We're not in denial and know exactly what attracts us to these bad boys of which you speak. It's not that they take chances or have more confidence than you. It's their total masculinity that appeals to women. A man's man has always been appealing to me and some nice guys just seem to soft. I have a nice guy now but he has that bad boy edge to him which is the best of both worlds. The fact that my man is a corporate executive who rides a motorcycle to work and is Mr. Fix It and a country club golfer is such a turn on. He's a little of both which is a rare combination. But most women mistakenly assume that a bad boy can whip anybody's @ss, can do no wrong, and be sexy at the same time. It's just the way we are. We inherently look for protectors.
2006-09-17 13:55:07
answer #1
answered by Southern Lady 3
they must be girls versus women who are speaking this. I am a woman ,i cant tolerate a loud,vulgar man. its all in what a woman is looking for in a man. If she is looking to be treated like a piece of *** then thats the type of man she wants. On the other hand a real woman who is looking for a good man who will treat her well , should know that a nice guy is definitly someone you can take home to your parents. so i say to you , dont stop being the wonderful and considerate man you are , you are just looking at the wrong type of woman. Some women are just use to the "bad boy" style, they dont realize that there is usually know future in the relationship, some are just not worthy of a good man. So dont be discouraged or feel like you need to change who you are to fit in with the bad boy crowd. what you need is a woman with confidence just as you and all will be well. take care.
2006-09-17 13:58:13
answer #2
answered by purpleartof5 2
Just take a look at the type of women that get stuck with "bad boys", and compare them with the women that go for "nice guys".
There's a foot for every shoe.
Insecure, emotionally dependant women tend to go for someone who will feed off these same things.
If you're judging a woman as a bad decision maker for going for a guy you think won't treat her right, then she's probably not compatible with you anyway.
best of luck.
2006-09-17 14:33:16
answer #3
answered by ScorpioSting 2
I don't know.
I'm the type of guy that acts differently around different people. Around friends I'm a smartass, and around girls I'm interested in, I'm very polite and nice. I I'm quite a big debater and never let anyone's opinions overshadow mine, always being very composed.I just got rejected by one girl very recently because I was one of the "nice guys".
Maybe women like more asshole type personalities because they'll do more than flirt. Women are then extreme hypocrites because they get pissy when alot of guys ask to have sex.
2006-09-17 13:50:29
answer #4
answered by John 2
I don't know sweety but i hate it to. My husband is the one of those nice guys i hated watching girls use him only for money and a lift to town so when i asked him out i made shore that none of those girls would do that to him. Now i laugh as they are all going out with assholes and i have the sweet-es man alive and a happy family we love each other so much and he has not got a bad bone in his body. But when we go out if i see one of those nice guys getting SH*T on by a girl i go up to him act like he was the best thing in my life and ask why he left me after about 20 Min's those girls are up there trying to pick up and there hole attitude changes my husband laughs when i do it as he knows why i do. Why should the bad guys get all the girls i don't know but if they want someone that hits them speaks to them like they are nothing let them and leave the nice guys to girls like me who knows how to treat a real man and shows them what love really is.
2006-09-17 14:14:51
answer #5
answered by sweety yhi 2
All of the above applies to women as well. Find yourself a nice woman and you will never have to worry about the loud mixed up ones.
2006-09-17 13:50:47
answer #6
answered by flugelberry 4
I don't make these general accusaions. But I do know a guy that is a total pushover. He thinks if you're female, you can do no wrong, even if a woman murdered someone.
2006-09-17 13:50:34
answer #7
answered by angel_girl2248 4
you're right... the reason why girls say nice guys don't take chances is because they just flirt. it's playing in the safe zone.
2006-09-17 13:49:41
answer #8
answered by Inquirer 5