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Do you know if this purse is authentic or how to tell if it is.

2006-09-17 13:10:36 · 5 answers · asked by David B 1 in Beauty & Style Fashion & Accessories

5 answers

I found this lady that actually seems to have great advice on what is and isn't fake. Her web address follows you could go through her she seems open to accepting pictures and tracking down real and fake....

For those of you who actually want to buy a genuine designer bag but are looking for a bargain, I have some tips on how to tell if the bag is real or not. EBay is a good place to look, but it's obvious that some of the bags are fake. They have bulky stitching and misspelled monograms. I once saw a bag with the signature Coach "C's," but in a Gucci pattern. I referred to this as a Goach purse; Gucci and Coach mixed together! You can also spot a fake bag by looking at the zippers and buckles. Designer bags alway have their logo on every piece of hardware on the bag. Designers seem to pay very close attention to detail and the bootleggers are getting smarter. Fake bags sometimes will have the designer monograms on the zippers, but they're usually crooked or slightly off.

Those are some of the easier ways to spot an imposter purse, but now it's time for a tough one. If someone is trying to sell you a bag that looks authentic yet you're still not sure, ask to see the bag's point of origin. If the tag says "MADE IN TAIWAN," throw it down and run away! Trust me, as fast as you run that bag will tear up even faster. No designer hand bag is ever made in Taiwan

The signature C is a beautiful thing. I drool over them when no one is looking. It also happens that examining the signature C is one way to distinguish a fake Coach bag from the real thing. Head over right now to the Coach Web site. Don't worry, I'll wait. Look at the traditional signature styles. What jumps out at you? Here is a hint: symmetry. On all of the classic styles, there is a certain symmetry inherent in the signature. On either side of any sort of buckle, the Cs will match up. I'd show you, but I don't want to steal images from Coach. So, if you didn't before, go look now. The Cs will also all match up horizontally. If the C in the middle is cut off half way on a straight edge of the purse, all the Cs on that edge will be cut off in the same place. The line of Cs will not slope diagonally in either direction. The Cs on one side of a leather flap will mirror those on the other side of the flap.

Please note that this doesn't apply to certain limited styles of the signature C.

Now have a look at the bag below. First, even though the photo's quality bites, the fabric is obviously a little fuzzy, like wool. Notice how the topmost horizontal Cs on the left are closer to the seam than the topmost Cs on the right. There are two Cs positioned between the lowermost horizontal Cs and the leather trim on the left and only one C on the right. And that, Coach lovers, is why it is today's 'No Good Knock Off of the Day.'

2006-09-17 13:21:06 · answer #1 · answered by Beamer 4 · 0 1

-If you bought it online, probably not. Unless you paid beaucoup dollars for it from a legit store.

2006-09-17 20:13:08 · answer #2 · answered by IMHO 6 · 0 1

sure do looks like we got fakes

2006-09-17 20:12:20 · answer #3 · answered by Anthony M 2 · 0 1


2006-09-17 20:12:49 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

no i dont srry

2006-09-17 20:27:49 · answer #5 · answered by preppy chick 1 · 1 0

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