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Okay, this is just a small survey I thought may provoke interesting answers; answers should be concise and to the point....honesty is the only thing that counts on this survey. Thank you so much!

1. What is your favorite band/musical artist?

2. What was your country's most influental occurence?

3. Describe in one sentence your motto on life.

4. What is your overall opinion of relationships? Romantic relationships?

5. What individual do you look up to most?

6. What is your opinion on religion?

7. Should men wear makeup?

8. Are we as a people witnessing the decay of Western civilization?

9. What do you think of homosexuality and it's impact on modern society?

10. In your opinion, what has been the most catastrophic event in the history of our world?

Once again, thank you so much for your cooperation:)

2006-09-16 05:40:54 · 14 answers · asked by marielpantera 4 in Entertainment & Music Music

Polly, what in the hell are you referring to? I detected few vocabulary/puncutation errors in my question, you yours is riddled with grammatical disasters! What is that?

2006-09-17 13:37:12 · update #1

14 answers

1-Alice Cooper
2-if you mean an incident that my country influenced other nations and the world...thats a tough one..there are many..
when 9/11 happened our president influenced most of the world to stand by us..although within a year he had most of the world hating us again.
3-Never hurt a kid,Never hit a woman and Never Kick a dog.
4-Most of the time you get burned but we need companionship and romance in our lives so we keep on trying until we somehow find the right person.
5-I try not to look up to people because when i do i usually get disapointed
6-I believe that man made religion is a sham!it's better to pray alone in your closet than to show everyone how much you put in the collection plate.
7-only if they're in a rock n roll band
8-most definately...western civilization is taking the same course the roman empire did.
9-I really don't care about anyones sexual preference...live and let live...i just dont agree with the flaunting and trying to persuade others it's right...i don't go around in a parade with a flag screaming about how much of a heterosexual i am.

2006-09-16 06:12:37 · answer #1 · answered by chefzilla65 5 · 0 0

1. Phil Collins.

2. I have no idea! :(

3. I don't have a motto, I just wade through life.

4. Um, well as long as any kind of relationship is making you happy, then it's good!

5. No-one.

6. Hmm, well I don't follow any religion......it can be good but also pretty bad. I mean, it's the cause of a lot of attacks and stuff but having something to believe in can really help people - they can have a new lease of life.

7. If they want to.

8. I must be so dumb...... what exactly is the western civilisation? :(

9. being gay or bisexual is fine, we're all different in some way & it's nothing to be ashamed of, it's not wrong or something. No-one gets to choose who they fall for.

10. Oh dear.......my history sucks anyway........ um, just off the top of my head - the first world war? Well like, it's the first world war! Or maybe just a first war in general....... it's something we've done ourselves, it's not like some natural disaster, you know?

No problem! :-) Sorry for being a bit dumb though! heh.....

2006-09-16 13:01:56 · answer #2 · answered by the_roof_is_leaking 4 · 0 0

1. What is your favorite band/musical artist?
Answer:I like to listen to pussycat dolls esspecialy there song losen up my buttens......

2. What was your country's most influental occurence?
Answer:Nothing really.........

3. Describe in one sentence your motto on life.

Answer:Being famous....Duh

Answer:I want to be a lawyer or a talk show host...

4. What is your overall opinion of relationships? Romantic relationships?

Answer:Well I been going out with a boy so I think it is Romantic...

5. What individual do you look up to most?

Answer:Pussycat dolls,Usher,Chris Brown,and like many more....

6. What is your opinion on religion?
Its somtimes embarrasing....

7. Should men wear makeup?

8. Are we as a people witnessing the decay of Western civilization?
9. What do you think of homosexuality and it's impact on modern society?

10. In your opinion, what has been the most catastrophic event in the history of our world?

Once again, thank you so much for your cooperation:)

2006-09-16 12:57:20 · answer #3 · answered by Shay Kak 2 · 0 0

1) Bon Jovi, 2) I'd have to say 9/11, 3)If I can make it out of bed, then it's going to be a good day., 4)Well I'm married and have been to the same man for a good number or years.20+, so I'd have to say if you're with the right person it a relationship can last forever.,5) I really admired Princess Diana, 6) Well I do believe there is a God if that's what you mean but as far as church, It's weird to go to church and hear them talk about the pastor going out and getting drunk at some pool hall the night before. 7) No I'm not really into men wearing make-up. 8) Yes. 9) I'm of the each to own mode. Whatever makes you happy. 10) once again 9/11.

2006-09-16 12:54:42 · answer #4 · answered by Marenight 7 · 0 0

1. New Edition (w/o Bobby Brown)
2. Civil Rights Movement
3. You only have one go at this life, so remember your resume won't be what's read at your funeral.
4. Each relationship is unique in the basis, trust, and what you get out of it at the end of the day. Romantic relationships are great, they (should) help you love you more also in the process.
5. I admire Micheal Eric Dyson. Oh, and Ray Naigin :-)
6. Everyone believes in something (even athiest), I just hope in the end you were right.
7. Hell, I don't think some WOMEN should wear as much as they do. To each his / her own.
8. Yes, are we acknowledging it and addressing it: No.
9. To each his / her own, but I think "society" is the most hyprocritical, menacing, and egotistical body as a whole. Individually, we alright.
10. I would have to say so far: any time there was an event that resulted in the death of another being.

