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How do Christian Democrats deal with issues like abortion and how much of it is garbadge ?
I am a Republican, but sometimes I wonder why ?
I just want really fair open views here.
I know Presedent Kennedy was Demorcrate, but he was also a full Catholic Christian, so abortion would have been out.
Or, would it have been ?
I am Born again, Holy Spirit filled Christian/ Roman Catholic,woman.
I have stayed a Republican, because I have been "told" that they are the most moral, morality believers, decent.
Is this true ?
Are Christian Democrats are trying to put more restrictions on abortions ? Are you in favor of Abortion?
Fighting / working to keep marriage pure,between a man and woman, working to keep same sex marriages illegal?
I just want to know.

2006-09-17 06:12:12 · 10 answers · asked by paula b 2 in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

10 answers

I am one of the 43% of democrats who are prolife. At one time I was a republican but no longer. I applaud you for trying to seek the answer. and hopefully, being open minded enough to reconsider what you have been told about Christianity and Republicans..my search has led me to these conclusions.

I feel the best way to answer your question is by pasting here an answer I gave about this to a women recently who asked why liberals were not normal.

I post the link below and then I post the answer I gave in its entirety. Although It is quite long, I believe it is a worthwhile read if you are willing to reconsider your beliefs and what is being taught by conservative churches...


I also address the prolife thing towards the end..so please take the time to read it as it is the result of prayer and much thought..and I pray God opens your eyes to what this post says..

This is the pasted part that applies...to her question (when I say you I am not referring to you but the girl who posed the question able liberals being godless esssentially.

If we are not normal, then neither was Jesus..

if we have no common sense, or decency, then neither did Jesus who was a liberal as evidenced by the following verses:

1 "feed the hungry"

(not cut food programs, food stamps, wic, and school lunches)

2. "shelter the homeless"

(not cut housing programs as Republicans did in December with the reverse Robin Hood bill) while ignoring the homeless and making more of them including children

3. "Heal the sick"
(not have 45 million without health care when the government's own studies (GAO) show universal health care is cheaper than the system we have now).

30,000 americans die each year that would be alive if they had health care hurting their families and children..let's focus on those families and extend prolife views to include the living as well.

4."Don't judge lest you be judged"

(as Republicans are so fond of doing--now being a case in point ...if a believer you should fear what God will say about your judging on the final judgement

5."Do not publically broadcast your faith but go in your secret prayer closet"

(using your faith to get votes shows the difference between the faith of Bush vs. Kerry)

6. "Blessed are the peacemakers"

(using depleted uranium weapons and causing horrific birth deformities like this is unconscienable as is a war for false reasons..could a true Christian really do this to children and their parents/grandparent and cause such extreme suffering?)



7. "If you favor the rich over the poor, you are commititing a sin"

(one could not say it more clearly than this Bible verse and no-one is more transparent about favoring the rich over the poor than Bush)


8."The most important of these is love, if you have not love, you have nothing" (he was speaking of faith and hope being secondary to love)

...the 50 billion dollars cuts made in December to food and housing programs, cuts to veterans benefits, child support enforcement programs, etc are not demonstrating love --much hardship and human suffering will result.

It is particularly hypocritical especially when one is doing it solely to turn around three weeks later in order to cut 70 billion in tax cuts to the rich...these are not the principles of Jesus.

Isn't it enough the poor and working poor are the ones who are sacrificing their children to war..must they now finace it too?
9."If someone asks for your coat, give them your hat too"

This is social justice in action, and reminds us that God loves a cheerful giver. We are to give to those in need, not, for example, throw fatherless children off welfare so their moms can work two jobs and essentially orphan them. Care for the orphans, the bible says frequently. It is the children who we are really giving to with social programs like welfare.

He also shows in the parables of the workers who worked just an hour getting the same pay as those working all day, that caring about people's needs and being generous superceeds the status quo and that He will repay us for our generosity. He uses us to help answers the prayers of others.

