The geocentric model of the Solar System proposed by Ptolemy was dealt a knock-out punch by Galileo Galilei on the evening of January 7th 1610 when his observations through the newly-invented telescope demonstrated that there were four moons (later named Io, Callisto, Europa and Ganymede) orbiting Jupiter, This proved that everything did NOT revolve around the earth as the geocentrist theory proclaimed. And demonstrated that the heliocentric model proposed by Copernicus in the mid 16th Century was to be preferred.
From September 1610 Galileo observed that Venus exhibited a full set of phases similar to that of the Moon. The heliocentric model of the solar system predicted that all phases would be visible since the orbit of Venus around the Sun would cause its illuminated hemisphere to face the Earth when it was on the opposite side of the Sun and to face away from the Earth when it was on the Earth-side of the Sun. A further confirmation of the truth of the heliocentric model.
Galileo then published Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems (in Italian, Dialogo dei due massimi sistemi del mondo) in which the proponent of the geocentric theory, characterised as "Simplisticus" is easily outargued by the proponent of the heliocentric model, It was this that caused the Roman Cathokuc Church to threaten him with torture if he did not recant his heresies.
Mindful of the fact that the Roman Catholic Church had burned Giordano Bruno at the stake as recently as 1600 for proposing the theory that other stars might have planets orbiting around them (now proven to be true) and that some of those planets might have extra-terrestrial life on them (now under serious investigation) when Bruno would not recant his heretical theories, Gelileo decided to recant and was placed under house arrest for the last ten years of his life.
The apocryphal story is that the moment he recanted he said under his breath "and yet it moves" i.e. the earth moves through space, and was not static and not the centre of the known universe.
Johannes Kepler had meantime developed three laws of planetary motion based on the heliocentric model which predicted the movements of the other five known planets with considerable precision and much more simply than the convoluted concept of epicycles which had had to be developed to try and prop up the Ptolemaic model.
By the mid-17th Century Sir Isaac Newton then developed the theory of gravity which explained why Kepler's Laws worked;
On March 25th 1655 the Dutch astronomer Christiaan Huygens discovered Titan, the largest moon of Saturn. He argued that if Jupiter had moons, then why not Saturn? Four further Saturnian moons were then discovered by Cassini.
The planet Uranus was discovered in 1781 and six years later its two largest moons, Titania and Oberon. In 1846 the planet Neptune was discovered and 17 days later its largest moon Triton. In 1878 Mars was discovered to have 2 small moons, Deimos and Phobos. So at this point, 5 of the 7 other planets were realised to have moons, simply underlining the point that not everything goes around the Earth;
The most obvious proof that the Earth moves in space is the way we pass through the debris left behind by different periodic comets orbiting the sun, at the same point in time each year. Producing meteor showers we can see in the sky, the timing of whose appearance can be predicted. The prolific meteor shower peaking every August 12th known as the Perseids, for example, is the debris left behind by Comet Swift-Tuttle.
You may care to note that the Sun is not static either but is slowly revolving around the Milky Way, the barred spiral galaxy it is part of, completing one orbit every 200 million years or so.
For a good introduction to Galileo's life and work read or, better still, see a production of Bertolt Brecht's play Life of Galileo,
2006-09-15 19:26:02
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
There is already a good answer about Galileo here, so I wont repeat, but I will say that most of these answers are BS! Several of these people have no clue what they are talking about. I guess that isnt unusual!
OK, here's the scoop -- it is easy to prove that the earth is round and it is easy to prove that the earth rotates. But it is actually quite hard to prove that the earth goes around the sun. There are some pretty good explanations of the solar system that operate by placing the earth in the middle and the sun revolving around. Wo! That's a problem. But the fact that this is hard to prove is why it took so long for everyone to agree. It wasnt until after Galileo that this issue was resolved. It takes very good, very exact astronomical observations, and very good math, to come to a definite conclusion about this question. And that didnt exist until about 1600 - 1700. Since the late 1700s noone who knows anything about astronomy has seriously questioned that the sun is at the center of the solar system.
The Catholic church opposed Galileo, but by the 1700s the church had recognized its mistake and (I think in 1741) said publicly that Galileo was right.
2006-09-16 11:16:31
answer #2
answered by matt 7
1)changing seasons, are an indication of movement.
2)Alternate proof.
Trying to prove this the other way, we can estimate if there are in fact other ways that it could be. can a planet be the centre of the system?
Through observation and logical deductions, we know for sure that we are a part of a solar system(solar=including the sun,its companions). Accepting the theories of gravity, it is logical that the sun, with its humungous mass should be the primary controller of this system. Thus, geo-centric, or planetary centric systems are not possible.
