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Anna Nicole Smith orders second autopsy for son

September 15, 2006

The head coroner in the Bahamas said Friday she has authorized Anna Nicole Smith's family to bring in their own pathologist to perform a second autopsy on her son, Daniel.

The family's pathologist will arrive from the United States on Saturday and will perform the autopsy on Sunday, head coroner Linda Virgill said.

"It is nothing unusual for families to want their own pathologist to confirm or look for something that may have been overlooked" in the autopsy by the coroner's office, Virgill said.

Anna Nicole Smith frantically tried to revive her stricken son and had to be sedated after he died, her attorney said Wednesday. Authorities termed the death "suspicious" and said criminal charges could be filed.

Daniel Smith died Sunday while visiting his mother, a reality TV star and former Playboy playmate, in her hospital room three days after she gave birth to a baby girl.

"The devastation and grief over Daniel's sudden death coupled with the sedation has been so extreme that Anna Nicole experienced memory loss of the event," attorney Michael Scott said.

The chief inspector of the Bahamas coroner's office on Wednesday called the death of the 20-year-old Smith "suspicious" and a formal inquiry that could lead to criminal charges was scheduled for next month.

Police also revealed that a third person was in the hospital room at the time of the death.

But Scott said that the third person was another one of Anna Nicole Smith's attorneys, Howard K. Stern.

He said Anna Nicole Smith and Stern continued efforts to revive Smith even after he had been proclaimed dead by staff at Doctors Hospital in Nassau.

"Anna Nicole was so distraught at the loss of Daniel that she refused to leave his side and it was necessary to sedate her in order to check her out of the hospital," Scott read from a prepared statement.

He said she suffered memory loss and that it "was necessary for Howard to tell Anna again that Daniel had passed away," he added.

Authorities said they believe they know what killed Smith but were waiting for a toxicology report to confirm the findings.

Anna Nicole Smith, who went to the U.S. Supreme Court this year to sue for an inheritance, was in seclusion in the Bahamas with family and friends, Scott said. The identity of the newborn girl's father has not been publicly disclosed.

"You would expect any parent who sustained this kind of loss" to seek seclusion, Scott said.

A jury inquest, which will be open to the public, is scheduled to start Oct. 23, and Anna Nicole Smith will be required to attend, coroner Linda P. Virgill said.

"Whenever there is a suspicious death we would have an inquest to determine how the person died," Bradley Neely, chief inspector of the coroner's office, told Associated Press Television News.

The autopsy and toxicology reports will not be made public until the inquest is held, to avoid prejudicing the jury, Virgill said.

Jurors will meet in a courtroom inside a weathered, pink-pastel judicial building in the seaside capital, Nassau. If the inquest, which will be open to the public, determines a crime was committed, the case would be sent to the attorney general's office.

Virgill said there was no sign of physical injury to Smith, who was seen helping make his 38-year-old mother comfortable before he died. Anna Nicole Smith noticed him slumped in a chair Sunday morning and called for help. Hospital staff unsuccessfully tried CPR and other measures to revive him.

Scott dismissed media reports that Anna Nicole Smith's son had antidepressants or other drugs in his system.

"It's sheer speculation. It's irresponsible speculation, may I point out," he told reporters.

Ferguson, the assistant police commissioner, told the AP that no drug paraphernalia or traces of illegal drugs were found on Daniel Smith, in the hospital room or near the room.

Police believe Daniel Smith went directly to Doctors Hospital in Nassau after arriving in the Bahamas by plane, Ferguson said.

Daniel Smith was the son of Anna Nicole and Bill Smith, who married in 1985 and divorced two years later. The son had small roles in her movies "Skyscraper" and "To the Limit." He also appeared on the E! reality series "The Anna Nicole Show."

Anna Nicole Smith married Texas oil tycoon J. Howard Marshall II in 1994, when she was 26 and he was 89. He died the following year.

She then feuded with Marshall's son, Pierce Marshall, over her entitlement to the tycoon's estate before he died in June at age 67.

Smith won a $474 million judgment, which was cut to about $89 million, and eventually reduced to zero. In May, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Smith could continue to pursue her claim in federal courts in California, despite a Texas state court ruling that Marshall's youngest son was the sole heir.

2006-09-15 04:17:19 · answer #1 · answered by sexylittlemisstweetybird83 5 · 0 1

An autopsy was performed Monday. On Tuesday, Her Majesty's Coroner Linda P. Virgill said that based on preliminary findings, "the cause of death is not natural." But, she said, "we wish to reserve [announcing] the cause of death at this time," adding that a toxicology results and a full autopsy report will be released by the end of the week.

Virgill said an inquest will take place afterward and her staff will interview all "relevant witnesses," including Anna Nicole Smith, hospital workers and flight attendants, to develop an official timeline.

The coroner's statements came in the wake of a story in the Nassau Guardian that Daniel Smith suffered a "massive heart attack" and that antidepressants had been found in his system. The newspaper said that Daniel was seen "vomiting uncontrollably" shortly before his death

2006-09-15 04:59:31 · answer #2 · answered by laney45 4 · 0 0

particular, regrettably he kicked the bucket the day previous. I heard on television that they suspect it became from a heart attack & they do no longer have confidence any drugs or alcohol became in contact, so i'm advantageous it is nonetheless being checked into.... Anna had basically given start to a 6 lb. 9 oz.. woman offspring on the seventh!, & then this got here approximately. i've got confidence for her. Like many others have reported, no it is straightforward to could bury their newborn.

2016-11-07 09:28:39 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I know! I was shocked when this happened. Right now they are doing autopsies, etc. to determine the cause of death. It's all over msn.com so if you want more information I'd check that out too. I'm definitely no fan of Anna Nicole, but I feel so terrible that she lost her son . . . and that he lost his life so young . . .

2006-09-15 04:16:34 · answer #4 · answered by Dayzi 2 · 1 0

It seams suspicious and I don't know that if I was in her shoes that I would be able to celebrate her new little girls birthday. Knowing that in three days was a tragedy. Do you know how hard it would be going from on extreme to another. She had to be so happy that she just had a health baby girl to just losing you son. I hope they find out what happen so that she can rest a little easier.

2006-09-15 08:05:01 · answer #5 · answered by Myastar 4 · 0 0

I don't know but its crazy. They said she experienced it twice because she had a memory loss and when they told her again, she was devistated all over again. I feel bad for her. How do you really get to enjoy your new baby girl when you are planning a funeral for your son?? SAD

2006-09-15 04:18:57 · answer #6 · answered by r_u_kidding 3 · 0 0

Thats what i was thinkin when i heard it on the wendy williams show she might have killed him come on two days after the baby is born.

2006-09-15 04:18:05 · answer #7 · answered by *~Camry Kamariona~* 1 · 0 0

They are saying that the Toxicologists are looking into it as a homicide and have people to question...so it sounds like a poisoning.
We will see...

2006-09-15 04:23:10 · answer #8 · answered by Rackjack 4 · 0 0

It is under investigation. No one knows for sure yet. ..or if they do, they have not told the public yet. Anything you hear right now is only rumour. Good Luck ! :)

2006-09-15 04:17:01 · answer #9 · answered by tysavage2001 6 · 0 0

It had to be drugs, 20 year olds don't usually drop dead suddenly from nothing.

2006-09-15 04:16:44 · answer #10 · answered by kurticus1024 7 · 0 0

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