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2006-09-17 08:57:36 · 17 answers · asked by Eve 2 in Politics & Government Elections

17 answers

i don't think he cheated, he was voted in by morons! but he did cheat his way out of the armed service... coward! maybe that's his way in life...

2006-09-17 09:06:46 · answer #1 · answered by Shangri-La 4 · 0 3

It is interesting how people are so quick to say he cheated when he won exactly the way our Constitution dictates. The electoral college was set up to give all states a more fair vote. This means smaller populations won't feel controlled by the popular states. I find it amazing how some people use the Constitution to support their ideas of "Freedom of Privacy" (something not in the document) but then say the Constitution has to be changed because the person we wanted to win lost by it.
Perhaps it is just people who always want their way, regardless of law.

2006-09-17 16:08:03 · answer #2 · answered by AT 5 · 0 1

President Bush never cheated. He won in two very close elections. It was Al Gore who caused all the ruckus in 2000. After several handcounts (all of which favored Bush), Gore was still not satisfied, so he took his case to the Supreme court. The Supreme Court found in favor of Bush.

2006-09-18 13:04:12 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

it because he is a politician and they all the same just in it for the power and money don't think they really care about wot we think so they cheat there way to top .... and you will find that this is the only way he can win elections is bye cheating and telling everyone lies......

2006-09-17 16:09:54 · answer #4 · answered by alex m 1 · 0 2

He doesn't know any other way, but to cheat. Politics is about power and money. He wanted the power and the money. Of course he already has money, but he wanted the power. So he felt that the only way to get to be president is to cheat. Of course everyone says that his brother Jeb, has something to do with it.

2006-09-17 17:05:17 · answer #5 · answered by JF. 3 · 0 2

I'm not so sure he cheated, there are just enough brainwashed morons in this country to have actually voted for him.

2006-09-17 22:17:57 · answer #6 · answered by frenchy62 7 · 0 1

Because an overwhelming majority of americans can't bother to vote. I know that has nothing to do with your question but I just wanted to say it.

2006-09-17 16:06:48 · answer #7 · answered by Hans B 5 · 0 3

Get over it. He is in office and there is nothing we can do about it. Organize people to vote next time. Get involved with the process and quit bitching about the outcome.

2006-09-17 16:01:48 · answer #8 · answered by troythom 4 · 2 4

Are you still stuck on that !?!?!?! ... OH MY WORD ... get over it.

One thing is for certain -- we sure would not have wanted AlGore in office the past 8 years with all the difficulties that our Country has faced.

2006-09-17 16:00:25 · answer #9 · answered by ValleyR 7 · 2 4

lol, your a couple of years late but i'd have to say it's because he knows he can't win no matter how hard he tries, so he takes the easy rode and decides to cheat.

2006-09-17 16:05:31 · answer #10 · answered by Answer Givererer. 2 · 1 5

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