wow, that's a lot of info for one itty-bitty question!!!
same-sex marriage: why shouldn't homosexuals be able to unite? we all only have one life to live. if this is what makes them happy, then by all means, they should be allowed to do so. Why should I judge them? I'll let God sort them out in the end...
abortion: I have a strong pro-choice belief. it is not my body. why should I have a say in what another woman chooses to do with hers. it's none of my business; it's sad what happens to these embryos/fetus' but it is not my choice. I choose to NOT abort. and I know that I have that choice...Again, let God sort these people out for the choices that they made...
stem-cell research: while abortion is legal in this counrty, aborted fetus' and embryos should not be put to waste.I feel that they should be able to utilize this embryo/fetus to allow another person a chance to live a longer life.
2006-09-17 13:46:05
answer #1
answered by one_sera_phim 5
Same sex marriage - Should be legal. If it makes the cons feel better, you could call it a 'civil union' or whatever. Bottom line, a marriage is a legal contract between two people to share their wealth. It doesn't affect my life in any way if Adam & Steve are allowed to open a joint bank account together.
Abortion - Should stay legal. I'm not in favor of it personally, but just because I don't agree with something doesn't make it wrong. For those of you who use religious morality as an argument to make laws, I say "I don't think so." There is a reason why the laws of man are different from the laws of god, i.e. not everyone believes in your god. Besides, if it really is a sin like some people say, then all the women who get abortions will be judged by god anyway. So shut your trap. Besides, even when abortion was illegal, women still got them. Some of them died from infections they got when some guy stuck a coathanger where it doesn't belong. Keep them legal so they will remain safe.
Stem cell research - Should be legal. Personally I disagree with medical research in general, because I believe that the more we, as a species, rely on foreign substances to remain healthy, the worse off our gene pool will be in the long run. However, almost nobody shares my opinion on the matter. As far as stem cell research goes, it seems really stupid to impose religious morality on science, since they are nearly complete opposites. If they can use stem cells to heal a police officer's injured spinal column, I say "Do it." What people don't understand about stem cells (and where they come from) is that those fetuses are going to be thrown into the incinerator anyway (unless you outlaw abortion), so why not at least make their aborted existence count for something?
2006-09-17 20:58:57
answer #2
answered by Danzarth 4
I'm for all 3.
same-sex marriage: Who gives a crap? If gays and lesbians want to be miserable too, more power to 'em.
abortion: Go for it! Some research has shown that the onset of the drop in crime in this country correlates with the passage of Roe v. Wade. I'm not sure I buy it, but it's possible. There are plenty of people in this country already. Why would we encourage the birth of "unwanted" ones?
stem-cell research: What a great idea! If we can potentially treat some serious afflictions with it, why not? The embryos are just going to be thrown out anyway. Besides, the genie has already been let out of the bottle. We can't pretend like we don't know how to do it. Science marches on. If we don't do it here, it'll be done in another, more progressive country. And the ironic part is, the people poo-pooing it here will be the first to line up for any breakthrough treatments.
2006-09-17 20:46:34
answer #3
answered by southeastside 2
Your curiosity, may lead to judgements,,,which would be wrong. No offense meant.
Same Sex Marriage,,,or even realtionships that are mutual, communal, without a contract....So what? Does it matter when two people find each other, enjoy common interests, feel compassion for each other, share responsibilities, not degrade each other, and just enjoy a companionship,,, what gender they are???
Abortion,,, I happen to be both. pro-life,,,and pro-choice,,,as it regards the vey personal human issues that encompass the "Choices" by the individual, specifically involved. No one can validly argue that there AREN'T circumstances that might allow either, an abortion, or a "right to life" WHOS LIFE??? The undeveloped, unborn, not full term fetus???? OR the woman who has to choose between her own life, or a chance to bring another into the world?
Stem Cell: So many pregnancies, soooo many people on the planet already... Stem Cell is so far removed from Execution or erradication, of our current species. In fact its design is to not only prolong life, but improve it,,, AND,,, define its quality BEFORE it truly begins in taking the first breath.
Soap Box,,,put away.
