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If AMWAY is a legitimate business why don't i see their products anywhere? Nowhere at all! Dick DeVos is running for governor of our state (I am not for the opposing side). Why should i vote something into office that has absolutely NO economic base to offer? I don't see AMWAY products on store shelves, i do not see them advertized.

2006-09-15 11:42:36 · 17 answers · asked by westphalia1 2 in Politics & Government Elections

17 answers

Oh, Amway is most definitely a pyramid scheme.

You don't see their products anywhere because they only sell them to themselves.

In many ways it's no different than many other network marketing type organizations; Avon, TupperWare, Mary Kay, Pampered Chef, Party Lite, etc.

The thing that makes Amway a pyramid (though, obviously, they deny that they are) is that most Amway reps don't sell to the general public - they don't host "parties" or "shows" in their homes, invite their friends, neighbors, co-workers over to buy the products.

In contrast, really the only people who use Amway products are Amway people. True, a Pampered Chef consultant has and uses Pampered Chef products in their home (trust me - my wife was a consultant for them for a year - and we have a TON of their stuff) - but their main focus is on having shows, getting people to host parties in their homes and sell the products for you. You don't see Amway people doing that.

Amway focuses almost exclusively on organization building - you want to get your "downline" - people that you sponsor into the business. As an Amway "rep" the only products you'll buy are the products you plan on using yourself. If you get a big enough organization beneath you, you might stockpile some products, and then resell them to your downline - but you don't mark them up or make a profit on them.

The other thing that the "upper level" people in Amway do is provide "training material" to their downlines - and that is almost 100% profit. They tape upper level Amway people speaking at meetings and rallies and then resell those tapes to their downlines for an enormous profit.

What's frequently gotten Amway into trouble in many states is the fact that they focus more on organization building than on actual retailing - and to not be considered a true pyramid organization, there needs to be a retail component to the organization (which - truly - there isn't).

Having said all that - Amway does have an economic base to offer. If I remember correctly, they have significant facilities in Michigan, and employ a lot of people. Amway reported over $6 billion in sales in 2005 - granted, not all of that is going to be spent in Michigan - but it's still quite a chunk of change.

2006-09-15 17:15:45 · answer #1 · answered by Flint 3 · 21 22

Amway Pyramid Scheme

2016-10-05 12:33:48 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Amway Scheme

2016-12-13 08:07:24 · answer #3 · answered by okamura 4 · 0 0

It is true that MLM as practiced by Amway is not an illegal pyramid scheme. Amway has been taken to court for being an illegal pyramid and the courts have ruled that since Amway does not charge people either for joining Amway or for the privilege of recruiting others as distributors, it is not an illegal pyramid.

2015-04-07 10:01:50 · answer #4 · answered by Southern Dreams 1 · 1 0

Its not a scheme at all, first off answer this, what is a pyramid scheme, if you can't answer that you have no business labeling something as it. if I said the sky is green, and its actually blue that day you would say no its blue, because you understand the concept of what blue is. Here are the facts, a pyramid scheme needs 3 things to be a scheme, 1. only money and no product, 2. no actual business, and 3. a profit for recruting new members. lets look at amway now, they do sell great products to anyone interested just go to an ibo's website, mine is www.amway.com/dentonlewis second, they are a legit business started back in 1959. And finaly there is no profit for recruiting new ibo's to the company only commission based on actual sales. also in 1979 there was a full on investigation held on amway to determine if it was illegal in any way and of course they found it to be an honest and legit business. It is backed by many companies such as apple, best buy, zales, bass pro shop and many others as well. If you would like to do a "good" search not on a blog, go to a reputable website, such as forbes, where they give the facts not opinions or slander for misinterpreting the basics of a company.

ALso amway is sponsoring the orlando magic's and the national championship this year, and many other big organizations as well, and is rated #24 in forbes as a top company.


you wanted a retailer here i am, here and willing to clear things up check out all the product the links above and if you have any interest being apart of a great business opportunity as i hope i have proved to most of you this is, then go to the link above and email me to get more info.

2014-09-10 18:59:52 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 8 8


there you go you see their products.
No amway is not a pyriamid because every single person has equal opportunity if you work hard, except obviously the people who created it. The reason why it has such a bad rep is because of people who quit their jobs thinking this "business" is going to make it big, then post something on the internet about how crappy amway is when its not really amways fault, when really it takes years to build your business to the point where it can sustain you. That's the sucky part. The beauty is, is that if you build it with good strong leaders than you will receive your bonus checks for years and years to come. however it does take an assertive sticktoit personality.
No im not advertising my website I don't need to. Don't buy anything lol. I started with Amway because I have an awesome mentor teaching me (for free) how hes making 200 000 dollars residually through it and because ive learned an incredible amount about building a business and its my dream to have a traditional business one day.

2014-03-23 18:54:17 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 12 2

I actually just spoke to someone associated with amway.he wasnt trying to sell me anything or recruit me but just simply let me kniw what he does because it was starting to affect his actuall jo, that being said it is a pyramid scheme. You dont get paid by selling products you get paid by as many people you sponsor but i guess you are selling a product you just have to convince the people you sponsor to buy in. They all have bought into this cult none of the products are any good thats why they can only sell to themselves and you have to keep buying if you want to make money and if you don't like the product aftet you have tried it they wont give you your money back right away like other businesses it takes 6 months to get refunded your money. They believe that the entire world will want to buy into this amway has got them good =)

2014-12-03 18:42:02 · answer #7 · answered by ? 1 · 0 2

Watch the King of Queens episode where Doug was tricked into the same scheme, to sell licenses which give you the right to sell licences for water filters and then tell me again what Amway is.....

2015-11-22 10:05:40 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

i do not get you guys Amway is NOT a pyramid scheme because if you star building your business you create "legs" or "employees" and what your trying to do is make your "legs" become another you and your "legs" will create more "legs" and so on...its just the best way of explaining it is to put it in a pyramid

2016-06-09 06:31:35 · answer #9 · answered by Jordan Hicks 1 · 0 0

Pyramid scheme defined: circulating money without actually ever selling any product. Judge for yourself.

2015-10-27 08:17:42 · answer #10 · answered by tobes004 1 · 0 1

Seems like a waste of time! If you want your own business buy a franchise or start your own with a business plan, and get investors. Stop asking someone else to control your destiny!

2015-10-29 07:59:01 · answer #11 · answered by ? 1 · 1 0

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