yes, some girls never get their period, but they are unhealthy...if you are worried about not getting your period, you shouldnt, unless you dont me i worried constantly, because i was like the very last one to get mine--when i was almost 15.
2006-09-15 14:16:29
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
NO if your totally healthy you will eventually get your period if your a natural female and not some surgically altered human who has become a female. Some women who are extreeme athletes dont have periods until they slow down on the extreem exercise and lack of fat in diet. But if you have certian conditoins that effect the putituary gland, your missing your ovaries, or other female organs (but then your not totally healthy) ....or if you have a hormone imbalance ...
2006-09-15 21:19:29
answer #2
answered by Gummys Girl 2
well if you were completely healthy, i wouldnt see why you wouldnt get it...but the majority of girls end up getting there period at some point in there life. some when 9 yrs of age others maybe up to 17 or 18...depends on your hereditary or genes i would guess. on the other hand, i had gotten my period when i was 12 and havnt had one since i was it goes different for gurls of all ages. talk to yor doctor for additional information...dont stress over it too much!
2006-09-15 21:40:09
answer #3
answered by i will be your friend! 2
Nope. Every now and again in the newspaper they say of a teen who's practically an adult, with no period. This can be caused by health issues such as amenorrhea(Polycystic ovarian syndrome/ PCOS) which can be caused by diabetes or genetics. Doctors don't know the exact cause of PCOS but thats most likely. This is the information on PCOS from the site:
Here it is!
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (also referred to as Stein-Leventhal syndrome, polycystic ovarian disease or hyperandrogenic chronic anovulation) is an endocrine disorder found in 5%-10% women.
No one knows the exact cause of PCOS, but studies are looking at whether it is caused by genetics. Also, because many women with PCOS also have diabetes, studies are examining the relationship between PCOS and the body’s ability to produce insulin. There is a lot of evidence that high levels of insulin contribute to increased production of androgen, which worsens the symptoms of PCOS. Lastly, the medication valproate, used to treat seizures may cause or worsen the symptoms of PCOS. Switching medications seems to help the condition.
Estrogen and progesterone are the female hormones produced by the ovaries that cause monthly menstrual cycles to occur. However, a third hormone, testosterone, also is produced by the ovaries, usually in small amounts. Testosterone is in a broad class of hormones called androgens, and it is the dominant sex hormone in men.
In PCOS, a cycle starts wherein the body becomes resistant to insulin, leading to the release of more and more insulin to compensate. This condition is called hyperinsulinemia. The ovaries of PCOS women seem to be particularly sensitive to high blood levels of insulin and respond by overproducing androgens (such as testosterone). This disrupts the "feedback loop" between the ovaries and the pituitary gland, and the pituitary gland produces too much LH (luteinizing hormone), leading to more overproduction of androgens. The immature follicles in the ovaries then fail to convert the excess androgens to estrogen, which inhibits the development of the follicle. Ovulation doesn't take place because the egg couldn't develop properly, and the immature egg, instead of being released from the ovary, becomes a tiny cyst that starts producing its own supply of androgens, which interferes with next month's developing follicle.
No one is certain why insulin resistance occurs. It is thought that polycystic ovary syndrome, like most cases of insulin resistance, is caused by an inherited gene defect.
Polycystic ovary syndrome is not usually a cause of symptoms before mid-puberty, when the ovaries begin to produce hormones in significant amounts. Women then can have some or all of the following symptoms:
Menstrual periods that are infrequent, irregular or absent
Difficulty getting pregnant
Obesity (in 40 percent to 50 percent of women with this condition)
Hair growth in the beard area, upper lip, sideburns, chest, the area around nipples or the lower abdomen along the midline
Appearance of darkened, thickened skin, sometimes appearing velvetlike, in the armpits.
High blood pressure, high blood sugar or a cholesterol problem
Insulin resistance (now thought to be a cause rather than a symptom, more on this later). When insulin resistance is found along with high blood pressure, high triclyceride levels, decreased HDL (good cholesterol) and obesity, it is sometimes termed "Syndrome X".
Higher risk of developing coronary heart disease
Hope I helped!
2006-09-15 21:21:38
answer #4
answered by Keys 3
Rare Girls
2006-09-16 00:21:34
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
It is true but it's very uncommon, most girls start there periods by the age of 16. Its normally at this age that the problem is detected, i was told that it's actually early menopause and because of this they can't have children of their own. If you don't have your periods you can't produce eggs so no fertilisation can take place.
2006-09-15 21:18:25
answer #6
answered by LOULOU37 4
no all women will get their periods, some will come later than others and some sooner, If you are active in sports it will probably be later.
2006-09-15 21:15:23
answer #7
answered by Anna Z 4
i knew a girl who did not get her period in till she was 20 years old she cannot have children because there is something wrong with her.
2006-09-15 21:56:24
answer #8
answered by paula g 1
of course not every girl or woman get a period
2006-09-15 21:48:05
answer #9
answered by pearl 2
I don't know about that but I still have my period am 33years of age.I never gotten pregnant but I think it's gust when god let you have your time.
2006-09-15 21:42:18
answer #10
answered by Anonymous