10. Trust God, not man, to protect you"

(this means not using pre-emptive strikes, FEMA, and homeland security, but faith alone for that takes real faith and trust....remember the battle of Jerico)

11. "Pray for and love your enemies"

(again don't use depleted uranium and contaminate all food and water for 4 1/2 billion years, and caused cancer, gulf-war type syndrome, and horrific birth deformities to skyrocket). Doing something like this only causes a desire for retribution against us as well.

12. "Thou shall not kill"

some of the deaths caused by the neocons include

*deaths from unnessary war,

*from D.U. weapons and the sicknesses they cause

*for our own troops being poisoned and for their future children (extreme deformities--67% of Gulf War I vets have kids with serious birth defects like missing eyes and limbs from our use of DU weapons..all four of the countries we used them in have had gulf-war type syndromes). Also spouses of troops are dying.

*the deaths of innocent civilians in neighboring countries (15 countries from Iraq so far as DU spreads widely),

*and future generations, (till the end of time)---millions or more of people

*from preventable deaths for lack of health care due to political contributions and kickbacks from insurance companies, etc.being more important to politicians than people's lives

*from the rise in number of aborted babies from lack of programs and a living wage etc which makes it more likely the women will choose an abortion (which are way up under Bush),

*people who kill themselves when they lose their home from economics of the day and from program cuts

*or lose a job due to free trade agreements and outsourcing, etc and become depressed and commit suicide

*or who die because there can't afford medical drugs due to not allowing Canadian drugs to be purchased cheaper

*or die from freezing to death when they become homeless from housing programs cuts

*or die from sicknesses from substandard food that Americans especially poor and uneducated one are eating daily due to food companies lobbists

*death that results from harming the enviroment and killing the planet itself and other species

*killing people in the future through ignoring global warming and bypassing alternative feuls (which is involved in wars that kill) for profits

and on and on it goes...it is the taking of another's life which we are not to do

This doesn't include the millions more who suffer greatly as a result of current policies here and around the world.

13. Though not from the words of Jesus, Ezechiel22: 25-31 says (in my translation)---think of this administration and these words...

"they kill innocent people for profit "(see above for examples and no blood for oil)

"they make widows out of women" (war, and see list above)

"they plot their secret plans like lion going after their prey"

and it concludes with "they claim God speaks to them when He hasn't said a word to them" and that "they will be HARSHLY punished for hurting the poor.

How appropriate to today's leaders...

Yes, Jesus and God love the poor and so do liberals.

It is love in action that speaks and it is that love that Jesus refers to when he will say at the final judgement, "I was hungry and you fed me, naked and you clothed me, in prison and you visited me, "etc when He says "whatsoever you do to the least of my breathren, you do unto me".

When He says to the others "I was hungry and you didn't feed me" etc. and depart from me "I never knew you" it will be to those without love in their hearts for love is the key that makes the difference...

God sees inside and he called the outwardly perfect pharasees on their fiflty, hard hearts inside, and loved the sinners instead. He says what he thinks of the rich (it is harder...eye of a needle..") and the political right is the party of the rich.

14. "Look to the beam in your own eye"

(ie--stop judging others for their sins as only God know their heart, all the circumstances, environment,and their natural temperament and brain chemistry that influences one decision).

Since only God knows all the variables, only He is fit to judge).

These are only a few of the verses that show Jesus does not think like you and was indeed a liberal. He also elevated the status of women in his days.

It is a sterotype to say that all liberals are godless. I personally am a born again, evangelical Christian who is very far left precisely because of my Christian values and study of the word of God and following of principles of love that stem from a conscience and good heart and a belief to do unto others.

Jesus warned that many would be led astray by false preachers in these end times; unfortunately, these Christians that are being led astray in mass numbers are blind to the fact that they are part of what Jesus prophesized.

They are listening to false prophets who substitute their own conservative ideology for the words of Jesus and twist his words to suit their viewpoints pulling millions down the path of destruction....who are unaware of their own self-righteousness, lack of caring for others,, and blindness.

