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I have Windows XP Prof. already installed on my computer
and I have brought a new Windows XP Prof. cause the old
product key was not working and I would like to know if it
was possible to put the new product key number and see
if it will surfice the problem or do I have to remove and reinstall the whole program again and having to remove all my files that I want to keep? I am trying to avoid that if at all possible? Thank you for your comments?

P.S. I am a first time computer user and so I would appreciate it if you would be patient with me?


2006-09-17 13:11:46 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Computers & Internet Programming & Design

7 answers

You will have to do a clean reinstall with the new CD.

2006-09-17 13:12:57 · answer #1 · answered by Crazydog 4 · 0 0

NO you cannot use the new key with the old version, sorry... did you think of upgrading to Vista? It might be a little early to do that.. but would be a choice.

When XP is installed it puts the key in the Registry and if you try to add another key it will not take it but will give you the message that you are saying.

There is a third party application that will find the key in the registry for you, google for it and remember that it is a hackers tool, before you download it...
Did you call Microsoft? If you have a non pirated version they will give you a new key to use and you can return the version that you just bought. If you bought the computer from someone and they gave you the wrong key or you think it is the wrong key, make sure you are keying it in correctly.
This page says it can help you, but BEWARE.. of anything you download for free...

Good Luck

2006-09-17 13:31:04 · answer #2 · answered by ladeehwk 5 · 0 0

What exactly is the problem that you are having with your Windows XP Pro? Legitimate serial keys don't expire or suddenly stop working. That's in general, but sometimes wierd things can happen with them. You shouldn't need to reinstall it unless you are having major trouble in stability with your computer. What type of trouble are you experiencing?

2006-09-17 13:20:17 · answer #3 · answered by styymy_2000 4 · 0 0

The problem is not the key , the problem is the activation.if you can't activate you're going to end up with windows that works for 30 days.

2006-09-17 13:17:48 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

each copy of windows has its own key. Not! Each version of windows has embedded in it's core a list of numbers that will work for that version in a series, I have seen where ! number set up a thousand machines before it was caught!

2006-09-17 13:17:32 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There are actually other ways of doing this other than a clean re-install. I've found a good article on TechRepublic that covers the 2 main methods http://articles.techrepublic.com.com/5100-1035_11-5034890.html

Note that you should read the instructions *very* carefully, and read them through completely before you start doing this!

2006-09-17 13:16:36 · answer #6 · answered by Mike 3 · 0 0

each copy of windows has its own key.

2006-09-17 13:14:53 · answer #7 · answered by master343 3 · 0 0

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