Most likely the square cuts allow wire to be en bedded in the motorway to clock speed and traffic flow soon the cameras will be put up. Used in America too! Just a way to keep traffic flowing if the system detects a lane not moving the tow truck is dispatched and cameras that can pan and scan. Big brother is watching!
2006-09-15 01:11:00
answer #1
answered by John Paul 7
They are the new emergency stopping places, the powers that be have decided to allow use of the hard shoulder as a extra 'slow' lane, as a 2 year trial. Another crazy idea. They make billions in road tax. fuel. tax and every other tax. and it should be spent on the roads or a integrated transport system, but they prefer to spend it on overpaid mp,s and freebies.
2006-09-15 08:17:12
answer #2
answered by jayktee96 7
you don't say which motorway, but they are likely to be traffic sensors, might be for measuring traffic volumes, or for traffic calming signs based on speeds
2006-09-15 08:07:13
answer #3
answered by Martin14th 4
speed traps! yes traffic police are not a nice breed,
2006-09-15 08:14:55
answer #4
answered by give up art 2
Maybe they are the equivalent of crop circles but in concrete.... spoooky!
2006-09-15 08:08:36
answer #5
answered by James M 2