Just like in His days, religious people were blind to the truth..and hated Jesus for pointing it out so too, do you hate those who point out that your own willful beliefs superceeding Jesus' words or your blind following of false prophets.

Jesus pointing out to the pharasees that though they thought they were moral and upright for following all the jewish laws and 10 commandments strictly, they did so without love in their hearts and with self-righteousness. It is our love for God and our fellow man that God wants most from us.

Jesus eschewed the company of the religious and preferred that of prostitutes, tax collectors, adulterers and other sinners. Likely he would be hanging out with the gays and poor and homeless and women having abortions if he walked the earth today and people like you would be criticizing him for loving the lowly and sinners.

He hates hypocrites and so many Christians are hypocrits but blind to thier hypocrisy --modern day pharasees who risk being rebuked if they don't wake up.

I do not hate Christians, being one; however, I do feel sorry that so many like sheep are led astray because they are following the words of outspoken religious rights pasters and leaders rather than the words of their true shephard, Jesus.

I hope you will thoughtfully consider the words I have written so you will not be ashamed on judgment day for your lack of love for the least of these.

In direct answer to your question, not all liberals are non religious. also not all are prochoice, in fact, 43% of them are not and are prolife.

Prolife also includes those killed in war and by the decisions of corporations who own the politicians, primarily republican one. These corporations cause large numbers of deaths through things like leaking chemicals, radiation leaks, altered foods, etc.

Being against war and trying in at all possible to be peacemakers is not being anti military..never sending our military into harm's way unless is is absolutely necessary is being pro military.

If you are, in fact, pro military you don't seek to cut veterans pay, health care, benefits, hospitals etc. as Bush did, nor deprive them of health care after poisoning them with depleted uranium and hiding it as it is too expensive to care for them. You do not exclude health care for the deformed children they have and the sick spouses who get poisoned from their husband's exposure.

As far as gays, studies are starting to show that this may not be a choice as the brain chemistry and hormones of gay men are very similar to that of straight women and not at all like that of straight men.

The immoral use of estrogenic herbicides in our foods for profit and estrogenic herbicides which leech into the ground water is unbalancing human hormone systems. In the 1 1/2 generations since I was a young teen, the average age of first menstruation has gone from age 13 to age 9..this is a huge change in such a short time and it is suspected that the hormones in the dairy products, etc are causing this.

These hormones are also linked to the exponential rise in reproductive cancers like prostrate, breast, uterine etc. It is also linked with homosexual behavior in animals that drink the water and eat from the soil where these estrongenic herbiides have leached into. So, it is assumed that it also is affecting humans this way.

It is more than likely that the greedy use of these chemicals to fatten up animals and have them produce unnatural amounts of milk for profit is a cause of much of the homosexual behavior rather than a choice. these hormones in the food and herbicides, etc. are also linked to sexual deviance.

In the days of Leviticus, the homosexual rate was likely much less and perhaps a choice unlike much of the behavior today.

Also we do not follow the hebrew laws anymore in respect to things like killing someone who commits adultery, eats unclean animals or shellfish, nor are our men considered unclean if they sit on a chair after a menstruating womon sits there for 7 days or requires to do cleansing ceremonies.

The new testament/convenent did away with the old testament/covenant in regards to Christians and salvation

..we are no longer under the law (10 commandment, golden rule, Jewish laws, etc) for salvation, but under grace (the finished work on our behalf wrought from the sacrificed blood of Jesus; consequently, even though we all have sinned, we all can find salvation through trusted in the finsihed work of Jesus' death and resurrection...not our works lest any man should boast. This includes gay people.

Some of the cases of homosexuality are caused by these estrogenic and environmental factors and genetics, while some are a choice and thus a sin and yet, just as jesus' work 2000 years ago cleansed us from all our sin (past, present, and future ...as all our sins were future then), so too, can God forgive and justify the current sin of homosexuality if it is washed in the blood of Jesus...only Jesus/God is fit to judge any sin as only He knows the heart, temperment, and unknown to us factors that influence each individual.

