perhaps I am the odd one out here but I kinda think it is.....just my personal opinion, though.
2006-09-17 12:35:29
answer #1
answered by rainsparrow 4
Boy, will this one gets some nasty and rude comments especially as moooo said about blacks in africa - what a racist *** he/she is. there are people in america as well as other countries around the world that are starving and unfortunately in poor economic and unhealthy states. today there is a growing discrepancy in economic levels right here in america - much less africa (and for your info moooo - whites, asians, and other "coloreds" live in africa today at all econom levels) . your real question should have been is it wise to buy a 60k car and what neighborhoods can you safely drive much less park it in. i, personally, find it crude and vulgar to spend that much money on a car as invariably they are the worst gas guzzlers on the road. we are runing out of oil and will be facing a cisis in the next 5-10 years unless we get serious about eco fuels and cars that can run on them. i, also, find it vulgar and crude that people s[pend 2-3 million on 20+ room house for two people just because they can and need it to impress/entertain their friends when there are tenements that are only a few miles away with all colors of people living in poverty. think how many 2-3 bedroom (not fancy, but clean safe roof over your head type) for $100k+ you could build with that 2-3 million for one house. think about the hurricane victims you drive by with blue tarps on their roofs, because insurance won't pay and they can't afford to fix those homes/roofs. it's called being civil and a human being, not vain and boastful.
so if you feel you must drive a 60k car then only you must live with yourself, but i will ask you to donate to a charity when you can and even volunteer some hours to see how the other half lives. remember God said a rich man would have more trouble getting a camel to go thru the eye of a needle than for a poor man to enter heaven
2006-09-17 13:12:16
answer #2
answered by bigreddwg 2
Yes, it is selfish. But "selfish" is not necessarily synonomous with "bad."
Everyone in the world, regardless of income level or savings, should have title to all of the property they have legitimately earned. That is the only reason governments should exist - to protect the individual against force or fraud.
I earn a good salary, and I work hard for it. Most people do. There is no reason at all why criminals - in the government or on the street - should steal what I have earned, even if they think they can do better with it (they can't).
2006-09-17 12:44:42
answer #3
answered by sandislandtim 6
Most things are inherently selfish... even good deeds. We do good deeds to make ourselves feel like better people. All anyone can do is live their lives to the best of their abilities and try not to be a daft prick. If there is someway you can help out those starving people then by all means go for it- but no one person can solve all the problems of the world. It's my thought that living contentiously and doing the best you can to help those you can when you can is the best one can hope for. If you drive a nice car, that's your prerogative...
2006-09-17 12:44:51
answer #4
answered by annathespian 4
Not at all. What you do with your own money is your own business. You have no obligation to anyone. Without you brought someone into the world who is starving in Africa, then you are not obligated to feed anyone. It would be more beneficiall for the person if they wanted to help, to sponser a sterlization clinic to cut down on Africa's population, because they will continue to starve if they continue breeding unresponsibility.
2006-09-17 12:43:22
answer #5
answered by reallyfedup 5
Well to a certain extent it is selfish bc it seems excessively extravagant and unnecessary. At the same time, you earned the money, so of course you have every right to be selfish, or self-indulgent with it.
Just be careful to think through whether it is a wise investment. For me, I think I'd rather invest that kind of money in property, or some savings thing for when I have kids some day, and they go to college.
2006-09-17 12:40:37
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Its your life, do what you want. If you earned that money you deserve to do what you want with it. If it really bothers you just trying volunteering in your own community for an hour or two each week. You'll actually be able to see the difference you're making and you still get to roll that nice car. Its not how much money you've got, its what kind of person you are. Obviously you're a decent person if you're asking this question in the first place.
2006-09-17 12:34:45
answer #7
answered by quick4_6 4
Yes it can be selfish.
[You already knew the answer, or you wouldn't be asking!]
I suspect your guilty feelings may actually be a good thing here.
The Bible says we should give 10% of our income to charity or to the poor. If after you've mailed off a check of 10% of your salary to charity, you still have enough $$$ left to buy a $60K car, then perhaps it's OK. Otherwise, I'd say it's selfish.
Sound good?
- john
2006-09-17 12:36:13
answer #8
answered by zgraf 4
Main Entry: self·ish
Pronunciation: 'sel-fish
Function: adjective
1 : concerned excessively or exclusively with oneself : seeking or concentrating on one's own advantage, pleasure, or well-being without regard for others
* * *
If you're not driving someone else, then it is selfish by definition, starving people in Africa notwithstanding.
2006-09-17 13:18:30
answer #9
answered by Otto 3
No. Unfortunately this is the United States of America way of life. The same selfish way took place during the depression of the thirties in the USA.
2006-09-17 12:51:39
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
i've got puzzled that, a lot of my m8s have purely presently exceeded their attempt or pushed 4 lyk no particularly a quantity months or twelve months or so and yet a lot of them seme 2 arise with the money for present day 08 plate automobiles or ones of rather extreme overall performance, litre engine, new shiney ones and so on i ask your self why they don't least race on the motorways and would race by way of residential roads beeping their horns and stuff whilst u have been given young infants approximately (or in mattress) so plenty greater risky to bypass at velocity and racing around automobile parks like loonitics, shouting abuse at pedestrians as they bypass cos they think of they are confusing. would they do this in the event that they have been strolling bypass somebody? No cos they are susceptible little shits who think of they are confusing. however the police seem to worry so plenty greater related to the 'risk-free' speeders on motorways then those chavs doing 50 around a carpark, overrevving their automobiles thinkin there confusing utilizing at velocity with a automobile that struggles to even recover from 80 and ye maximum of them do bypass on their mum and dad so as that they are able to get it alot greater low fee and beable to truly get insured on a extreme overall performance whcih is undesirable incredibly it is the reason I oftentimes say 'its not velocity that kills, its undesirable utilizing or drivers that kills' Doing 120mph or so on an long on the instant empty highway interior the night is plenty safer and much less risk of crashing and/or killing somebody than doing 50-60+mph previous a college or a backstreet residential highway for the time of the college rush hour and so on with a 30/20 shrink the place u have been given young infants crossing and playin approximately everywhere, its those ones that are a danger, who have not have been given any attention for different consumers, not the highway cruisers
2016-12-18 12:05:19
answer #11
answered by ? 4