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My hubby and I are very happily married with 2 kids. We love to go out on dates. But we usually just do dinner and a movie (both out and at home). Which is fine, I like doing that. Occasionally, we will get a hotel room for a little get away. I am just wondering if anyone has any good date ideas for us to try that are inexpensive and fun, not necessarily overnight?

Only serious answers please!! And nothing kinky, twisted, rude, or obscene!!

2006-09-17 13:24:53 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

Awesome answers, thanks!! But I should add we live in a small town. Just a country boy and a country girl. We live near the city, so we are willing to drive. But we both would prefer to stay away from the city and the crowds.

Keep the ideas coming!!

2006-09-17 14:09:00 · update #1

Awesome answers, thanks!! But I should add we live in a small town. Just a country boy and a country girl. We live near the city, so we are willing to drive. But we both would prefer to stay away from the city and the crowds.

Keep the ideas coming!! I like the romantic ones!!

2006-09-17 14:09:33 · update #2

Sorry I didn't mean to post that twice!!

2006-09-17 14:11:20 · update #3

5 answers

well there is always those romantic strolls under the moon's glow, camping by a stream or creek, dirt road drives, or just sitting in a field and glazing at the moon lite sky all good stuff living in the country and best of all no crowds

2006-09-18 06:09:40 · answer #1 · answered by Ladder Captain-29 5 · 0 0

I don't know where you live, but a carriage ride through the city park is fun. Go see a play, go to a sporting event, go to an arcade. There are plenty of things to do. I live in a big city, so I never have trouble finding something to do.


2006-09-17 20:52:37 · answer #2 · answered by ? 6 · 0 0

Make picnics if the weather allows you. his way you'll have time to share and talk about the little big things that are going on in your lives.

2006-09-17 20:32:38 · answer #3 · answered by nv 3 · 0 0

No, sorry. Unfortunately my husband is so unromantic and cheap, he would never do what your husband does. But I did want to praise you on such a happy marriage. That's a rarity these days.

2006-09-17 20:31:53 · answer #4 · answered by jennifer c 3 · 0 0

take a class in something that neither of you know about already
take a walk downtown to window shop

2006-09-17 20:51:41 · answer #5 · answered by caitlinerika 3 · 0 0

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