A C T U A L L Y...looting starts before the hurricane hit. People evacuate their homes...criminals know they are gone...it's time to hit those houses. Then on the day of the storm, or when it's approaching, there's a high probabilty of power outages coming...that's a good time too.
I live in south Mississippi. Someone stole my bicycle out of my gararge...how stupid is that...but it's still stealing. The ones who steal material things (tv, dvd, radio, etc.) should honestly burn in hell. When you kick someone who is already down and in serious need of help getting back up...you are truly evil.
After the hurricane hits and people are able to leave again...with the power being out EVERYWHERE...there is a VERY VERY stricly enforced curfew for EVERYONE...ours was at 6pm. We had US marshals, sheriff dept, cops, military, etc. and if you tried to enter these towns after a certain time...you were stopped and questioned.
The sheriff of Harrison County said something to this effect...he didn't care how many people were in the prison; looters will be put in jail, even if they are stacked on top of one another. I agree completely. Looting is wrong.
As far as New Orleans...well OMG! They were completely out of hand and crazy...made the rest of us look bad!!
2006-09-17 21:38:44
answer #1
answered by littlerandiheather 5
Looting started after Katrina hit...the smart people evacuated and weren't there to protect their stores and homes from being raided. Looters weren't stealing to survive...why would someone need multiple TVs in a community that no longer had power? Why were guards that should have been keeping peace and order filling their cars with merchandise? They were lawless criminal thugs. Their motives weren't altruistic or based on survival any more than the L.A. looters who stole and burned community businesses after the Rodney King incident. These were people who were more interested in exploting a weakness than expending the same effort toward something more productive...
The people who opened fire on the helicopters trying to rescue patients from the hospitals were doing so because they wanted to get to the hospitals first to raid the pharmacies of their drugs... Doctors had to move patients to higher floors, not because of the water level, but because they didn't want to get shot when the looters arrived before the helicopters could get there through the barrage of bullets... My cousin was one of the doctors...
If the people who foolishly chose to stay and felt impervious to hurricanes would have evacuated or at least followed the FEMA guidelines of having 5-days' worth of supplies (batteries, water etc.) there would have been no soundbites of people complaining that they were without water until the 5th day....by then help was arriving. Trucks can't get there directly when the roads and bridges no longer exist...
The holdouts took a calculated risk and lost their bet...they are not entitled to "cash and prizes" for the loss via looting...
2006-09-17 03:59:09
answer #2
answered by Cleveburgher 3
If you're looting a food warehouse for baby food and box milk that's one thing. Looting circuit city for a TV and iPod when there's no power makes you a scumbag . Now if they were only to steal batteries that be different. I lived in Cancun in 05 during hurricane Wilma. Way worse than Katrina as far in actual damage caused by the hurricane itself. During the eye when everything calmed down for a couple hours. A buddy an I went out to check the damages, it was really bad and the hurricane wasn't even over. We knew there was still another 12 hours of hell coming . One of the little pharmacia /liquor store for the tourists was half destroyed. We knew the owners had no way of getting back to clean up and fix the broken windows and door before the storm kicked back in. So we decided to rescue all the booze and drugs we could stuff in the back of my Cherokee before the storm kicked back in. I really did feel horrible about it until the storm was over and we found the only thing left of that store was one wall and a corona parking lot marker. I look back on it now as something heroic. We risked our lives for top shelf tequila and cases of Johnny Walker. Still got a bottle of Johnny Black for a special occasion. Everything else in that store probably made it the gulf coast of Florida as bad as that storm was. The funny thing was that storm was a category 5 and it was far more destructive than Katrina. There was only 2 deaths and the power was back on in a week. Most of the resorts were opened back up in 3 months. Now most of the damages were cleaned up by foreign corporations getting their tourist cash cows back up and running. Its still supposedly a third world country . Aren't they all cleaning up after Katrina?
2015-05-07 20:21:49
answer #3
answered by London 1
obviously after Hurricane Katrina,
I don't blame those people for looting though,
People needed to take what they could to survive..
2006-09-17 02:12:46
answer #4
answered by Anonymous