To enjoy yourself to the fullest with life's 3 treasures: money, women, & booze
It is not for certain if there is another life after this one as some religions claim. We can only assume through beliefs. So my advice is to live this life to the fullest, and only invest in things that one knows will give them pleasure in THIS life.
2006-09-16 11:55:51
answer #1
answered by summexicandude06 3
The real goal in life is to live. I mean with all the things going on in the world we as people need to appreciate the fact that we are given another opportunity to take another breath. And our goal shouldn’t be worrying, stressing, or drowning in our own self pity because everything in life could get so much worst. So we should take each moment in live because each moment is special because you can’t ever get them back so live in them.
2006-09-16 11:54:28
answer #2
answered by ~* NISE *~ 1
Basically to make a difference in this life and to leave it a better place than when you came into it. Not everyone will accomplish this so we just do the best we can and try to survive our term of duty here. The best we can hope for is to die doing what we do best or love like Steve Irwin, the Croc Hunter.
2006-09-16 11:53:42
answer #3
answered by Arthur W 7
To survive. That underlies every decision we make. Even the decision to procreate. By producing another life you are extending your own. Mankinds goal is survival. Pure and simple.
2006-09-16 12:16:15
answer #4
answered by woodybmi 3
to have a goal in life.
2006-09-16 11:39:25
answer #5
answered by Charlene 1
i believe life is to have fun and enjoy mostly cause you must admit its aweful hard to have fun once your dead. and think about it have you ever heard of anyone on their deathbed say i wish i spent more time at work
2006-09-16 11:42:56
answer #6
answered by wiz of ia 2
i think it is to listen to your heart
get hurt to knowwhat it feels like
and die when they need you too
not when they want you too
2006-09-16 11:56:03
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Do be good person and help others when they need that.....
2006-09-16 12:05:22
answer #8
answered by . 3