If it is genetic, hormonal, or environmentally caused, it is not a choice or a sin.

With those cases where it is a sin, is it any greater than the sins we don't conquer and keep committing but that jesus will and has forgiven if we trust in Him to save us? The bible says all sin is hated by God and thus equal in God's eyes and that all have sinned and the whole world stands hushed and guilty before God.

Our role is to not judge people but leave this to God...our role is to love and do unto others as we would wish others would do to us. Judge not, friend, lest you be judged.

One needs to open their mind. I studied Kohlberg's theory of moral reasoning in college..most people reach stages 1-4, a few people, generally the very intelligent reach stages 5 and 6 which I have and at the lower stages people judge in this manner..it's wrong if the law says so, but those at the higher reasoning see the nuances and realize there are universal laws which can supercede man's laws..that"a law that is unjust", Aquinas said, "is not a law." So one must take all factors into account, and since only God, being supremely intelligent, knows all the factors, only He is fit to judge.

So if liberals are not decent for adhering to the words of Jesus and loving the least among us, then you must say the same for Jesus...since Jesus was the only sinless man, one cannot say he was immoral.

THe remarks below were in reply to what the original poster of the "not Normal" post said to me...in for additional comments


to answer your comments to me...saying someone who has beliefs you listed (Liberals) and generalizing like that is judging... and also sterotyping and sterotyping always harms people

..one feels love by understanding that there are extenuating circumstances at times (gays--may be genetic, etc), someone who is having an abortion (and I am very prolife) is under more stress perhaps than any time in their lives..with time they may regret that choice made in moments of panic or pressure from others etc.

I personally would do all I could to help someone considering abortion and explain in passionate words how much my own children have enriched my life, etc but if the person still had an abortion, I would continue to love them and try to help them just as God does us.

I have been to churches where the minister railed on and on in judging fiery tones against gays, catholics, teens who commit suicide, etc. I summoned up my courage and shared with him that he will never reach them with his message if he talks like that..they will become angry, defensive, closed to him and anything he says, and leave.

True Christianity strives to love people and treat them kindly and Christians in their zealousness to proclaim sin is wrong push people from God through their examples. We are to live a good life and be kind to all, show the love of Jesus by the example of the lives we lead as best we can understanding we are flawed and do fail at times, and then trust that God will use that to try to help the person...one catches more flys with honey than vinegar they say..

Let he without sin cast the first stone...apllies just as surely to each of us as it did then...one could say that throwing a fatherless child off welfare and causing him to go hungry, wear tattered clothing and suffer, or be put out of a subsidized home unto the street because their mom had problems (many of which we may not know about) is just as sinful as being gay might be or being prochoice...if not much worse..

So is what we are doing to the people in Iraq..look at these pictures in the link and ask if a true Christian (supposedly Bush and the repulicans) would do that to someone and their parent's and grandparents..try to put yourself in the place of a mother who delivers a child who would have been normal if it wasn't for our secret nuclear wars against innocent cililians in the guise of "helping them".. and see how this leads to hate not peace..it is certainly not loving our enemies or living by the golden rule.

I am happy you are charitable...the world needs people like that and I applaud you..I am not trying to judge you as much as get you to truly reflect upon the words I have written...perhaps reread them..

3. All social programs combined
(adc, food stamps, housing, wic, school lunches, etc.. ALL of them) amount to just $50 billion a year...$1.14 a day each approximately from each taxpayer, while $1,338 a year goes to tax cheating, job exporting, environment destroying corporations such as gas companies., etc making record profits...

Companies like Walmarts who expect taxpayers to foot the bills and actively train their managers to tell their employees to apply for programs such as food stamps, housing, medicaid, wic, etc because they do not want to pay for health insurance (and lose their competitive edge against responsible companies who do) and who despite being the richest company in the world, do not pay a living wage.

