Goofy is a fictional character from the Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse universe. He is an anthropomorphic dog and is one of Mickey Mouse's best friends. His original concept name was "Dippy Dawg" in cartoon shorts created during the 1930s; then his name was given as "George Geef" and "G.G. Geef" in cartoon shorts during the 1950s (implying that "Goofy" was a nickname). Contemporary sources, including the Goof Troop television show and A Goofy Movie, now give the character's full name to be Goofy Goof. The Goof Troop pilot also refers to 'G. G. Goof' on a diploma, likely a reference to the original name. Along with being not extremely intelligent, Goofy's main flaw is, predictably, clumsiness.
While his wife was drawn in different styles and shown only during shorts when he was cast in "family man" situations, Goofy is unique in being portrayed as both a widower and having a son, Max Goof, instead of only a nephew like some other Disney characters. He does have a nephew, Gilbert, but that relative has hardly been seen since Goofy became a father. Goofy has his alter ego, called Super Goof. He usually flies above the city in a red pajama and a characteristic hat and helps the people, just as Superman does. He is a clear parody of Superman. His favourite "shout" is Ta-Dah. For the detailed description, see the chapters that follow.
2006-09-15 06:27:53
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Goofy is a fictional character from the Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse universe. He is an anthropomorphic dog and is one of Mickey Mouse's best friends. His original concept name was "Dippy Dawg" in cartoon shorts created during the 1930s; then his name was given as "George Geef" and "G.G. Geef" in cartoon shorts during the 1950s (implying that "Goofy" was a nickname). Contemporary sources, including the Goof Troop television show and A Goofy Movie, now give the character's full name to be Goofy Goof. The Goof Troop pilot also refers to 'G. G. Goof' on a diploma, likely a reference to the original name. Along with being not extremely intelligent, Goofy's main flaw is, predictably, clumsiness.
2016-03-27 02:27:27
answer #2
answered by ? 4
A goofy kind of dog. Therefore, Mickey Mouse has two dog best friends. One talks, and the other one barks.
That's the World of Walt Disney!
2006-09-15 08:28:54
answer #3
answered by bongcs 2
Goofy is an anthropomorphic talking dog, while Pluto is just a normal dog... well, except for the fact that he's a fictional cartoon character.
2006-09-15 06:39:59
answer #4
answered by Ricardo P 3
According to wikipedia, Goofy is an anthropomorphic dog ..versus Pluto, listed as a 'normal dog' with unusually broad range of facial expressions.
2006-09-15 06:28:28
answer #5
answered by R.Me 2
I know he's a dog but for most of my early life I thought of him as goofy the goat, where would I get that from, was there a goofy goat?
2006-09-15 08:55:33
answer #6
answered by bo nidle 4
Stop asking Goofy questions!
2006-09-15 06:30:57
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Somone's been watching 'Stand By Me'. Goofy is a dog.
2006-09-15 06:58:52
answer #8
answered by Ellie 4
Goofy is a dog.
2006-09-15 06:30:58
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Goofy is a dog = )
2006-09-15 06:30:29
answer #10
answered by ♥ mars♥ 4