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I'm getting my tounge done. but i can't decide if i should get the top of my ear done or the middle part. And i don't know whether to get a tattoo on my belly or back. what looks best? what pericings and tattoos have you's all got? do they hurt?

2006-09-16 07:41:11 · 25 answers · asked by stupid 1 in Beauty & Style Skin & Body

25 answers

I've had my tongue, nose, belly & ears done. I also have 4 tattoos. I personally, loved having my tongue ring, but I removed it because it was messing up my teeth. I miss it...but when I broke a tooth, I had to take it out.

As for the ear...my favorite is def' the industrial...
It's not for everyone though...since it takes up a good portion of your ear. I also had to remove mine too....I was on the phone a lot for work and it started getting painful & swollen.

Piercings are pretty fun...and not as permament as tattoos....if you take care of them. I'd never get my belly button pierced again---it took forever to heal, and I still have a scar from it.

For Tattoos....I'd say go with what you think you'll like. I have one on my back, in between my shoulder blades...and that's my favorite. I can show it off if I want to...or cover it up for work. I also have one on my belly too. It's important to pick a good artist too....Even when I was pregnant my belly tattoo looked flawless! it went back to normal afterwards too.

Either way...just try to get something that is only for YOU. You can't go wrong with getting a piercing or tattoo if you're completely confident & comfortable with yourself.

Good luck, have fun...and be safe!!

Oh...and if you have any more ?'s...feel free to IM me or email me. ;-)

2006-09-16 07:49:51 · answer #1 · answered by ? 2 · 1 0

I have both the top and the middle of my ear done (as well as three on each earlobe), and although I think the top one looks better, you have to have the right kind of earring to go in the piercing, otherwise it looks wrong.

As for a tattoo, I would definetely reccomend getting it on your back. Not only does it look better, but as you get older, your belly is much more likely to get bigger than your back, and if you have a tattoo on your belly, it will stretch out and look all wrong (I have my tattoo in the middle of my my lower back, and another on my shoulder blade)

2006-09-16 14:51:35 · answer #2 · answered by merboot 2 · 1 0

Why would you want to make talking harder? I think a tongue piercing is sick. I just get the impression when I see someone with one that they are either dumb or loose. Multiple ear piercings say the same thing too. Just do one in each ear, sometime less is more.
Tattoos are a permanent commitment and don't look so great as time goes by. Also, you change and that tattoo might not fit in with who you become over the years. Besides, why mar an already beautiful creation like your body. I

2006-09-16 14:53:22 · answer #3 · answered by toomeymimi 4 · 0 1

As for teh tattoo if your not sure you shoudl take more time to think about it, don't rush, I have been tattooed 18 times and the ones I rushed into later got covered up by other tattoos that were well planned out, it's going to be on you forever so take your time and think it through. As for the ear piercings same basic thing only you could take those out.

2006-09-16 18:32:59 · answer #4 · answered by lynx131313 4 · 0 0

Be careful with the tongue pierce. It'll be pretty gross if it gets infected cuz all the puss will be in your mouth and you'll end up swallowing it. I think it looks cool but I wouldn't get it done. I don't want to ruin my teeth and I saw some pretty gross pictures of girl who just got it pierced. It was bleeding pretty bad! I got my navel pierced 2 years ago and i love it. It felt like a pinch when I got it pierced but it didnt bleed and it never hurt afterwards. I think you should get a tattoo on your back. I actually think tattoos around ur navel make ur belly look ugly.

2006-09-16 14:51:40 · answer #5 · answered by plaibebe 3 · 1 1

if you don't know where you should get pierced or tattoo, this means you're not ready for that! especially tattoo. think about it for at least 6 months sure. tattoos on the belly are cute but they will enlarge and lose their shape if you get pregnant.

as for me, i got two tattoo, both in the back (one between the shoulders and a tribal tattoo down the butt. i also have the right side of my nose pierced.

2006-09-16 14:51:32 · answer #6 · answered by valy_4 4 · 2 0

i have my tongue (MY FAVE!), my upper ear & my belly pierced and tattoos on upper arm & leg - none hurt, and i'll definitely be doing a lot more. tattoos & piercings are hot, but only you can decide where the best place to do it on your body is - what looks good on one person may not look as good on somebody else.

2006-09-16 22:33:09 · answer #7 · answered by krazy4hd 3 · 0 0

Tongue piercing are sexy! But the top of the ear is really cute! And a tatoo on your back looks better and hurts less.

2006-09-16 14:47:18 · answer #8 · answered by Fiesty! 1 · 0 0

Come on, you know it's going to hurt.

The problem with piercings in sensitive places, is that it will be sore, and any infection is dodgy. And the risk of infection is quite high - just look at the number of weepy belly bars you can see on the beach.

The problem with tattoos is that you can't change your mind afterwards - you are stuck with it.

2006-09-16 14:48:05 · answer #9 · answered by ALAN Q 4 · 0 1

don't believe that tattoo's are addictive,i,ve got1&believe me i wouldn'tget another, it's on my lower arm,it hurt like hell(but then i've got a no pain threshold)thought about getn a piercing(penis)but the pain of the tattoo put that idea out of my head. your choice really depends on your pain threshold!!

2006-09-16 15:10:56 · answer #10 · answered by garry.mullen 6 · 0 0

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