Thanks for the brain storm!

2006-09-16 12:52:46 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

1. What is your favorite band/musical artist?

Ani Difranco and Neil Young

2. What was your country's most influental occurence?

umm.....Terry Fox and what he has done, if you do not know who he is, i suggest doing a search on him

3. Describe in one sentence your motto on life.

To love, to accept, to be happy, to empower others, not to judge and to do what we can for others

4. What is your overall opinion of relationships? Romantic relationships?

They are great so long as the people involved do not lose themselves or compromise themselves

5. What individual do you look up to most?

wow, i am not sure i look up to any one. I respect many people but do not have anyone up on a pedistal.

6. What is your opinion on religion?

I think that religion is great when it is used by an individual for themselves so long as they do not blindly follow or use it as an excuse to hate or push their opinions on someone else

7. Should men wear makeup?

If they want to

8. Are we as a people witnessing the decay of Western civilization?

I do not think anymore than any other time....there has always been prostitution, drugs, crime, murder, war, porn, etc. (which are the things people usually use to measure decayness).Each generation thinks it is worse and worse as our media becomes more a part of our lives. We just think it is worse b/c we see and hear of it all more.

9. What do you think of homosexuality and it's impact on modern society?

It is not up to me to judge homosexuality. I think people are people and if i am judging someone based on thier religion, race, sexual orientation, then i am missing out on a whole world. I think the only impact it has on modern society is the impact of hate that people who are narrow minded are pushing on the world.

10. In your opinion, what has been the most catastrophic event in the history of our world?

Wow, that is a really really hard one.....when i think catastrophic i think of the long term effects it has had on the world...i would have to say in recent times the Holocaust and WW2 would be the most catastrophic. As for the history of the world, i do not know enough about history to feel i am answering that question well.

2006-09-16 13:15:12 · answer #6 · answered by peaceandlove™ 4 · 0 0

1. R& R = Led Zeppelin
Metal = Pantera
2. The 60's as a whole
3. Peace, Love & Hippieness (Live & let live)
4. Relationships are a great thing as long as you have found the right person
5. My Father (R.I.P, Dad...)
6. Everyone has their own opinions, again- live and let live....i don't get into discussions about religion....too volatile
7. I don't think they should, but whatever makes them happy
8. I think people have been witnessing the decay of civilization since the dawn of time--progress and regression ever marches on..
9. no real opinion on that...i think people should be able to live their lives the way they want to
10. WAR, but I think that esp. The Vietnam War - tragic all the way around.....although our current war mirrors the Vietnam war in so many ways---equally tragic

Thanks and

2006-09-16 12:50:43 · answer #7 · answered by hippiechick 5 · 1 0

1. Bob Dylan

2. USA - development of flight

3. It still hasn't gotten weird enough for me.

4. We're social creatures to a greater or lesser degree, depending on the individual.

5. I dont. I feel only my parents or someone close to me and influencial in my upbringing (how long ago it may have been) and I definately do not look up them.

6. Religion is bad, faith is fine.

7. It makes for a better picture on camera. Outside of movies and television, men should do whatever finds them happiness (women for that matter too)

8. Yes, and so have our ancestors going back AT LEAST 100-200 years

9. I respect someones choice to be homosexual. I feel homosexuals should have the right to be married. As far as its impact on society, its a great diversion when there are reall topics to be discussed.

10. Depending on your religious beliefs its either Gods first 6 days on the job (Genesis) or the Big Bang.

2006-09-16 12:57:35 · answer #8 · answered by daughters_a_wookie 4 · 2 0

1. Garbage
2. Independence.
3. If nice guys always finish last, I don't mind bringing up the rear.
4. Que Sera, Sera
5. Mom.
6. It has it's uses... as long as you keep it to yourself.
7. I don't, but live and let live, I say.
8. I'm from the East, but no, I don't think so.
9. Shows how much tolerance we actually have in this world.
10. The chixuclub comet (though I guess I'm taking your question literally).

2006-09-16 13:08:27 · answer #9 · answered by Raja 3 · 0 0

1. Pantera
2. The writing/signing of the declaration of independence.
3. Dont have one.
4. I dont know, i think if your committed, then go ahead and get married.
5. My mother
6. Its important in some ways.
8. Absolutely, us westerners are slowly killing ourselves and our society.
9. I think alot of the homos should just mind their own buisness and go work at united skates of america.
10. It hasnt happened yet, but the apocalypse will come.

2006-09-16 12:58:48 · answer #10 · answered by alan m 2 · 0 1

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