If you're not happy, either work on your marriage or get a divorce. Cheating is NEVER the solution.
2006-09-17 13:46:27
answer #1
answered by cheetah7 6
DO NOT CHEAT!!!!! Cheating is not an answer for an unhappy marriage, it's just more unhappiness, it's ugly and degrading.
If you are not happy, maybe you should look into yourself. The feelings that we have when we first get married change over time. We don't feel that excited feeling, and we need to have something more to fall back on. You need to develop a friendship with your spouse, you need to communicate and listen to them. Start dating again. One thing a lot of couples forget after they get married is to continue to date. Courtship doesn't end with those vows you say. You also need to remember to be kind to your spouse, cut them some slack and remember they are human too.
If you are in an abusive relationship you should get out, but if not, work at it, you will be glad you did. And by all means, don't cheat!
2006-09-17 20:58:03
answer #2
answered by toomeymimi 4
Please. Oh. come on. You're not happy with the person you're married to so you wanna cheat...no.no. Can you imagine how hurt your spouse would feel...Would you like it if your spouse cheat on you? I do not think so! If you're not happy with your spouse then have a good talk, because I'm sure he/she feels trapped and may want to try to work things out or go seperate ways, Legally. Besides does cheating really help?? Only for that time but when you get home problems are still there and whether you like it or not you have to face it. So, put and end to it the civilized way. So, don't cheat.
2006-09-17 21:04:29
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
NO. cheating is NOT the answer. that only brings MORE problems.
what you have to think of is, are you just not happy or do you not love your partner anymore if your just unhappy then get it sorted out because your partner will be feeling the same way as you are. talk it over - get help from a marriage guidence - do anything to make you both happy again.
BUT if you dont love your partner then call it a day, tell them why your not happy & move on.
2006-09-17 21:01:28
answer #4
answered by KATIEKAT 4
Cheating will not make you happy.
Resolve the issues you are having with your spouse - you know - that person you said "I does" with either before a judge or a minister.
Issues between husband and wife usually orbit three issues: money, child rearing, job stress.
You can learn how to address these issues now.
Or you can cheat, get caught, go through a messy divorce, get remarried to someone else, and then have to learn how to communicate in order to become happy.
Marriage is a tough job! It has some incredible benefits!
2006-09-17 20:50:13
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
At some point in time everyone believes they are unhappy. If I went by how I felt I would be alone, living a meaningless, miserable life. But, I didn't go with how I felt, instead I had a heart to heart with my wife, time and time again. It wasn't easy, but it worked great. Now me and my wife are more happier than we ever have been. I know your saying there is no way it will work, but I have already proved that wrong. And coming out on the other side of the storm, I can tell you it was so worth it to dig my heels in, allow myself to be vulnerable, spending the countless hours assuring my wife that I don't want any one else, all of that ultimately gave us a deeper understanding of each other. I am so glad I didn't run, believe me, it's worth it.
2006-09-17 21:06:36
answer #6
answered by inluvwshana 2
No. Never look outside your marriage as a way of becoming happier.It will drag you down even further and make things worse. You have enough complications in your life right now and don't need any more.If your marriage doe's come to an end,wait about a year before even considering dating.
2006-09-17 20:55:21
answer #7
answered by ? 3
I am in a very similar situation, so I can see where your coming from. I have some male friends and we talk a lot because my marriage is almost to the end. You may want to get some male friends and go from there, but if your ready to really cheat, sexually, then be real sure. I have chosen to wait until I am dovorced, but it is up to you. E-mail me if you want to talk or Im me at sunkittys. Good Luck!!
2006-09-17 20:46:59
answer #8
answered by jpet 2
No..you should talk over your problem first. Cheating is not going to slove your problems. the grass is not greener on the other side. Try and figure out what is his wants then tell him what is yours. try to work with him. no one said marriage is going to be easy. I struggle alot with mine and do want to cheat too. I have not done it. My reason is i can't deal with the consequences. That is the only thing stopping me. little by little I try to suggest new things. I know its hard but maybe it will help if you talk to someone having the same issue ah like me lol.
2006-09-17 20:46:25
answer #9
answered by shyhonney 4
No, that would be stupid and wrong.
If you're not happy, either talk with your partner and go get counseling and see what happens.
And if you're not willing to do that or don't want to save it badly enough to do that, then you need to go ahead and get a divorce and go on with your life.
But it is wrong to cheat while married...if you want somebody else, end your marriage and then go seek something else.
2006-09-17 20:45:43
answer #10
answered by Peachy 5