You can get people to believe in your ability in the business world by being able to first demonstrate your knowledge/education. Your question is so badly written and spelled I cannot imagine anyone giving you the time of day much less money. You do not even present the imagine of a successful dogcatcher. Forget about business and refocus your energies on communicating appropriately in mildly effective English.
2006-09-17 17:28:34
answer #1
answered by misslabeled 7
It may remain a dream dear. It' very important that u start with a single business then settle that business and then start thinking abt ur next venture. Money is not a big problem if u r successful in ur venture. People will be always willing to lend u money for ur businesses.
2006-09-17 17:58:49
answer #2
answered by Nitin G 7
get into smuggling opium from pakistani sources. get immediate upside, but ease up on the cash flow after one year and launder/convert it into legitimate businesses like rickshaw taxi fleet, or dabbawalla service. then consolidate and sell all the small businesses you accumulated, and go into your dream business.
2006-09-17 17:21:02
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
First u establish a bzness in the first year..from the profit of first bzness.. start second....and so on...
U should get bank loans easily.
2006-09-17 17:16:56
answer #4
answered by opentogainknowledge 4