Rev. Steven
2006-09-17 21:01:48
answer #4
answered by DIY Doc 7
To answer these questions, I can only speak for myself because I
believe everyone has free agency to do what they feel is best for themselves and who am I to judge what other people do. As for myself, I wouldn't want to have an abortion so I would try not to be in that condition to need one. Who knows what anyone would do (for sure) if she actually found herself pregnant. It would depend on the circumstances. I know someone who was raped by a stranger who had the baby so she certainly stayed true to her convictions against abortion.
Same sex marriage seems wrong to me and I'm glad I'm not attracted to the same sex so it isn't a personal issue for me. I have heard of same sex marriages that were very good and the couples as committed as heterosexual couples. Personally, I would likely feel ill at ease with a same sex couple or even seeing public shows of affection bothers me more than if the couple were a man and woman. I think society has a long way to go before this becomes commonplace. Think back to when black people were lynched for even showing any interest in whites.
Stem cell research is something I haven't formed a clear opinion on.
2006-09-17 20:48:36
answer #5
answered by Lean on Me 4
I oppose same sex marriage. If it were legal, virtually all adults--straight and single--would marry for the tax breaks. Single people would pay higher taxes. I might favor it, though, if we were to start penalizing people when they get divorces by forcing them to repay all their tax breaks. Note that this issue has nothing whatsoever to do with homosexuality.
I oppose abortion. The number of abortions reveals that it is a problem that has gotten way out of hand. Women often use excuses such as, "I have to get an abortion so that I can finish college" or "My husband will leave me if he finds out I'm pregnant" or "I can't scrub the floors as well for my master at work if I'm pregnant." As a rule, women who get abortions do not do so as a matter of free choice. We should enact a law that requires women to get advice from someone, such as a social worker, who might give them advice on positive alternatives, before they get abortions. I am, however, opposed to punishing women who get abortions. It is only the professionals involved who should be punished.
I tend to oppose stem-cell research. I'll write my brief opinion on it soon.
In general, I'm afraid that if folks who favor the above listed issues have their way, we will teach everyone in America that those who prevail are those who scream the loudest.
2006-09-17 21:00:47
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
My stance on same-sex marriage is that the judges in Hawaii and Massachusetts were full of B.S.
My stance on abortion is that the Supreme Court Justices were full of B.S. in Roe v. Wade and Casey v. Planned Parenthood.
My stance on stem-cell research is that if the federal judges ever try to take control of that issue away from state legislatures in the name of the 14th amendment then those judges are full of B.S.
I don't take positions on these issues as a legislator or voter because I'm not registered to vote. And I'm not going to register to vote unless the G.D. judges get their act together and start interpretting law instead of making it.
2006-09-17 20:51:47
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
No same-sex marriage, pro civil union or commitment ceremonies.
Anti-abortion, but believe it should stay legal. It's better that it's done in a sterile environment. HOWEVER, I don't believe that ANY woman should have an abortion after the first trimester unless her life depends on it.
Against embryonic stem-cell research, for adult stem-cell research. Adult stem-cells have been proven to have the ability to cure certain ailments, embryonic stem-cells have not.
2006-09-17 20:47:16
answer #8
answered by The_Cricket: Thinking Pink! 7
The constitution says that marriage is between a man, and a woman. Not to mention the bible says it as well. If you start letting gays marry then every freak in the nation is going to want to marry their sister, daughter, dog, cat, and horse... Abortion is murder no ifs ands, or buts. The minute blood is surging through those tiny little veins it's a life, and the bible says that, "I (God) knew the number of hairs on your head before you were conceived..." I mean, it doesn't get much clearer than that. Stem cell? It's not right to take an innocent human life for research. You play God long enough, and I feel that we'll all end up regretting it.
2006-09-17 20:42:49
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Same sex marriage, I say yes. If two adults are mature, responsible and commited not only to each other, but to any present or future children, thats is the definition of a marriage.
Abortion-Pro Choice. Who am I to tell another woman to keep or abort her pregnancy?
Stem Cell Research-If it saves lives, I say go for it.
2006-09-17 20:42:13
answer #10
answered by di12381 5
I don't like same sex marriage but since it doesn't affect me at all, they can do what ever they want.
I wouldn't have an abortion, and my opinion on when life takes effect is totally scientific, again I wouldn't do it but I can't make that decision for anybody.
Stem cell research could be the next best thing, taking the government out of it, it's probably best and I mean funding not controlling.
2006-09-17 20:58:12
answer #11
answered by Jose R 6