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I would like to have mostly Disney Channel star's. I only have Miley Cyrus's email and screen name. (I'm not trying to stalk Miley, or any1 else, so please dont say that I am, k?)

2006-09-17 02:09:57 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Entertainment & Music Celebrities

9 answers

~i do, i have all the disney channel stars im screennames! does that mean i a m going to give them out though? no it doesnt ur not worth that much typing! so toodles !!

2006-09-17 03:16:19 · answer #1 · answered by ♥OHIO*HONEY♥ 4 · 1 2

miley cyrus's: dinky468 or lilmlgirl09 or mileybabiix3 or mileycyrus92xoxo or mileymandybff or mileyxx241992 or smilemiles0927....hahaha..wow i guess you none of them are actual however... selena gomez's: cheaitsmedurr [playstation ..it is the only sn that i know that has signed on it rather is a celebs =] or damnnx sel or darkblueeeeex3... zac efron's: zachsmefron87 or v19zacdamanx9 or ellozachary..pssshh vanessa hudgen's: Hollisterbird14 emily osment's: sk8 emmy sk8 [or sk8emmysk8] or fancypants09875 demi lavoto's: Demtimate Fergi's: fergsdana ashley tisdale's: ashluvsjaredx5 or starburstchick5 or tinkerbellx85x nick jonas's: xxnickxxjb dylon and cole sprouse's: colewilleatyou or tomatoboydylans i individually have not got self belief any of them...buttttttt in case you decide on them then w.e...i replaced into doing the comparable concern as you

2016-12-12 09:53:07 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

yeah well sortta...... if you go to sprousebros.com (for dylan and cole sprouse) go to bios and click on dylan or cole. they both have links to myspace accounts. you have to be a member of myspace to read them tho. but both the accounts are sweet. if you are a member you can ask to be in there friends and then you can talk to them sometimes. what is miley cyrus screename??? sorry she is like awsome and it would be cool to have it. i wouldnt give it to anyone else.

2006-09-17 07:16:05 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I know which of my celebrity friends have AIM & other IM IDs. But I won't give them out to anyone. It's called "respecting their privacy."

If a celebrity wishes someone to have their email addys or messenger IDs, they'll give them out themselves. They won't pass them along to a fan to pass out.

2006-09-17 07:59:37 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There are several websites and blogs that keep track of these details, especially LiveJournal - take a look there. I have listed a community to get you started.

However, it's not appropriate to publish the personal details of a public figure, as they deserve their privacy as much as everybody else. So be careful who, how and where you ask!

2006-09-17 02:37:51 · answer #5 · answered by skinheadskippy 2 · 3 1

I have Her AIM MYSPACE EMAIL and Phone #!!!!! (but we dont talk much on the phone)

2006-09-17 07:01:42 · answer #6 · answered by stuff 2 · 1 0

sorry i dont know which celebrities

2006-09-17 03:47:59 · answer #7 · answered by cute sam 4 · 1 0

yeah, cuz they love when complete nobodies IM them. i'll send you that list. hold your breath now.

2006-09-17 02:12:16 · answer #8 · answered by the greg 5 · 2 1

u kno wat ppl r sooOOooo stupid these days,y wud u think Miley wud giv u her email??!?!!!?!??

2006-09-17 02:30:41 · answer #9 · answered by --»vann<3♥ 5 · 1 0

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