It happens. It rarely works out though.
2006-09-14 09:24:45
answer #1
answered by Otis F 7
They usually don't leave. If they really wanted a future with the "other woman", then she would not be key word "other". Men like varity and weak women. For some reason that strokes a man ego. Most of the time men think they can get away with cheating and telling to "other woman" what she wants to hear, just so he can get what he wants. He never think long term b/c if he did......he would never cheat in the first place. I dated a man that was married before I got married and always felt that he wanted to be with me more than his wife. Well now that I am a wife to my husband, marriage is so much more than a side piece of *ss to men. The "need" stability, love their own family, and respect more then anything. They "want" other women, freedom and never to age LOL. So the other woman is nothing but *ss and a good time; a fantasywith no obligations or responsibilities.
2006-09-14 09:55:23
answer #2
answered by sassy lady 4
Very rarely, it does happen but is not even close to the norm. They do SAY it though, it just has no more meaning to them than their marriage vows do. People that do this lack character, self control, self discipline and maturity, not to mention loyalty. Its about who they are, contrary to the stories they tell its NOT about their wives, its ALL them...they won't be that person to their wives and some other 'good' person to the girl they are messing around with...they are what and who they are and they will be that person no matter who they are with. Thats why even when they do leave their wives to get with the other woman the relationship fails 98% of the time.....because it was ok with the woman when she was the one he was fooling around with..its NOT ok with her when she is the one he's fooling around on....if they'll do it with you, they'll do it to you!! Unfortunately the 'other' woman doesn't figure out that its just who he is until she is the one he's fooling around on and she is the one he's telling the new other woman rotten wife stories about.
2006-09-14 09:27:09
answer #3
answered by dappersmom 6
I am not married but I read some of these TOTAL insecure wife answers and I have to laugh!!! LOL!
The lady that said the first wife always come first??? LOL! What planet is she on??? He might still care about his kids but basically, a man only cares about the woman he is screwing...get over it.
Geez, so many scared sounding wives on this board.....LOL!!!!!
2006-09-14 09:49:09
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Why should they? At home, they've got someone to cook, clean, shop and do pretty much everything for them including taking care of them and the children (if there are any and there usually are), and with the "other woman" they get as much free sex as they want with no strings attached. You don't do anything for me but sleep with me, and I'll do the same for you. No commitment, no fuss, no complications. Stability and routine on one hand, fun on the other. Would you leave?
2006-09-14 09:27:27
answer #5
answered by Laurie K 5
Statistically no. But why would a woman want a married man? If he does leave the wife, chances are that he will do the same to the mistress........
2006-09-14 10:27:08
answer #6
answered by Jens 1
No they don't. Now if the wife finds out the man is cheating, she might kick him to the curb and he will go to the other woman for a while but he has no plans on being with the other woman long term. She is just a booty call. All other women are booty calls.
2006-09-14 09:23:17
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Usually the women leave. not the man
2006-09-14 09:23:54
answer #8
answered by my_hart2hart 2
well yeah, if they don't love the women. sometimes they leave their wives for men... ( 0 ;
2006-09-14 09:23:07
answer #9
answered by David 2
That's a two-way street. Most of the time they drift apart and cannot get back together again in a meaningful relationship.
2006-09-14 09:22:40
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Not usually, and if they do, they will always be "answerable" to the first wife. She and the kids (if they have any) will always come first and the woman he left her for will always be second in his life.
2006-09-14 09:27:50
answer #11
answered by Anonymous