Safe as houses, you will love it, perhaps you may consider moving there permanently.
Stumbled upon one of your questions about Steve Erwin jokes and am not impressed as I see you posted several.
You are giving Aussies a bad name!
2006-09-17 03:45:12
answer #1
answered by ***** 3
Most of the gun violence in the US involving strangers (someone you don't know) is from drug deals gone bad or from thieves trying to break into someone's home. If you're not planning to buy or sell any illegal drugs or do any break-ins, then you should be okay. These situations are extremely rare (don't let TV shows fool you).
If you are concerned about someone robbing you, then walk in heavily populated areas, don't wear expensive jewelry, and don't carry a lot of cash. Also, don't walk alone at night. Theft happens everywhere around the world and I can attest to that. I have lived in several US cities all of my life (43 years) and have never had a gun pulled on me.
2006-09-16 22:19:21
answer #2
answered by Crimson 2
I've lived here 30 years and never been robbed or had a gun pulled on me!
2006-09-16 20:38:17
answer #3
answered by ? 3
America is no worse nor no better than most countries in the world, crime is everywhere.
You have to be vigiliant, travel in lighted areas, don't count your money in public, be sensible about atm machines. Make sure you have copies of your passport, visas, use traveller's cheques so if you are robbed your money can be replaced. Might also be wise to check in with your country's embassy or consulate when you arrive , with your itinerary, so they know where you may be if they need to contact you.
I've travelled to the US many times, only had one incident where my friend was robbed and it was her own fault for not being more vigiliant with her purse.
2006-09-16 20:48:30
answer #4
answered by Lizzy-tish 6
Just remember, in states like Texas and Florida the citizens carry guns too. It makes a great deterrent when a would be thug doesn't know if a person is toten' a gun or not. All that aside, just stay out of the inner city's and the backwoods and it is the safest place on earth.
2006-09-16 20:41:00
answer #5
answered by mad_mav70 6
I live in America, and have never had a gun pulled on me, or been robbed
2006-09-16 20:38:17
answer #6
answered by xoxox 4
I would say that we are a very safe country over all, but it depends on what part you go to. Like, I'd say you'd be more likely to have a gun pulled out on you in Detroit Michigan than in Savannah, but don't worry! Safety is very important here and people go all out to keep things safe.
2006-09-16 20:40:36
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Never happened to me and I've lived here 56 years. But I do have to add that we do have a lot of crime. And there are areas I don't care to go into, mostly those are the ghettos of the inner-cities
2006-09-16 20:42:17
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Safer then being in that elevator in Russia or wherever it was where that kid got disembowled. Or that guy in the Netherland who held that girl captive for about 12 years in some room. Or in France where you have to be a muslim to be safe..
2006-09-16 20:39:07
answer #9
answered by dhamca 3
Funny-as I ask this as I go to Turkey, Israel, Jordan, and Egypt.
America is as safe as any place on the earth.
2006-09-16 20:38:39
answer #10
answered by Shossi 6