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I've tried shaving and stuff but it just makes me feel soo weird! I hate that im hairy. Oddly enough i found a man who accepts me for who and what i am and the lil x'tra stuff, but what if we break up? how can i ever be comfortable with having hair on my bottom when i'm A GIRL!!

2006-09-14 08:55:03 · 9 answers · asked by Tiffany 1 in Health Women's Health

9 answers

I know how you feel, I have the same problem. I guess I'm getting old and cynical, as I don't much care anymore. Shaving only makes it worse. If you have a guy that cares about you, I wouldn't worry. My partner doesn't mind it, and we joke about it sometimes.

If you break up with your partner, it wont be because you have hair on your ****! And if you get with a guy who wont accept it, then he's not worth bothering with. Guys have hairy arses, so why shouldn't we??!!

2006-09-14 09:01:57 · answer #1 · answered by Seph7 4 · 0 0

Have you ever considered lazer hair removal? Or waxing it off? Never actually tried the laser, but I wax my legs every few weeks, and every time less hair grows back, and it becomes finer hair.
Over time hardly any hair grows back, you should give it a shot!
hope this helps..
Fftc06@yahoo.com - for more information
I would not suggest using hair removal creams, because they can cause an irritation to the skin, and for some people they will begin to burn through the skin, thats what happened on my legs, and now i have scars on my legs from it, and besides hair removal creams are the same as shaving, they dont actually remove the hair, just cut it off. Waxing removes the entire hair, even the root.
But like everyone else said, most men wont mind it, and besides as long as you are comfortable with it, thats what really counts, but if your not, you can try some of the things I suggested!
god bless,

2006-09-14 08:58:10 · answer #2 · answered by Fiona M 3 · 0 0

Everybody has a little fuzz all over. For some its more than others. Its normal to be self-conscious about it and I am glad you found someone who is comfortable with you.

You could always try something like Nair or Veet for a temporary solution. (you would have to do that every few days.) Or you could invest in Electrolysis or laser hair removal. I think in the long term those last two are your best options. And don't feel conscious about seeing someone to do that because it's their job and they have probably seen everything out there!

2006-09-14 08:59:24 · answer #3 · answered by Rx 4 · 0 0

i can See where this could make you feel self conscience. maybe you should consider laser hair removal. it may be expensive but i think in the long run this would be worth it.
even if you have to get a second job just for this reason, you would feel so much better about yourself. i wish you luck with this.

2006-09-14 09:41:28 · answer #4 · answered by KAREN A 4 · 0 0

I incredibly have this too! My waist is incredibly small yet then my bum and hips are relatively curvy. For cellutlite - Ditch any fizzy beverages and replace them with water. additionally, get some cream and rub down it into your cellulite because of the fact massaging the area will help to get it smoother. For the bum and hips - ability strolling and swimming is phenomenal for it. I additionally do a project noted as Kettlenetics. i do no longer % to lose my bum, basically get it extra in share and toned. :)

2016-11-07 08:06:51 · answer #5 · answered by pachter 4 · 0 0

don't worry about it. you have to love yourself for who YOU are, hairy or otherwise. plus, nobody even knows and if your man is ok with it, then you should be also. just learn to be comfortable with yourself. if it really bothers you, consider getting a brazilian wax and they'll take care of all that hair for you. don't worry, be happy!

2006-09-14 08:59:41 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

do you like to eat chicken with the feathers on it.just kidding if a man judged you for having hair then he wouldn't be worth keeping anyway me i don't care ether way

2006-09-14 09:00:45 · answer #7 · answered by droid 4 · 1 0

Try Nair, hair cream removal.

2006-09-14 08:57:35 · answer #8 · answered by Kitty L 3 · 0 2

don't sweat it
People have different amounts of hair on different parts of their bodies.
not very men would care about hair down there anywhere..if they do, there's something wrong with them..not you.

2006-09-14 08:57:58 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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