Not all companies are registered with the Better Business Bureau. You can always check the courthouse. They have all records of any type of license in your city or town. If your block is having problems with parking you can always call the police and file a complaint. Enough complaints and they will restrict them from parking in certain areas. (that is what happened on my street) The county put up a sign for it.
2006-09-15 06:10:16
answer #1
answered by Keith Perry 6
Businesses need a license from the state and or city they're located in. All businesses must have a tax number with the state.
Start at City Hall and check for a local business license, then check with the State Capitol for a state license and tax number. Most cities also having zoning regulations that prohibit businesses in a residentail section - check with the city zoning/planning department to see if a business is allowed. There are also parking regulations for residential parking, check with the local police, if necessary, file a complaint.
2006-09-15 13:16:48
answer #2
answered by jack w 6
Check with your city or county. Ask what types of home run businesses are allowed. Some have restrictions on parking commercial vehicles on streets. Report him as a nuisance and let the city figure it out.
2006-09-15 13:06:39
answer #3
answered by Papa John 6
He has a company name. If you don't know it, be a good girl, flutter your eyelids and ask him for a business card. Then go to your local small claims court and say that you want to sue them. They will tell you for free how to find all the resgistered company information. If nothing exists, report him to the IRS. They'll have a field day with it and lock him up for tax evasion. If something exists, your city will have regulations for where he can operate his business (which does not include residential areas). To get these, show up at your city council meeting and tell them in the microphone what your concern is and who you can work with to fix it. Doing it this way gets you straight to the department with authorization to resolve it.
2006-09-15 13:08:44
answer #4
answered by waplambadoobatawhopbamboo 5
Wow, Good Question.... I would start by calling city hall.
they can probably determine if they have a permit to run this home based business &/or determine also what laws or ordinances are being obeyed (or not)
And I'm sure they can direct you as to how to file a complaint on behalf of the neighborhood about the parking problem.
2006-09-15 13:09:46
answer #5
answered by Vicky 7
Your county can tell you if that type of business is allowed in a residential area. You can also so a web search of your county, they may have a list of business licenses you can look up.
2006-09-15 13:10:23
answer #6
answered by Princess of the Realm 6
Definetly the BBB and as a business, they should have their business license posted up in the customers' view somewhere in their so-called "office."
2006-09-15 13:10:00
answer #7
answered by laydehoo05 2
call city lincense department and they will tell if one got issued.
also this type of business is not allowed in residential only zoning for commerical and industrial call police they will issue tickets
2006-09-15 13:29:19
answer #8
answered by galbreath5 1
Call the Better Business B------ (BBB)
2006-09-15 13:08:39
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
call local better business bureau, they will know
2006-09-15 13:06:39
answer #10
answered by pegleg 1