These are the true welfare cheats...where the bulk of your hard earned money goes...noone says anything about them...when Walmarts sends it's employees to apply for social programs, it hurts people like my brother with schizophrenia or a blind or paralyzed person who truly needs help as then too many people are using their programs so it is the first place they cut money from with their soaring deficits and those in true need due to disabilities are the ones who suffer for Walmart's greed.

In 12 states studied, Walmart's had the most employees on all social programs in 11 of those 12 states.

Trillions of dollars are also going to tax cuts that mostly help the top few % of the people who need it the least and to an immoral war that is making us less safe and ruining human DNA and harming all species in Iraq. Save your anger for the fact that people in the surrounding areas through the end of time will suffer from horriifc deformity and illnesses and death because of what we did to them and our own troops you proport to love so much. To harm people in the future through radiation's effects who will not even know we existed is terrorism on a scale that makes 911 pales in comparison..vengence is mine says the Lord.

The fact is we do not decide where the money goes....and the fat cats---billionaires and multi billion dollar corporations do decide with their expensive lobbyists...the politicians are only too happy when we get mad at the poor person down the street so they can cut that programs, while retaining their war for profit or the massive corporate welfare and pet, pork projects, while not losing all their political campaign contributions, kickbacks, gifts, perks, future job offers etc that the rich give them..

Since I am assuming that you are a Christian, forget not that Jesus talked about the poor more than any topic in the bible except salvation and the bible says that if you favor the poor over the rich, you are committing a sin..he tells us to particularly love the poor and least among us..although you may do a lot to help people individually, your help can never add up to a drop in the bucket for the true help so many people need and that the government gives....and for $1..14 a day, you are helping people who might otherwise be homeless, hungry, sick, get raped, beaten, clinically depressed (and thus inadvertently neglectful of their kids)etc.

You are making an investment into the lives of children and also society...when the mom is forced to work 2 or 3 low paying job when kicked off welfare or when she loses her insurance, etc., the fatherless child now has no mother as well and has a greatly reduced chance of turning out right, thus harming society and future generations that they will one day parent.

This is a small investment that helps so many both in the now and the future...including those who work that may become victims of a neglected child who may feel unloved since no parent is there to guide them and love them\and eventually goes down the wrong path...wasting their life and others.



That concldes what I said to her and the comments below, Paula, are in response to your quiry about abortion.

1.Ask yourself, will abortion ever become legal again and will it do so due to republican politicians..consider that most Americans are prochoice.

Consider that we have had Republican president 16 of the last 24 years, they have controlled both houses of congress over 10 years and appointed I believe it is 8 of the past 10 judges to the Supreme Court.

Yet nothing has been done about abortions and nothing ever will be done about abortion as gay marriage and abortion are emotional issues and how the Republicans get massive amounts of votes..if they fix it, they might lose votes especially since many republicans are one issue voters voting against their economic interests.

Better to pray for a change of heart in people and that women will choice life, better to work at pregnancy distress centers trying to help individual women choose life.

Better to realize some things are not in our control.

Better to realize that 20% of aborted children could be saved by improving the economy as abortions are way up under Bush and were the lowest since Roe v Wade under Clinton.

This is because when people don't have a job or work 2 or 3 jobs or have no health care, etc, they are much less likely to chose life..20% (at least) of all abortions are done for economic reasons.

If republicans really cared about life, they wouldn't have been so supportive of ending welfare as this tremendously caused young girls and poor mothers to chose to abort as they saw no way to be able to survive with a child...they pulled the safety net and didn't see that welfare was an investment into fatherless children's life and society.

If a child has at least one parent in the home, they stand a much better chance of turning out well, thus helping and aren’t handicapping society. It is the kind things to do and Jesus loved the poor and the orphans and children so he especially loves poor, fatherless children. Jesus would not be happy with the extreme hatred conservatives exhibit for poor and disabled people on social programs.

God allows us free will and know that by doing so, bad things will happen, but He still loves us. This is to be our attitude to the mother who chooses abortion if we are unable to stop her by our conversations and offers of help.

