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just curious.... no need to be rude


2006-09-17 17:16:56 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

i have been thinking about it. i do have my own son-- who is almost 3. it would be nice to make someone else's dreams come true, but i would be heart broken in the end.

2006-09-17 17:58:50 · update #1

6 answers

well, it is a surgical procedure, you have to be able to handle knowing that it may create a child that is biologically yours. it's not as painful as some people say. I know a woman that's done it 4 or 5 times. she had no problems. also you can't have sex before they harvest the eggs because you are given hormone and fertility drugs. and you can't smoke for like 3 months in advance. but on the other hand, you do get paid very well. you can do it as many times as you want. and you are making someone else's dreams come true. it's a win-win, in my opinion. I'm pregnant now. but i have every intention of doing so after my baby is born and i'm physically able. I think it's a wonderful thing. good luck.

2006-09-17 17:30:56 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Negative-you will never get to look into those eyes, smile, play full expressions. Play this little piggy with those crooked little toes. Never meet the little you. Touch their soft skin. They know every thing and you will never know that. My favorite is my son's hands when I would move him at night he would touch my hands. It takes my breath away every time.
Positives-I can't think of any. Yeah sure it is hard work, frustrating, overwhelming but, it is all worth it. No amount of money could ever replace that or be better than that. Giving a baby to someone I don't know if it is worth putting your DNA (a part of you) in someone else's hands. There are so many CRAZY people out there. I think that those people who can't conceive and deserve a baby should adopt. There are many children with out parents in this world that would give anything to have parents.

2006-09-18 00:33:54 · answer #2 · answered by larechiga26 4 · 0 0

I believe there's major surgery involved, so all the complications of that. Money is usually pretty good i guess. Knowing that you helped another woman have a baby.

2006-09-18 00:22:45 · answer #3 · answered by melashell 3 · 0 1

Well, it's painful, so that's a turnoff.

It contributes to the overpopulation of the Earth, even as there are children going parentless and homeless everywhere.

It results in killed embryos, as only some fertilized eggs are used, and even after implantation, some of the fetuses are killed to allow others to thrive.

It may result in unwanted contact later, after records are unsealed when children reach their majority age.

2006-09-18 00:24:15 · answer #4 · answered by nora22000 7 · 0 3

to many negatives sorry, i think i will go out and smoke a cig now ,care to join me?

2006-09-18 03:24:00 · answer #5 · answered by wanttolpve 4 · 0 1


Not knowing if you have other biological children out there.
Emotional trauma sometimes

Helping infertile couples

These are at least my views.

2006-09-18 00:26:39 · answer #6 · answered by **KELLEY** 6 · 1 1

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