3)observation of Periodic phenomena
We observe the same things in the sky between small/large periods of time. Eg- the same comets every few years, meteor showers on certain months only. All this is proof of two things
1) the earth is moving in a specific path
2) the path is repetitive, that is, the earth has a fixed path through which travels regularly and repeatedly, as we see the same things after a specific time period
oh and yes..the people in space help too! :)
2006-09-16 00:59:14
answer #3
answered by pj 1
Have you read any books on this at all? There are numerous proofs that the earth moves around the sun, and that the sun is the center of OUR solar system. It has never been suggested that ours is the only one, and in fact, we know it isn't.
Do you want to beleive what the church and Islam say about the movement of the earth, or do you want to know what scientists say?
What do you mean by 'is the earth static'? Are you asking if it stays in one place? NOOOO -- that's the whole point of your question, isn't it?
2006-09-16 00:43:37
answer #4
answered by old lady 7
Yes, the best evidence are the seasons change on earth. If you have studied a sky a bit then you will see the sun changes its zodiac sign each month. Actually, none of the star from zodiac changes its place, so the sun but sun seems moving only due to revolution of earth around it. The Good Example is, Just like you revolve around the fire in Camp-Fire, background of the fire changes in relation from the place you are moving, same happens with the sun due to revolving of earth around it.
The Hypothesis of Sun is the center of the Solar System is proved by the movements of the planets especially inferior planets, Mercury and Venus. As viewed from earth those planets approach near the sun, then get lost in its glare and then re-appear after a short while.
Church had early presumed earth as the center of the universe till year 1625. (As the Hypothesis of Solar System was unknown then) Afterwards, firstly Copurnicus and then Gallileo proved the Heliocentric Model of the Solar System.
So far as Islam is concerned, they have not seen towards the sky out of any curiosity as they were not interested in it. Still today no Islamic Nation has planned any major Astronomical Mission unlike US, India or European Countries. Islam has only focus on moon and their calender (Hijri) based on its phases. Their ancestors were ignorant about what moon is till modern times.
Hindus have accepted sun as the center of Universe since the time of "Vedas" I.E. Since 8000 BC and entire "Bhavishyashastra" (The Science of Astrology) is based upon the revolution of various planets around sun and their effects on earth.
2014-03-09 05:42:28
answer #5
answered by Nikhil_26 1
You should first understand the principle of parallax. Demonstrate parallax for yourself by looking at some nearby object while you close one eye and then the other. You'll see that the object appears to move back and forth. That's parallax at work. Now imagine observing some distant star(s) and very precisely noting its celestial position. Wait six months and observe the same star(s) again. In that time Earth has moved half way around the sun, and the parallax effect will show you that the star(s) seem to have moved. Of course the star(s) themselves have motions through space, but those are in various directions and speeds. Through some pretty involved mathematics, we can determine that the change in position of the subject stars can only be the result of Earth's motion around the sun.
2006-09-16 01:30:44
answer #6
answered by Chug-a-Lug 7
Yes, there is proof (if you care to accept it and not discount it as heresy). No the earth is not static but motion must be detected in relation to something else. Our sun by definition would be considered the center of our solar system. But our sun is not the center of the universe, nor even of the Milky Way galaxy.
How it was proven:
More about it.
On the church:
2006-09-16 00:49:32
answer #7
answered by Rockster 2
There is, in fact, proof. As the earth moves around the sun, the stars in the night sky change position ever so slightly in a phenomenon known as "parallax". This phenomenon is used to measure the distance to stars with surprising accuracy.
I don't know about any official Islamic teachings, but the Catholic church once and for all accepted heliocentric theory in 1758 when it finally removed prohibitions against teaching heliocentrism.
2006-09-16 01:11:28
answer #8
answered by Joseph Q 2
Simple Physiscs and Calculus do not dertime that the earth revolves around the sun it determines it HAS to. There have been countless experiments in air/anitgrav places. DO a little reseach and bam you got any specification.
2006-09-16 00:42:15
answer #9
answered by masterdj2006 2
I would say yes. My proof is abstract: Humankind permanently go to space, even has permanent orbiting artefacts (and people) out in the space; several missions have reached distant planets in different directions, to Mars, vENUS, jUPITER AND SO.
ALL THE CALCULATIONS FOR SPACE NAVIGTATION ARE BASED IN KNOWN INFORMATION. (True o false? Results says...) Obviously, earth orbiting condition around the sun is one of the premises. And, it is evident that space tripulants and crafts return earth.
2006-09-16 01:34:47
answer #10
answered by zolerino 2