Feels soooooo good
2006-09-15 18:11:34
answer #1
answered by setter505 5
Gosh I hope they don't have any children! If they do this could be real bad! It could cost more in child support a reduction in the amount of time he gets to spend with his kid[s] all kinds of custody and court issues! My sisters ex's new wife did that and his child support went up and he only gets supervised visits with out his wife! No more weekends or over nighters! I don't think what happened was right but that's the way it works!
2006-09-16 01:00:24
answer #2
answered by Star of Florida 7
Yes, I understand how women can be very territorial about their husband. Ex's can often be a pain in the neck, but doesn't mean you can't have a good relationship with her. It can only do good to all of you if you do.
What is the problem, really? If something she says or does is really bothering you, take time out to pin down what it really is, formulate what you want to say, then come back and confront her gently when your head is all cooled down. Maybe she too has something to say that you and your husband ought to listen to. When people are rude and shouting, that usually is because they've felt that all along they weren't listened to or that nobody acknowledged her feelings as valid. Make the first step to do so, and she will invariable reciprocate. If you're not used to doing it this way, it may take a few times, but trust me, it works.
You don't need to let your husband's ex-wife know you're in charge. She knows that already. All she needs is to know that she is accepted. She needs that first before she can start treating you and your husband with respect.
Assuming that she and your husband have a child, you can make it easier for yourself to deal with her by ceasing to look at her as your husband's ex wife, and thinking of her as the mother of (that child's name), who you love with all your heart.
Trust me, you and your husband will have a much better marriage if you learn to get along with his ex. Your willingness to accept her is the key.
2006-09-15 18:21:18
answer #3
answered by Mizz G 5
YES! And when it is someone who truely deserves it, IT FEELS AWESOME!!!!!
Kudos to you for telling the skank off and letting her know she is not a part of your man's life anymore. If she keeps harassing you guys, just tell her you are going to block her number on your phone. See what she does then.
2006-09-15 18:12:11
answer #4
answered by Blondie 2
did that help the situation? Seems maybe your husband should be in charge of keeping her out of your business.
2006-09-15 18:15:27
answer #5
answered by winkcat 7
Good for you and yes I have!
You go girl, more power to you.
I'm with you 100%.
2006-09-15 18:14:33
answer #6
answered by Kim 4
my brother's
girlfriend was a
mess she thougth
she knew every
thing about anything
she had the nerves
to talk about my mom
while living in our house
she made me so mad I
had to tell her off
(let's just say we don't have that problem any more).
2006-09-15 18:19:29
answer #7
answered by Cha-chan 1
Stressful, huh. Wish we could all just get along.
2006-09-15 18:12:39
answer #8
answered by deytripper_yeah 2
Still waiting for my chance...i bet you feel better..lol good Shyt.
2006-09-15 18:14:59
answer #9
answered by Rain S 3
Good on ya, and keep up the good work.
2006-09-15 18:17:08
answer #10
answered by Yacine B 3