The more prolife people who become democrats, the more likely eventually this will change in the democratic party. We need to look at the whole picture.

Being a republican has done nothing to save lives of the unborn while democratic policies have saved 20% of the abortions that people would have done if not for the social program help and good economy.

Meanwhile, just this December 50 billion was cut in all types of social programs (housing, food, education, vets, child support enforcement, etc so the rich could get 70 billion in tax cuts 3 weeks later. These people affected by the cuts are actually suffering..some will die or commit suicide or die from health care being cut.

Democrats in power could actually prevent massive suffering while being prolife and a republican doesn't do anything except allow you to say..my party is prolife (but with no action of helping/changing/or doing a darn thing)...talk is cheap.

We need to consider what the politicians are actually doing rather than just saying..

We also need to consider the effects there cuts and olicies have on those who live between birth and death and not juust those preborn or just before dearh (as the recent woman in the vegetative state).

Bush left his vacation to fly in to sign the bill seeking to prolong this one woman's life (and I agreed she should be kept alive and her parents should have decided instead of husband with conflict of interest), yet rejected even coming or knowing or doing anything while kids and old people were massively suffering and dying during Katrina.. since we live in an imperfect world, we need to consdier which party does the most good for the most people.Democrats believe in equality asnd tolerance and helping the old and sick and disabled and fatherless and sick vets and veterans benefits and homeless and hungry and schools etc.

?Republicians give almost 4 xs as much to corporate welfare to greedy, job exporting, environment destroying corporations worth billions as ALL social programs combined (social security, mediicare, food stamps, housing, vets programs, education,etc)

At least 42% of our taxes go to pay for past and present wars and the military. Our priorities are out of whack.

I am proud to be a born again, fundamentalist Christian liberal.

Thjose who said there are no christian democrats may well be surprized what God has to say about their lack of love and who is in heaven..remember, who Jesus hung out with and who Jesus loved.

2006-09-17 07:09:11 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 9 1

You can vote a certain way, but you can think for yourself. You don't have to believe every thing that a particular party does. Abortion is not the only issue out there. It's merely one. Not everyone bases their decision on who to vote for on the abortion and gay marriage issue. There are many, many other more important issues to consider. When Kennedy was president, abortion was not legal. It didn't become legal until like 1972-3 or somewhere around then. Don't let anyone tell you how to think about something or that you have to vote a certain way to be their version of a Christian. Decide for yourself what you think of something and consider ALL the issues of a candidate not just the "hot" topics like abortion and gay marriage. Voting on those issues alone gets us the kind of president we have now....one who doesn't have sense enough to get in out of the rain. There are so many things going on in this country and the world that have nothing to do with abortion and gay marriage and so you need to consider everything when voting.

And for those who say there are no Christian Democrats....I am a Christian AND a Democrat and you do not know me or what's in my heart and that statement is so blatantly ignorant. In the last 2 presidential elections, almost 50% voted for a Democrat....are you saying that 50% of the population in America are not Christian? I guess that would dismiss your arguement that this is a Christian country then, huh?

2006-09-17 06:20:50 · answer #2 · answered by First Lady 7 · 2 0

In reality, you should support candidates that you most agree with. That may mean voting straight ticket Republican, Democrat, or any mixture. No party has a monopoly on the truth.

But judging from the items important to you such as being pro-choice and against gay marriage, you'll feel more comfortable as a Republican most of the time (there may be the some Democrats you like).

Ask/research your candidates position on the issues near and dear to your heart and vote accordingly.

2006-09-17 06:18:32 · answer #3 · answered by inpoetry1 3 · 2 0

I am a christian democrat, but my religious beliefs, do not affect my political beliefs, I do not believe in forcing my ideas on others. I am pro choice, even though I believe life begins on conception, not everyone feels that way however and it is their choice to make. Same with gay marriage, I feel being gay is against my beliefs, however I can not tell someone else how to live their life.
Religion and politics have no business mixing, our country was not founded on religion, it was founded on religious freedom. So instead of supporting a party that is doing morally wrong things and lying every day, you should support the party that wants to bring our troops home.Gay marriage will eventually be legal you cant stop it, just like you can get the abortion laws over turned.

