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Well, the U.S. census stat is that there are more Hispanic children growing up in U.S. than Caucasian children. That means in by about 2050, if not sooner, the face of America WILL change. This is affected not only by rise in Hispanic population in U.S., but rise in other's ethnicities' population too. Caucasian population is expected to fall slightly below 50% of U.S. population. How will this expected eventaul demographic change affect U.S.' hold on the global throne?
There's also China which has expanded her economic power fast albeit the still socialistic government. China's military power is vehemently underestimated and scrutinized by some Americans when the issue of global power shift is mentioned. The typical reaction is "Power shift is not gonna happen. U.S. (typically led by Caucasian males in 50s) will be the superpower until the end of world thereby always putting the Caucasians advantage in all aspects of life.
How do you think fast changing face of America and

2006-09-15 13:08:32 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

rise/change of foreign nation (such as China, or Japan) will affect the fate of people of all walks of life, religion and ethnicity?

2006-09-15 13:10:49 · update #1

3 answers

This has already happened in California.

You have two choices: racism or tolerance.

I think tolerance works better in the long run.

2006-09-15 13:14:02 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

currently America is ahead and on the global throne. proof of this is that many student in other countries are required tho learn English as well as their own language. even though English is the most spoken linage now. it's been reported that Spanish will be the next language most spoken language followed by Chinese (Mandarin). i think that America will be dethroned because power always changes. there have been many event throughout history that prove this. such as ancient Greece being in power then they get conquered by the Romans. now that they no longer exist show that no one group will always be in power. Chinese and Hispanic people definitely are in the running to be the next group on the global throne. they have a good chance since America is in crisis because of the war in Iraq. this may prove tho be our down fall. the more we fight the money we lose and money has always been important.

2006-09-15 13:31:07 · answer #2 · answered by vampbookworm 3 · 0 0

Let go and let God

2006-09-15 13:15:31 · answer #3 · answered by fifi 5 · 0 0

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