is what they do, and are paid to do by the insurance companies.
Also, most due dates are innacurate. By the last month of pregnancy (which is typically 10 months) the due dates are unreliable. That is why it is called and "estimated" due date.
The only person who knows when the baby will be born is the baby. Please trust your body and your baby to choose the right time to be born. Your body is perfectly created to birth your child when it is ready and aside from unnatural induction and intervention, your baby will come out of his or her own accord.
To find out more information about helping yourself through this frustrating and exciting time, please visit the forum below.
Knowledge is power mama- use it.
All my best~
2006-09-18 04:24:29
answer #1
answered by ajbabies3 1
I have had both vaginal delivery with induction & c-section after induction (didn't dilate past 5 & had to do c-section). I am now pregnant with my 3rd (40 weeks on wednesday), and I am opting for a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean). Why am I doing this? Because everything about the vaginal birth was a million times better than the c-section. The labor, delivery, recovery & memories were awesome. The c-section was so difficult to recover from, you don't have that same 'bonding' time immediately after, it took me over a month to feel 'normal' again as opposed to the vaginal delivery, in which I felt great within a day! So, my opinion is GET INDUCED and have an epidural... it's better & safer ... unless there is a problem in which a c-section would benefit you or the baby. Good luck to you!
2006-09-18 05:26:15
answer #2
answered by princess4castle 2
I was induced and was in labor for 20 hours and then ended up having a c-section, so I know how both feel. I would suggest getting induced if possible. The recovery time is shorter and a lot less painful than with a c-section. It is also harder to move around a lot after a c-section so it is harder to care for your baby at first. But neither one is horrible and what ever happens it will all be worth it when it is over and you get to hold that sweet baby! Good luck.
2006-09-18 06:40:02
answer #3
answered by lookinout 2
I was induced with all 3 of my pregnancies....with my last one, my son, I was 10 days over due, was hoping to be able to go into labor naturally but it wasn't so. Induction isn't so bad as long as the nurses/doctors don't try to rush things....if they start giving you the drip too fast it causes the contractions to be pretty painful...more so than normal, naturally occuring contractions...If things are done well and the drip is administered at the right speed and such then it's not really that bad. They also had to break my water all 3 times but that's nothing. I've never had a younger sister did with my niece. It was an emergency c-section and it absolutely terrified her...then she was so out of it she didn't really have that immediate bonding with the baby...she was pretty upset but glad her and the baby were ok. I would opt for induction if you have the choice. Good luck to you and your new little one!!
2006-09-18 04:01:19
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Both of my babies were overdue, and I had to be induced with each. They will give you an IV of pitocin to start contractions, and gradually raise it as labor progresses. You will likely have fetal monitors strapped on your tummy and a blood pressure cuff on your arm that goes off every hour or so. Once you are dilated a bit, if your water has not broken on its own (mine didn't) they will do it manually, which does not hurt, but does help to progress labor. I am told that labor pains are worse when you are induced, but since I don't know the difference I can honestly say it was better than being more than 9 months pregnant and miserable! If it gets too bad you can go the epidural route, and I have to say if this is your first I HIGHLY recommend it. Good luck to you!!
2006-09-18 04:06:19
answer #5
answered by chelle 4
Scary huh?! I'm in exactly the same situation, 8 days overdue. I have been scheduled for induction this Friday if he hasn't already made his grand appearance. The thing is both of my previous pregnancies were the same way. If you have the option go for induction. It's the same as a natural vaginal birth, only difference being that they bring on contractions with a synthetic hormone, Pitocin, that mimics oxytocin. Sometimes Pitocin isn't needed after they break your's only if you dilate slowly. The downside is that the pitocin causes stronger contractions than if they were to come natrally and obviously the baby is made to be born which sometimes results in longer labor as he/she isn't ready yet! I wouldn't worry, your doctor knows what is best for you and i'm sure that everything will be fine. Your bundle of joy will be here soon...hopefully mine too. Good luck!
2006-09-18 04:08:14
answer #6
answered by ZakiMama 2
Honestly, I would not allow the dr to induce me. Why a csection? Is there a real medical reason for it. Inductions have their risks. Due dates are only an estiamte and being 8 days overdue is no big deal. As long as the baby is happy in there, let it come when it's ready.
2006-09-18 04:29:10
answer #7
answered by elizabeth32132 2
I've now had two c-sections due to the fact that my first was breech. It's no worse than a vaginal birth in my opinion. It's just different. What matters is that your baby is healthy and so are you. Everything will be just fine. I promise.
2006-09-18 03:54:56
answer #8
answered by ldhenrard 1
I was induced and had an epidural. After hearing horror stories, I was scared to death, but I did fine and my baby was fine. Read up on it. Try or
2006-09-18 03:58:20
answer #9
answered by gabbien 2
castor oil in simple terms will advance the rick of meconium (infant pooing on a similar time as nevertheless interior) that's risky and you may result with a area besides. intercourse, raspberry leaf tea, walking up and down stairs could help yet i would not attempt oil in my view. ultimate desires.
2016-10-15 03:13:39
answer #10
answered by ? 4