2006-09-17 06:26:15 · answer #4 · answered by stephaniemariewalksonwater 5 · 4 3

I'm a Christian.

I'm also a Democrat.

I believe that abortion should be legal because not every person believes in the sanctity of the life of the un-born. But on a moral level I believe abortion should only be used in cases of rape, incest, or life-threatening condition. However, I also believe you can't legislate morality.

I believe in the use of capital punishment. But I believe it should only be used in the most extreme of cases, because as Thomas Jefferson once said, "It is better to set 100 guilty men free then to imprison one innocent man."

I believe gays and lesbians should be allowed to be married. But I also believe that religious organizations which don't view homosexuality as a legitimate lifestyle (Christian, Jewish or Islamic organizations, or others, such as the Boys Scouts of America, which were founded on religious principles) should not be forced to recognize the marriage. It should only be used for certain legal (such as hospital visitation), financial (tax credits and inheritance rights) and governmental (census) purposes.

I believe that any federal budget surplus should go to reducing the national debt rather than give tax cuts.

I believe that if you're going to give tax cuts, they should go to the poor rather than the rich.

Neither Republicans nor Democrats can claim to be the representative of the "Moral Majority" because every persons moral compass is different. You can't generalize about anyone's politics because every issue is different in itself.

2006-09-17 07:05:26 · answer #5 · answered by caysdaddy04 3 · 3 0

Well, I know Bob Casey, Sr & Jr. were/are Catholic Democrats. At a Democratic National Convention, Bob Casey was scheduled to speak, but because of his abortion views, they wouldn't let him. His son is running for the Senate now and he is still against choice.

I am a Republican and a Catholic and I believe in choice. I am not pro abortion as some claim. I am for a woman and her family being able to decide what's best for them and having doctors and hospitals available for her care. I also think that those who claim to be "pro life" but are also pro death penality are hypocrites. Either you are pro life or you're not. Being pro life does not mean that you get to decide who lives and who dies. If you believe it is up to God, then you should leave it to him.

2006-09-17 06:33:49 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I don't consider myself a democrat, per se, but I am democratic on social issues. I also consider myself a Christian. My reasoning for doing so is that, regardless of my beliefs, I do not feel I have the right to push mine on others. I realize this nation was founded on Christian principles, and we should respect that and honor it (ie: not taking "God" out of the pledge). I think it's almost parallel to that which Muslims are doing in trying to force their belief system on others. If someone gets a gay marriage, that doesn't affect my Christianity. I'm not going to get one, but if someone does it doesn't hurt me. If someone gets an abortion, that doesn't affect my Christianity. Again, I'm not going to get one, but what gives me the right to tell someone else they can't?

2006-09-17 06:22:14 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

before you take a political affiliation, you really should research the facts for yourself. democrats are often liberals, who often support abortion and same-sex marriage. republicans are the ones who don't want change. and don't believe the conservatives who say democrats aren't christian and faithful. in all fairness, they are just as christian as anyone else.

2006-09-17 06:27:08 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Their arent any Christain Democrats..Some might think they are..But anyone that doesnt want to protect the other 300million people in their countries, wants to kill innocent cristians, and goes against the Bible on many issues (Democrats) arent very christian like at all

Im a Catholic Republican/Conservative

I support the death penalty
Dont support abortion..under any circumstance
All gays are going to hell and deserve to die (As the Bible says)
Hell..Were GOD, Gods Own ******* Party..Theyre Liberal Sinners

2006-09-17 06:16:49 · answer #9 · answered by I Hate Liberals 4 · 0 9

No such thing as a Christian dem if all dems are defined by today's standards. 30-40 yrs ago, or more, they could be Christians.

2006-09-17 06:21:04 · answer #10 · answered by Ted Kennedy aka Swimmer 3 · 0 6

fedest.com, questions and answers