im from the north yeah but i live down south, an i wanna know why southerners think they are just so dangerous? im not talking about the average joe in the street, im talking about the matching tracksuit, t shirt with silly scratchy writing on the shoulders and dirty nike tn hat at a funny angle. and why can they not manage a ten mintute converstation without throwing in how many fights they have had and just how bad the estate where they are from is, having lived in both the north south and midlands i can say with no qualms that the south is by far the nicest, i.e i visited an estate in ashford which is "notorious" according to the kent messenger, also dartmouth n chatham are supposedly hard too, i didnt even realise that i was standing on a council estate till someone said, i thought it was quite a nice little street in quite a nice little town but if the words of the local lads is to be believed then chatham was more akin to compton than canterbury, can anyone relate to my story?
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asked by
danny boy
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