Talk to the career center at your local university or community college. You do not have to be a student or alumnus to use their services. Most of them offer testing for either aptitudes or interests and the cost isn't really high. They will not just administer the test and hand you results, they'll actually talk to you about the types of work that you might want to consider based on your test results.
I did this when I got ready to leave a job a few years ago because I knew that the career I was in wasn't for me. I didn't take the aptitude test but I did the interest inventory. It helped me to narrow my search down to a few things. Once you have a field in mind, talk to people who work in it. They can tell you how people prepare for different jobs in that field. In many cases, you can volunteer or intern. This is a really good idea, since studying something and doing it for a living are completely different. I did both of those things, and it helped me tremendously.
2006-09-15 06:08:13
answer #1
answered by pag2809 5
James the best solution to give you is to look for career guidance counsellors they will help you a lot in discovering what exactly you, yourself want. If not sure where to go check the net for the nearest place you can go. Good Luck
2006-09-15 06:23:43
answer #2
answered by Jerry 2
With the housing market the way it is, this probably isn't the best time to enter this field. However, if you decide to, you need to pick one, either real estate agent or mortgage broker. They are two totally different things, and I wouldn't recommend doing both, citing "conflict of interest". Good luck.
2016-03-27 02:26:36
answer #3
answered by ? 4
If you like science, lean towards the biotechnolgy industry. Otherwise, go for teaching.
2006-09-15 05:47:26
answer #4
answered by Hard Rocker 3
Contact a Recruiter, they will tell you what is in the market and they will advise you better.
2006-09-15 06:02:37
answer #5
answered by gbarraz 1