You can do it by changing the "page settings" and printer options, but it can be done another way in HTML.
First, test your printer and find out how many pixels wide it can print. Create images of 400x20, 450x20, 500x20, etc. in width and print them on a page. The widest that is _not_ cut off is your page width in pixels.
Then, change the width of the page to the maximum number of pixels. Here's one way to do that:
1. Add this line immediately after the BODY tag:
Replace 600 with the number of pixels from your test.
2. Add this line immediately before the
Adding this two lines where I specified will force all the content to fit the width of your printer. (There are exceptions that can cause problems, but only when the page designer was an idiot and did a crappy job.)
go to page set up or print preferences (not sure what application you're in) there should be a box which will let you either adjust the margins or put in a percentage. you can print preview to make sure you've sized it correctly.
Are you using word? Change set up options or printer settings. In format there may be an option that will "make it fit" to your desired number of pages.