If you don't have any more communication than that, you should suggest that you go see a counselor - as a couple. Something is definitely wrong. He doesn't sound like he is having an affair, he sounds disgusted with you. Do an inventory of yourself and your "wifestyle" -if you were your husband, would you want to come home to 'you' every night? What are you doing that is turning him off?
2006-09-18 03:13:23
answer #1
answered by NANCY K 6
Before it gets too far out of hand you need to devote some time together to sit down and have a talk to get to the heart of the problem. Instead of fighting all the time and constantly asking him what is wrong, it may be better to get on his level and say baby its time we discussed a few things. When you have done this and said this, calmly tell him he hasnt been him self lately. Tell him what changes you have noticed in him. Tell him how much he means to you and how your willing to work through any problem he may be having. He may be stressed from work. Dont accuse him of anything as it will make him defensive and the whole purpose of the talk will be lost. You need to communicate more, this will help him remember your a real person and the reason you became one was because of love etc.
2006-09-18 10:13:28
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
It's possible - but there can be other reasons for his behaviour.
You don't give much info to go on here. Has he been stressed out at work? Or, is he out of work??
Has he had issues with with depression or another mental illness?
Does he show signs of an addiction to either drugs or alcohol?
Is he secretive, as if he may be hiding something?
Is he absent for periods of time without explanation?
Are there other issues in your relationship, such as financial troubles?
Without some solid evidence of an affair - you cannot simply accuse him. That will widen the gap that has already been put between you. Try talking to him - or suggesting counseling with a neutral party to help sort out your differences. Either way, you owe it to your marriage to try to solve the problem, if possible, before you jump off the deep end and throw in the towel.
2006-09-18 10:31:15
answer #3
answered by oscarschic 3
Your gut instinct is telling you something, you have to listen to it. Humans have gut feelings to tell us when something is wrong, so my suggestion is sit him down and have a serious talk about how you are feeling. I t might be you are reading too much onto something. Or he could very well be having an affair. You also need to look at what lead to the steps of anger, and not being intimate with each other. Marriage counseling might do you guys good.
2006-09-18 10:17:55
answer #4
answered by Dre 3
Some men get angry or upset at work, and instead of talking things out with the person he is angry with, he comes home and takes it out on his wife or family.
If you have no other signs of infidelity than this, then you shouldn't be worried that he is cheating....you should be finding out 'why' he seems so angry and distant.
Are you doing your share at home?
He comes home to a dirty house and no meal waiting for him, of course he is going to be upset!!
Not trying to place the blame on you here, but I don't think he is cheating... at least not yet. Try meeting him at the door with a big smile and neck hug...be interested in his day and how it went...listen for signs of discontent....offer to massage his neck & shoulders. Make him feel important, and see what happens.
2006-09-18 10:23:16
answer #5
answered by shortfrog 5
well, the girls that I work with and myself agree that most likely your man is just not interested in you in an intimate way or that yes hun he is cheating. our opinion is that when a man all of a sudden wants to know the 5 W's about you, then he is hiding what he is doing. And the starting fights B.S. is a common way of pushing people away and breaking up a relationship. But in a positive light maybe he is stressed out with certain things: work, money, ect. and he just does not want to complicate things more with you. Who really knows hun..
2006-09-18 10:18:33
answer #6
answered by Carrie L 1
I am struggling with the same thing with my wife since she is aways angry at me and we have not been intimate in over three months.
I finally asked her directly if she was having an affair and she said no. Our marriage is in dire straits and I am staying for the kids at this point and hoping things get better.
Ask your husband directly at least your concern will be out in the open.
2006-09-18 10:29:49
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Ask yourself these questions; Does he go "out" after work? Does he work late more than usual? Has he started going to the gym? Is there time he is gone that is unaccounted for? Does he travel? Are you getting hang-up calls (not so much anymore with caller ID)? Does he spend more time grooming and primping before going out?
2006-09-18 10:12:22
answer #8
answered by porkchop 5
It's hard to know. I always know some how! Tell him if he's unhappy with you to leave that you can't put up with that thought anymore! If you love him make sure he knows it. Saying it doesn't work alone. Trust him. If he is and still loves you encourage him to tell you about it. But try not to be mad, men just have flings because they can't fight the urge. If he is, it sounds like he feels guilty use that in your favor.Hope he's not. It can hurt, but always remember that your better than that.
2006-09-18 10:20:09
answer #9
answered by its me 2
You need more reasons than that, those are a few clues. But you need more solid evidence.
2006-09-18 10:10:20
answer #10
answered by Backwoods Barbie 7