oh man, so great
well, if youdont mind some sticking up under your shirt you can tuck it under your waist band
if you think you can stay sat down or unvisible down the pantsleg
or if you have to be active stay bent over lol
2006-09-15 15:23:32
answer #1
answered by Ethernaut 6
The night before, freeze a juice box, and bring it to school with you in an insulated bag. Before gym, sneak it into the washroom stall and place it on your - .
It's the equivalent of ice. Coldness shrinks the blood vessels and everything else. That's why we use it on bumps on the head and swelling etc.
Should work for you.
If you 'warm up' during class, just ask to go to the bathroom and re-ice yourself.
2006-09-15 16:05:16
answer #2
answered by lucy_shy8000 5
I was going to say jack off before gym class, but that is not very convenient to do. Try to point the head up to your belly button, unless its too long and rises above your waste band with its eye looking in yours!
Anyhow, be proud of what you've got, lots of guys only have a stub and long to be even average.
2006-09-15 15:49:32
answer #3
answered by busyfingers 3
Ok, first, if anybody had the real answer thay would be rich. You can't controll it. It just happens no matter what you are thinking about. Body chemistry and HORMONES. Someone answered that you should belt it up, that works. Try wearing a tighter pair of underwear and looser shorts. Good luck, it won't last forever.
2006-09-15 16:22:46
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
If you're getting aroused around the guys in gym class, the rumors have probably already started.
2006-09-15 15:21:30
answer #5
answered by dave 5
if ya got it flaunt it.
but I guess that's innapropriate, try jerking off to control it.
I know that getting hard has nothing to do with thinking sexual thoughts... so it's just that your going through purberty
you'll grow out of it when you get a lil older, wear baggy pants and tight underwear to help.. other then that, not much else you can do .
2006-09-15 15:21:55
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Leave the gym or keep your emotions under control
2006-09-15 15:22:23
answer #7
answered by petloverlady 3
Cold Shower!
2006-09-15 15:19:40
answer #8
answered by Kamran 3
Is this happening in class when you can see girls in their shorts, or is this happening in the lockerroom and shower when you're just with the guys?
2006-09-15 15:55:30
answer #9
answered by michael941260 5
don't look at girls or think of them while in the gym
2006-09-15 15:20:30
answer #10
answered by Azul 6