Yes, and when you wax your legs too..why don't you admit you are gay?
2006-09-15 04:11:12
answer #1
answered by OnionSkin 3
No, my son does and no one would ever call him gay. He's just conscious about his appearance. He's a performer, a musician, and he doesn't want anyone saying he has a uni brow. His brows are naturally perfectly shaped, but they sometimes tend to grow together over the bridge of his nose. So, he gets it waxed by his girlfriend.
...and no, LFG for bar is NOT my son's girlfriend....although I see she cares about her boyfriend's appearance as well!
2006-09-15 11:25:32
answer #2
answered by DEATH 7
Not now, maybe 20 years ago. Now if a guy wants to get both ears pierced that's ok too. I'd rather see a guy with waxed eyebrows than a neandrethal unibrow thing going on.
2006-09-15 17:30:52
answer #3
answered by caitlintgsd 2
I work in a salon, and many men get their brows waxed, often at the insistence of their wives or girlfriends! It is just good grooming. There are different styles of doing it.....just clean them up, or arch and thin them, which is what a cross dresser would most likely do. Who cares what people think, anyway?? It is impossible to please society. We gotta live for ourselves!
2006-09-16 04:52:36
answer #4
answered by Cub6265 6
No, because some guys just want to look good and clean. It's called GROOMING...
Im gay, i get my haircut, my eyebrows wax, and facial every 2 weeks. And my Str8 brother goes to the same ordeal every two weeks. He's very Metrosexual!
2006-09-15 14:33:32
answer #5
answered by Beckham613 3
It is very common now that men do get their brows waxed, along with many other things.
2006-09-15 12:48:51
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I don't think that means someone is gay. I see it as they take care of themselves and groom well. I wax my boyfriends eyebrows a bit to clean them up and we know he's not gay!
2006-09-15 11:24:10
answer #7
answered by 4eyed zombie 6
I guess it would depend how phobic they happen to be. I always wondered why a straight man would notice Little changes in another man's appearance.
Tammi Dee
2006-09-15 12:22:02
answer #8
answered by tammidee10 6
Caring for personnal appearance has always been considered gay for some reason. Dumb though
2006-09-15 11:17:16
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
personally i think you sould only do your eyebrows if you have a uni brow. i like it natural. not done.
2006-09-15 22:02:44
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Just metro
2006-09-15 13:37:55
answer #11
answered by mylife 4